rest upon the address; Father Morris merely picked it from the ground, and placed it in her hands."
"I thought he would not have given it to her voluntarily."
"No; I think not. I believe the father is my friend, though I own sometimes it appears strange to me, Marianne, that he should seem to prefer my interest to that of every one else, when so many ties bind him to Sir Ambrose's family, and so few to me: nay, though I am often peevish and unreasonable with him, he never is offended, and appears to remain still as warmly attached to me as before:—I cannot account for it.
"He has ties that bind him to you that you know not of," said Marianne, in a low, under voice; "he was your father's friend."
"Was he?" cried Rosabella, eagerly; "then perhaps he may enable me to clear off the shade that has so long hung upon my father's name. By heaven! neither the gratification of my love nor of my revenge would give me half the pleasure."