Abbey, Edwin A., 393
Academy of Fine Arts, 64, 231, 376, 379, 380, 389, 395, 402, 405, 407, 412, 428
Academy of Music, 206, 459
Academy of Natural Sciences, 64
Acorn Club, 494
Adams, John, 6, 50, 161, 297, 385, 418-422
Addams, Clifford, 407
Adelphia, the, 499
Adirondacks (mountains), 169
Aitken, Robert, 310
Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 243
Alexander, John W., 393
Alhambra, The, 315
Alicia, Mother, 371
Allen's, 125
America, new and old, 539
American, the (weekly), 249
American Army crossing the Delaware, 375
American Philosophical Society, 418
Angelo, Michael, 373
Annabel, Miss, school, 258
Annals, Watson's, 314
Antin, Mary, 467
Appian etchings, 395
Arabian Nights, The, 64
Arc de Triomphe, 405
Arch Street Meeting House, 120, 517
Arch Street Theatre, 67, 459
Ardea, Father, 191, 192
Arnold, Matthew, 161, 342-344
Arnold's Mansion, 521
Arrah-na-Pogue, 67
Art Gallery in the Park, proposed, 534
Art (Industrial) School, 257, 330, 332, 405
Art Nouveau, 408
Assembly, the (social), 153-174, 206, 216, 254, 260, 304, 316, 503
Atlantic City, 170, 246, 252, 298
Atlantic Monthly, 243, 244, 257
Augustine's, 60, 148, 151, 153, 281, 438, 439, 449
Bailey, Banks & Biddle, 125, 456
Bala Country Club, 493, 495
Baldwin's Locomotive Works, 228, 477
Bank, Philadelphia, 49
Baptists, 176, 183
Bar Harbor, 169
Barber, Alice, 396
Barcelona (churches of), 199
Barrett, Lawrence, 324
Barrie (publisher of art books), 376
Bartram, John, 31, 300, 521
Bartram's Garden, 31, 42, 299-303, 337, 521, 522
Bayswater, England, 493
Beau Nash, 145
Beaux, Cecilia, 406
Beaux-Arts (school), 407
Beidelman (architecture), 361
Bellamy (Looking Backward), 338
Bellevue-Stratford (hotel), 148, 162, 414, 447, 500, 503
Belmont (Fairmount Park), 210, 299, 430, 496
Bennett, Arnold, 478, 486, 525
Bibliothèque Nationale, 12
Biddle, Miss Julia, 399
Biddles, 50, 145, 214-216
Biglow Papers, 320
Black Crook, The, 67
Blanchard (publisher), 313
Blankenburg, Rudolph, 465
Blitz, Signor, 91
Blum, Robert, artist, 246, 393
Board of Education, 257
Bobbelin, Father, 192
Boker, George H., 316, 323-325
Booth, Edwin, 68
Borghesi collection (art), 406
Borie, C. L. Jr., architect, 407
Bories, the, 31, 107
Borrow, George Henry, 320
Boswell, James, 290
Boudreau, Father, 193
Boudreau, Mother, 97
Bowie, Mrs., social leader, 146, 147
Boyle, John, sculptor, 396
Bradstreet, Anne, 309
Breitmann Ballads, 320, 456
Brennan, artist, 393
Brewster, Benjamin Harris, 342
Briggs, Richard, 424
Brillat-Savarin, 414
British Museum, 12, 309
Broad and Locust Streets, 257, 258, 259, 449
Broad and Walnut, 42
Broad Street, 324, 449, 489, 499-503, 529, 533
Broad Street, North, 459, 529
Broad Street Station, 12
Brook Farm, 347
Brown, Charles Brockden, 313, 363
Browning Societies, 352
Bryn Mawr, 98, 104, 173, 307, 364, 529
Bullitts, the, 107
Bunyan, John, 308
Burns's, 126, 210, 456
Burr, Anna Robeson, 363
Burr, Charles, 363
Burton's Gentleman's Magazine, 314
Business and Professional Club, 352
Cadwallader-Biddle, 343
Cadwalladers, 50, 145, 216
Caldwell, J. E. & Co., 125, 456
Callista, 59
Callowhill, Hannah, 417
Callowhill Street Bridge, 281
Camac Street, 351
Camden (N. J.), 293, 324-329
Campanini, opera singer, 401
Campbell, Helen, 338
Cape May, 170
Carlyle, Thomas, 243
Carpenter's Hall, 514
Carson, Hampton L., 6, 363
Cary (publisher), 313
Casket, The, 314, 428
Cassatt, Mary, 393
Castleman, Richard, 6
Cathedral, the, 120, 183, 184, 187, 198, 200, 203
Catholics, 176, 177-204, 258
Cavalcaselle, Giovanni B., 402
Centennial Exposition, 205-232, 233, 234, 253, 267, 276, 277, 357, 375, 390
Century, The, 337
Champs-Elysées, 405
Chapman, Miss, school, 258
Charles the Bold, 337
Chartres Cathedral, 199
Chartreuse, the old, 444
Chase, William M., 246
Chester, 54, 152
Chestnut Hill, 78, 123, 129, 170, 258
Chestnut Street, 125, 144, 226, 227, 325, 342, 368, 449, 456, 459, 499
Chestnut Street Theatre, 67, 459
"Chestnut, Walnut, Spruce, and Pine," 119, 123, 151, 158, 182, 263, 297, 464
Chew House, 297, 298, 518
Childs, George W., 113, 342, 499
Chippendale furniture, 289
Christ Church, 114, 120, 183, 188, 277, 517
Christ Church Burial Ground, 120, 281
Church (painting), 246
Church of England, 183
Cimabué, Giovanni, 402
City Companies in London, 152
City Hall, 259, 260, 405, 489, 526, 534
City of Homes, 481, 534
City Troop, 64, 452, 510
Civic Club, 494
Civil War, the, 130, 146, 518
Claghorn's collection of old prints, 376, 394
Clements, Gabrielle, 396
Clinton Street, 514
Clover Club, 152, 443
Club (Art), South Broad Street, 406
Coates, Mrs. Florence Earle, 336, 362
Cobbett, William, 440, 485, 513
Coghlan, Father, 193
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 324
College Club, the, 494
Colonial (American) art, 381, 389
Colonial Congress, 253, 267
Colonial Dames, 219, 221, 361, 522, 525
Colonial days, 283, 526
Colonial doorways, 361
Colonial history, 9
Colonial houses, 6, 36, 73, 158, 282, 297, 298, 382, 443, 445, 460, 496, 518, 526, 529
Colonial life and society, 6, 443
Colonists, 495
Colonnade (hotel), 148
Columbia (College), 364
Comegys, Mrs., school, 258
Complete Cookery (Miss Leslie), 423-430
Concord (Mass.), 347-348
Coney Island, 213
Conflans (convent), 175
Congress Hall, 522
Connor, Mrs., social leader, 147
Contemporary Club, 352
Continent, Our, 252, 293
Continental (hotel), 148
Convent, 27, 31, 34, 36, 47, 55, 59, 63, 67, 68, 72 sq., 104, 117, 126, 133-137, 175 sq., 205, 238, 241, 258, 368, 372, 373, 374, 451
Convent at Paris, 222
Cooper, Colin Campbell, 396
Cope, Walter, architect, 407
Copley, John Singleton, 389
Country Clubs, 152, 162, 447, 494-496
Courts (of law), 468, 500
Cox, Kenyon (painting), 246
Cramp's shipyard, 228, 477
"Crazy Norah," 27, 35, 375
Crowe, Joseph Archer, 402
Cruikshank drawings, 375
Curtis Publishing Co. Building, 355
Cushman, Charlotte, 68
Dana, William P. W., artist, 393
Dancing Class, 138, 139, 143-145, 147, 148, 157, 182, 184, 203, 254, 260, 304, 316, 503
Darlington butter, 440
Darlington, J. G. & Co., 125, 456
Darwin, Charles, 242
Daughters of Pennsylvania, 219, 221
Davenports, the (actors), 64
Davis, Clarke, 246
Davis, Mrs. Rebecca Harding, 336
Davis, Richard Harding, 336
Day, Frank Miles, architect, 407
Declaration of Independence, 158, 214, 227, 253, 267, 418, 419
Decorative Art Club, 399
Delaware River, 278, 294, 308, 455
Dexter's, 35, 88, 126, 456
Dickens, Charles, 6, 59, 375, 427
Dickinson, Jonathan, 15, 313
Dillaye, Blanche, 396
Domestic Economy (Miss Leslie), 428
Drama-Reforming Societies, 352
Dreka Co. (engraver), 125, 148, 151, 456
Drew, Mrs. John (actress), 68
Drexel, Anthony J., 342
Drexel Institute, 405
Duclaux, Mme (Mary Robinson), 260
Duke of Westminster's collection (art), 406
Dundas house, 42, 108, 459
Dutch descent, 219
Dutch in New York, 16
Dutch Jew, 467
Earle's, 125
Eastern Shore, Maryland, 219, 245, 246
Eberlein, Harold Donaldson, 6, 361
Education, Board of, 257
Eleventh Street, 34, 48
Eleventh and Spruce (streets), 44, 47, 48 sq., 94, 102, 104, 314, 427, 430
Eliot, George, 401
Eliphas, Levi, 242
Elkins art collection, 406
Ellwanger, G. H., 424
Elwood, Thomas, 15, 308
Episcopal Academy, 143, 162, 181, 258, 455
Head Master of, 181
Episcopalians, 176, 177, 183, 187
Evening Telegraph, 246, 341
Ewing, Miss Julia, 341
Exposition, Centennial, 205-232
Eyre, Wilson, 407
Fabiola, 59
Fairmount Park, 64, 129, 173, 210, 213, 281, 299, 444, 486, 496, 521, 533, 534, 538
Fairmount Water-Works, 299, 533
Faith Gartney's Girlhood, 59, 335
Ferris, Stephen, 394
Fildes, Luke, 231
Fisher, Sydney George, 6, 309, 358
Fishers, the, 31
Fish-House Club, 152, 443
Fitzgerald, Edward, 423
Fool's Errand, 338
Forget-Me-Not, 348
Fourth of July, 63
Fox, George, 15, 308
Francesca da Rimini, 324
Frankford, 81, 489, 522
Franklin, Benjamin, 24, 166, 215, 216, 253, 263, 281, 290, 355, 310, 313, 358, 386, 389, 400, 417, 422, 482
Franklin Inn, 351
Franklin Institute, 263, 534
Free Public Library, 307, 534
French Revolution (Thiers), 375
Friends, 1, 9, 15, 16, 20, 92, 134, 166, 197, 203, 258, 283, 289, 290, 294, 307, 309, 357, 380, 386, 389, 513
Friends' School (Germantown), 258
Fromuth, marine painter, 406
Front Street, 278, 281, 290, 326, 514, 517
Frost, Arthur B., artist, 393
Furness (architecture), 407, 526
Furness, Dr. Horace Howard, 332, 335
Furness, Horace Howard, Jr., 362, 363
Furness, William Henry, D.D., 332, 335
Garber, Daniel, 407
Gebbie and Barrie, 125, 376
German mystics, 176
Germans (immigrants), 471
Germantown, 91, 123, 124, 258, 294, 297, 336, 468, 477, 496, 518, 521, 526, 529, 538
Germantown Cricket Ground, 496
Gettysburg (battle-fields), 518
Gibson collection, 379
Gift, The, 314
Gilchrist, Mrs. Alexander, 119, 284, 287
Gillespie, Mrs., social leader, 215, 216, 253
Giotto di Bondone, 402
Girard College, 123, 379, 533
Girard House, 148
Girard Trust Building, 530
Gissing, George, 239
Glackens, William J., illustrator, 406
Glackmeyer, Father, 193
Glasse, Mrs. (Cookery Book), 314, 423-428
Godey's Lady's Book, 314, 337
Gough Square (London), 324
Grafly, Charles, sculptor, 407
Graham's (Magazine), 314, 337
Grants, the, 31
Gray's Ferry, 281, 299, 521
Green, Elizabeth Shippen, 406
Greene, General, 418
Greland, Miss, 107
Griggs (publisher), 313
Groton (school), 162
Haden, Seymour, etchings, 395, 396
Hale, Mrs. Sarah Josepha, 314, 428
Hallowell, Mrs. Sarah, 341
Hamilton, J. McLure. 393
Handy, Moses P., 245
Hans Breitmann, 320, 456
Harland, Marion, 428
Harper's (magazine), 238, 337
Harrison, Alexander, 393
Harrison, Birge, 393
Harrison, John, 405
Harrison, Mrs. (Art Club), 399
Harvard (College), 162
Hassler's band, 140, 148
Haverford (school), 258
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 347
Hawthorne, Rose, 347
Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 6, 157, 216, 220, 290, 307, 315, 364, 459
Hogarth's engravings, 376
Holloway, Edward Stratton, 406
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 243
Holmesburg, 258
Holy Trinity (church), 183
Home Arts School (London), 257
Homer and Colladay's, 125
Hooper, Mrs. Lucy, 341
Hopkins, the, 31
Hopkins, Dr. (dentist), 64
Horticultural Hall, 347, 503
Hospital, Pennsylvania, 24, 114, 277, 358, 460
Hotel Meurice, 222
Howells, William Dean, 259, 401
Howland's Hotel at Long Branch, 169
Hubbell's, 126, 459
Hudson River School, 390
Hugh Wynne, 357, 358, 363
Hughes and Muller, 456
Huguet, Madame, 77, 85
Hunt, Holman, 372, 373
Huntington Valley Club, 495
Hutchinson Ports, 363
Impressionists (artists), 390
Independence Hall, 467
Independence Square, 355, 467
Industrial Art School, 257, 330, 396, 399
Ingersolls, the, 145
Initials, The, 59
International expositions. 213, 231, 253
Irish immigrants, 471
Irving, Henry, 401
Irving, Washington, 315
Irwin, Miss, school, 140, 175, 258
Italians (immigrants), 464, 468
James, Henry, 6, 16, 401, 509
Janauschek (actress), 348
Janvier, Thomas Allibone, 169, 303, 334-437, 443
Jastrow, Dr. Morris, 364
Jefferson, Thomas, 50, 386, 418
Jenkins, Howard, 249
Jesuits, 191, 193, 197
Jew, Dutch, 467
Jew, Pennsylvania, 467, 514
Jew, Russian, 214, 282, 283, 297, 361, 460, 464-473, 525
Jews, religious liberty of, 177
Johnson, Dr. Samuel, 324
Johnson House, 297, 521
Johnson's, John G., art collection, 406
Jones's, 126, 210, 444, 456
Jourdain, M., 282
June, Jenny, 428
Kate Vincent, 178
Keatings, the, 31
Kellogg, Clara Louise, 67
Kensington, 228, 297, 477
Kensington, England, 493
Keppel, Frederick, 376
Kings, the, 31
Kirk, John Foster, 337
Kirkbride's Insane Asylum. 263
Kneller, portrait-painter, 389
Knight, Ridgway, 393
Kugler, Franz, 402
La Belle Hélène, 68
La Grande Duchesse, 68
La Pierre House, 148
Ladies' Home Journal, 355
Ladies of the Sacred Heart, 72, 93
Convent, 72 sq.
Lady of Shalott, 27, 373
Lalanne etchings, 395
Lamb, Charles, 126, 324
Lamplighter, The, 56
Long, John Luther, 363
Lathrop, Mr. and Mrs. George, 347
Latin Quarter, 411
Laurel Hill, 521
Law Courts, 468, 500
Law School, building, 529
Lea, Henry Charles, 313, 363
League Island, 529
Leary's, 126
Ledger (newspaper), 113, 341, 355
Lee, Vernon (Violet Paget), 260
Leland, Charles Godfrey, 42, 234-238, 240-244, 254, 257, 263, 272, 275, 276, 316, 319-330, 332, 335, 344-348, 396, 399, 405
Leland, Charles Godfrey, Memoirs of, 276
L'Enfant (architect), 533
Leslie, Margaret (artist), 396
Leslie, Miss, Cookery Book, 313, 423-437
Levi, Eliphas, 242
Lewises, 50
Li Hung Chang, 20, 513
Library, Bryn Mawr College, 307
Library of Congress, 309
Library, Free Public, 307, 534
Library, Friends', Germantown, 307
Library, Historical Society, 307
Library, Mercantile, 114, 241
Library, Philadelphia, 24, 114, 241, 290, 307, 455
Library, Ridgway, 241, 307, 364
Life of Blake, 119
Lionardo da Vinci, 402
Lippincott, Horace Mather, 6, 361
Lippincott, J. B., 124, 313
Lippincott's (book-store), 125, 313, 315
Lippincott's Magazine, 243, 314, 315, 337, 341, 427
Lithuanians (immigrants), 468, 473
"Little England" of Kensington, 19
"Little Street of Clubs, the," 351, 406
Lives of the Artists, 373
Locust Street, 472
Logan, Deborah, 309
Logan, James, 31, 177, 184, 241, 307, 417, 421, 518
Logan Square, 120, 162, 500
Loganian Library (see Ridgway), 364
Lombard Street, 472
Long Branch, 169
Longfellow, Henry W., 320, 329
Looking Backward, 338
Lost Heiress, The, 59
Lowell, James Russell, 316
Macalisters, the, 31
McCalls, the, 158
McCarter, Henry, artist, 407
MacVeagh, Wayne, 343
Madeira (wine), 55, 153, 417-423, 506, 510
Maennerchor Garden, 500
Main Line, 31, 123, 297
Main Street in Germantown, 297
Manayunk, 522
Maria, Father de, 191
Marion, General Francis, 216
"Market, Arch, Race and Vine," 281
Market Street, 119, 120, 123, 157, 281, 294, 310, 329, 451, 456, 489
Martin, Madame, 137, 138
Maryland, Eastern Shore of, 219
Matisse, artist, 402
Mayflower (ship), 219, 525
Meeting-Houses, 188, 281, 517
Meg Merrilies, 27, 68, 375
Memorial Hall, 213, 405, 526
Mennonites in Germantown, 176
Mercantile Library, 114, 241, 307
Merritt, Mrs. Anna Lea, 393
Methodists, 183
Mifflin. Mrs. (Art Club), 399
Millais, John Everett, 275, 392
Miller, Leslie, 396
Milton, John, 308
Mint, United States, 108, 130, 379, 459, 533
Mischief in the Middle Ages, 243
Mitchell, Dr. S. Weir, 6, 357, 363, 456
Moore, Mrs. Bloomfield, 379
Moran family, 394
Moravians, monasteries of, 176
Morrises, the, 216
Morris, Gouverneur, 133
Morris, Harrison S., 362
Morris House, 297, 521
Morris, William, 400, 408
Mother Goose, 242
Mount Airy, 170
Mount Pleasant, 31, 299
Moxon's Tennyson, 372
Moyamensing Prison, 263
Murillo (painting), 372
Mustin's, 125
Napoleon, pictures of, 374
Narragansett Pier, 169
Nash, Richard ("Beau"), 145
Natatorium, 139, 140, 145, 499
Nation, the (New York), 249
National Observer, 294
Navy Yard, 529
New Century Club, 494
New Testament (German), 310
New Years Day, 152
New York magazines, 337
Newman's Callista, 59
Nilsson, Christine, 401
Ninth and Green (streets), 489, 500
Nordau, Max, 402
Norrises, the, 216
Norris, Isaac, 15, 417
North American, the, 355
Northern Liberties, 522
Oakdale Park, 293
Oakley, Thornton, 406
Oakley, Violet, 406
Old Mam'selle's Secret, 335
Old Swedes Church, 114, 120
Orpheus Club, 153
Ouida's Guardsman, 275
Our American Cousin, 67
Our Continent, 252, 337, 341
Our Convent Days, 88, 358
Ours, 67
Oxford (England), 86, 529
Oxford, Dr. (cookery books), 424
Page, George Bispham, architect, 407
Paget, Violet (Vernon Lee), 260
Park (see Fairmount), 534, 538
Parkway, the new, 405, 534
Parrish, Maxfield, 406
Parrish, Stephen, 396
Patterson, General, house of, 108, 459
Peale, Charles Wilson, 389
Pegasus Societies, 352
Penn Club, 351
Penn, John, 517
Penn, William, 2, 9, 10, 15, 24, 31, 35, 36, 74, 85, 117, 219, 260, 282, 287-289, 290, 294, 375, 382, 408, 417, 421, 455, 456, 474, 500, 526, 533
Penn, William, statue of, 9
Pennell, Joseph, 1, 24, 203, 219, 237, 246, 268, 271-303, 308, 337, 338, 341, 348, 351, 357, 368, 376, 380, 393-395, 474
Pennock Brothers, 144, 439
Pennsbury, 31
Pennsylvania Historical Society, 6, 157, 216, 290, 315, 364
Pennsylvania Hospital, 24, 114, 277, 358, 460
Pennsylvania Jew, 467
Pennsylvania, promotion of science by, 309
Pennsylvania Railroad, 276
Pennsylvania Railroad Station, 276, 448, 451
Pennsylvania, University of, 143, 162, 173, 258, 358, 364, 473, 496, 526
Pennypacker, Governor, 307
Peppers, the, 50, 399
Peterson's (magazine), 314, 337
Philadelphia Art Club, 324
Philadelphia Bank, 49
Philadelphia Club, 153, 316, 443, 510
Philadelphia Library, 24, 114, 241, 290, 307, 313, 315, 455
Philadelphia Saturday Museum, 314
Phillips, John S., 376
Philosophical Society, American, 418
Picasso, artist, 402
Plastic Club, 406
Pocahontas, 9
Poe, Edgar Allan, 27, 316
Poor Richard (club), 352
Poor Richard's Almanac, 310
Poore, Harry, 271, 272
Pope of Rome, 120
Pope's Head, 310
Porter and Coates, 125, 315
Post-Impressionists, 381
Powhatan, 9
Pre-Raphaelites, 373, 390
Presbyterian Building, 271
Presbyterians, 176, 183
Press, the, 245
Provence, 60
Public Buildings (see City Hall), 10, 526
Public Industrial Art School, 405
Punch (London), 252
Puritans (New England), 417
Putnam (N. Y. publisher), 315
Pyle, Howard, 249, 393
Quakers (see Friends), 15
Queechy, 59, 335
Race (Sassafras) Street, 281
Racquet Club, 499, 529
Rafael (pictures), 372, 375
Ralph (Franklin's friend), 310
Randolph House, 463
Reading Terminal, 538
Redfield, Edward W., artist, 407
Rembrandt (painting), 246, 406
Renaissance, period of, 11
Repplier, Agnes, 6, 88, 358
Revolution (American), 382, 389, 418, 518, 525
Rhodes scholars, 86, 529
Richards, William T., artist, 393
Ridgway Library, 241, 307, 364
Rittenhouse Smiths, 363
Rittenhouse Square, 24, 91, 120, 139, 198, 456
Ritz-Carlton (hotel), 148, 414, 447
Robin Hood (Howard Pyle's), 249
Robins, Edward, Jr., 358
Robins, Edward, Sr., 1, 34, 50, 54, 56, 74, 81, 107, 111, 123, 130, 138, 178, 181, 183, 187, 200, 239, 244, 259, 260, 263, 294, 307, 323, 371, 372, 374, 375, 423, 427, 459, 500, 505
Robins, Grant, 139, 140, 147, 165, 216, 505
Robins, Mrs. Thomas, 40, 41, 43, 53, 54, 56, 60, 61, 183, 239, 268, 437
Robins, Thomas, 1, 34-36, 41, 43, 48-63, 107, 178, 183, 219, 222, 307, 314, 357, 373-375, 413, 421, 459
Robinson, Mary (Mme. Duclaux), 260
Rogers, Fairman, 493
"Rogers Group," 39, 374, 375
Romanticists (artists), 390
Roosevelt, Theodore, 506
Rorer, Mrs. (cookery book), 428
Ross, Betsy, house of, 281
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel, 119, 372, 373
Rossetti, William Michael, 119, 284
Routledge, 59
Royal Academy, 389, 411
Royal Exchange, 411
Rubaiyat, the, 401
Rubens (painting), 246
Rue de Rivoli, 225
Rush, Dr. Benjamin, 241, 307
Rush, Mrs., social leader, 146, 149
Ruskin, John, 287, 400, 402
Russian Jew, 214, 282, 283, 297, 361, 460, 464-471, 473
Sacred Heart, Ladies of the, 72
Convent of, 72 sq., 258
St. Andrew's (church), 184
St. Augustine's (church), 198
St. Clement's (church), 184, 278
St. James's (church), 183
St. John's (church), 183, 199, 200, 203
St. Joseph's (church), 64, 91, 183, 184, 187, 188, 191, 193-199
St. Mark's (church), 183, 200
St. Mary's (church), 184, 198, 199, 278
St. Michael's (church), 198
St. Patrick's (church), 91, 183, 199, 200, 203
St. Paul's (school), 162
St. Peter's (church), 108, 114, 183, 188, 277, 463, 514
Salons (Paris), 411
Sargent, John S., artist, 393
Sartain, Miss Emily, 338, 393
Sartain, William, 393
Sartain's Union Magazine, 314
Sassafras (Race) Street, 281
Saturday Club, 152
Saturday Evening Post, 355
Saur's New Testament, 310
Sautter's, 126, 444, 449, 456, 506
Schaumberg, Emily, 107
School Board, 259
School of Industrial Arts, 257, 330, 332, 405
Schools, Public, 335
Schuylkill (river), 173, 276, 281, 294, 299, 362, 451, 468, 481, 496, 538
Scott, Walter, 59
heroines of, 27, 375
novels of, 197, 335, 336, 427
Second Street, 42, 137, 147, 148, 166, 277, 517
Second Street Market, 114, 120, 277
Seminary at Villanova, 198
Senat, Prosper, 395
Seville (churches of), 199
Shakespeare Societies, 352
Shakespeare, William, 68, 332, 363, 401
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 145, 313
Sheppard, J. B. & Sons, 125
Shinn (apothecary), 459
Shippen, Edward, 42
Shippen, Peggy, 31, 162
"Shippen, Peggy," 162, 356
Shippens, the, 158
Simses, the, 158
Sketch Club, 406
Sky-scrapers, 355, 530
Slavs (immigrants), 468, 471
Smarius, Father, 193
Smedley, William T., artist, 393
Smith, Albert, 263
Smith, Jessie Wilcox, 406
Smith, Lloyd, 242
Smith, Logan Pearsall, 364
Smith, Provost, house of, 281
Society Hill, 522
Solon Shingle, 67
Sons of Pennsylvania, 219, 22l
Sothern, Edward Askew, 68
South Kensington, England, 408
South Street, 472
Southwark, 522
Southworth, Mrs. Emma D. E. Nevitt, 59
Souvenir, The, 314
Springett, Guli, 15
Spruce Street, 28, 34, 42, 48 sq., 60, 63, 104, 107, 108, 113, 114, 215, 245, 253, 282, 460, 468, 538
State House, the, 113, 158, 220, 277, 358, 382, 471, 514
State in Schuylkill, 443
Station (Broad and Market), 489
Stations and terminals, 12, 28, 276, 481, 489, 538
Stations (railroad), 481, 489, 538
Steadmans, the, 31
Steevens, George, 449, 478
Stenton, 31, 297, 298, 518
Stephens (artist), 396
Stephens, Alice Barber, 396
Stephens, Charles H., 396
Stevenson, Mrs. Cornelius, 364
Stewardson, John, architect, 407
Stewart, Jules, 393
Stock Exchange, 54, 107, 111, 408,486, 500
Stockton, Frank R., 336, 338
Stockton, Louise, 338
Stokes, Frank W., artist, 406
Strawberry Mansion, 210, 299, 430
Strawbridge and Clothier, 125
Stuart, Gilbert, artist, 389
Stuart, Gilbert, picture of Washington by, 41, 374, 375, 447
Swarthmore (school), 258
Swedes (immigrants), 471
Swedes Church, Old, 114, 277, 514
Telegraph, Evening, 246
Temple, the (London), 324
Tennyson's Poems, 27, 372, 373
Terminals (railroad), 12, 481, 489, 538
Terry, Ellen, 401
Thackeray (William Makepeace), 151, 294, 422
Thanksgiving Day, 63
Théâtre Français, 68
Theatres, 67
Thiers' French Revolution, 375
Third Street, 28, 107, 111, 113, 134, 137, 187, 206, 278, 290, 486
Thomas, George C., 307
Thompson, "Aunt Ad," 342
Thouron, Henry, 406
Torresdale, 28, 31, 72 sq., 123, 191, 258, 278, 451
Tourgée, Judge Albion W., 252, 338
Traubel, Horace, 364
Traveller, The, 315
Treaty with the Indians (Penn), 375
Tree, Beerbohm, 68
Trollope, Anthony, 401
Trotter, Mary, 396
Trumbauer, Horace, architect, 407
Tuileries (Paris), 222, 533
Twelfth and Market, 489
Twelfth Street Market, 54
Union League, 152, 443, 447, 533
University of Pennsylvania, 143, 162, 173, 258, 307, 364, 473, 496, 526, 529
University, Provosts of, 119
University School (architecture), 407
Van Rensselaer, Mrs. John King, 363
Van Tromp, Miss, miniatures, 395
Vaux, Richard, 342
Vicaire (Bibliographie), 424
Vienna Cafés (Centennial), 210, 227
Villanova Seminary, 198
Villon, François, essay on, 238
Virginia Company, the first, 219
Virginia, early settlers in, 216, 219
Voltaire (author), 428, 513
Walnut Lane, 298, 538
Walnut Street, 184, 203, 297, 468, 489, 494, 538
Walnut Street Theatre, 67
Wanamaker's, 530
War, Civil, the, 130
Ward, Genevieve, 348
Wardle, Thomas (bookseller), 313
Washington (city), 226, 534
Washington, George, 44, 119, 215, 290, 482, 526
Washington's Birthday, 63
Washington's household, 44, 166, 433
Washington, statue of, 386
Waterloo (eve of), 254
Water-works (Fairmount), 64, 67, 299, 533
Watson, John, 6, 356, 357, 413
Watts, Harvey M., 362
Waugh, Frederick J., marine painter, 406
Welsh, John, 50
West, Benjamin, 64, 389
West Philadelphia, 126, 294, 297, 468, 529, 538
Wharton, Anne Hollingsworth, 6, 361
Whartons, the, 50, 145, 216
Whelans, the, 31
Whistler, James A. McNeill, 16, 395, 396, 405, 534
White, Ambrose, 78, 120
White, Bishop, 290
White, Dr. (dentist), 64
White, William, 144
White, Willie, 144, 145
Whitefield, George, 177
Whitman, Walt, 119, 316, 324-331, 336, 337, 344, 347, 364
Whittier, John G., 320
Wide, Wide World, The, 59, 335
Widener, Peter A. B., 307, 406
Wilde, Oscar, 344, 347
Williams, Dr. Francis Howard, 336, 362
Williams, Dr. Talcott, 364
Willing's Alley, 184
Willings, the, 158
Willis, N. P., 316
Willow Grove, 213
Wilstach Collection, 405
Wise, Herbert C., 361
Wissahickon (creek), 127, 177, 298, 299
Wistar House, 297, 521
Wistar parties, 146
Wister, Mrs., authoress, 335, 336
Wister, Owen, 363
"Wister, Sally," 162, 356
Wisters, the, 107
Woman in White (German mystics), 176
Woman's School of Design, 405
Wood, Bishop, 200, 203
Woodland's, 126
Wren, Sir Christopher, 283, 289, 533
Wyck, 297, 521
Wyeth's, 126, 456
Yale (college), 162
Yearly Meeting, 289
Yellow Buskin, the, 405
Zantzinger, C. C, architect, 407
Zola, Émile, 259