witnesses?" whispered the clerk, pitying the dilemma of his principal.
"True, true!" said the Lycurgus of Anglo-Egypt; "your observation is premature, young man; when the case has been proved against you, it will be time enough for you to think of your defence."
Edric bowed assent, and the examination continued. The guide was the next witness.
"Well, Samuel," said the judge; "what do you know about this matter?"
"Why, Sir," replied Samuel, "ye see, my dame and I were sitting by the fire, and we'd got a black pudding, as we was a going to have for our dinners. And so says dame, 'I likes it cut in slices and fried,' and so says I
""Hold, fellow!" cried the judge, with great dignity. "Don't abuse the patience of the Court. We have nothing to do with your dame or the black pudding; it is quite irrelevant to the matter now before us. Go on."
But Samuel could not go on; and, like his predecessor in the witness-box, he only stood still and scratched his head.