< Ornithological Biography < Volume 1
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Acer rubrum, | 287, 352 |
Adonis autumnalis, | 48 |
Æsculus Pavia, | 402 |
Alcedo Alcyon, | 394 |
American Bear, | 479 |
———— Cane, | 149 |
———— Goldfinch, | 172 |
———— Hare, | 272 |
———— Pokeweed, | 179 |
———— Redstart, | 202 |
Anthus pipiens, | 408 |
——— Spinoletta, | 49 |
Autumnal Warbler, | 447 |
Azure Warbler, | 255 |
Baltimore Oriole, | 66 |
Barred Owl, | 242 |
Bay-breasted Warbler, | 358 |
Bay-winged Bunting, | 473 |
Bead-tree, | 330 |
Bear, Black, | 479 |
Bear-berry, | 257 |
Belted Kingsfisher, | 394 |
Betula papyracea, | 449 |
Bewick's Wren, | 96 |
Bignonia capreolata, | 334 |
———— radicans, | 254 |
Birch, Paper, | 449 |
Bird of Washington, | 58 |
Bitterwood, | 123 |
Blackberry, | 152 |
Black-billed Cuckoo, | 170 |
Black-and-white Creeper, | 452 |
——————— Warbler, | 290 |
Black Oak, | 426 |
Black Walnut, | 433 |
Black Warrior, | 441 |
Blue-grey Fly-catcher, | 431 |
Blue Tangles, | 129 |
Blue-winged Yellow Warbler, | 102 |
Blue-green Warbler, | 258 |
Blue Yellow-backed Warbler, | 78 |
Bombycilla carolinensis, | 227 |
Bonaparte's Fly-catcher, | 27 |
Boon, Colonel, | 503 |
Broad-winged Hawk, | 461 |
Brown Titlark, | 49 |
Buck-eye, Dwarf, | 402 |
Bull-frog, | 367 |
Bunting, Henslow's, | 360 |
——— Towhe, | 150 |
Cactus opuntia, | 475 |
Callicarpa americana, | 592 |
Cane, American | 149, 458 |
Cane-brake, | 458 |
Caprimulgus carolinensis, | 273 |
—————— vociferus, | 422 |
Carolina Parrot, | 135 |
Carolina Rose, | 472 |
Carbonated Warbler, | 308 |
Castanea pumila, | 436 |
Cassia occidentalis, | 181 |
Cedar Bird, | 227 |
Cedar, Red, | 230 |
Certhia varia, | 452 |
Chestnut-sided Warbler, | 306 |
Chicasaw Plum, | 282 |
Children's Warbler, | 180 |
Chinquapin, | 436 |
Chuck-will's-widow, | 273 |
Cinereous Eagle, | 64 |
Cliff Swallow, | 353 |
Cnicus lanceolatus, | 176 |
Cockle-bur, | 140 |
Coccyzus americanus, | 18 |
———— erythrophthalmus, | 170 |
Columba carolinensis, | 91 |
———— migratoria, | 319 |
Columbia Jay, | 483 |
Cornus florida, | 45, 376 |
Corvus Bullockii, | 483 |
Corvus floridanus, | 444 |
Cotton, Highland, | 359 |
Cotton-wood, | 407 |
Cotton-rose, | 140 |
Cougar, | 205 |
Cow-pen Bird, | 492 |
Common Crow Blackbird, | 35 |
Creeper, Black-and- White, | 452 |
Crested Titmouse, | 199 |
Cuckoo, Black-billed, | 170 |
Yellow-billed, | 18 |
Cuvier's Regulus, | 288 |
Deer Hunting, | 335 |
Diosporos virginiana, | 446 |
Dogwood, | 45, 376 |
Driving, | 335 |
Earthquake, | 239 |
Eagle, White-headed, | 160 |
—— Washington, | 58 |
Emberiza Henslowii, | 360 |
———— erythrophthalma, | 150 |
Falco Albicilla, | 64 |
—— borealis, | 265 |
—— columbarius, | 466 |
—— Haliaetos, | 415 |
—— Harlani, | 441 |
—— hyemalis | 364 |
—— furcatus, | 368 |
—— leucocephalus, | 160 |
—— lineatus, | 296 |
—— pennsylvanicus, | 461 |
—— peregrinus, | 85 |
—— Stanleii, | 186 |
—— temerarius, | 381 |
—— Washingtonii, | 98 |
Falls of Niagara, | 362 |
Finch, Painted, | 279 |
—— Purple, | 24 |
—— Sea-side, | 470 |
Fire-light Hunting, | 337 |
Fish Hawk, | 415 |
Flood of the Ohio and Mississippi, | 156 |
Flos Adonis, | 48 |
Florida Jay, | 444 |
——— Jessamine, | 114 |
Fly-catcher, Bonaparte's, | 27 |
———— Blue-grey, | 431 |
———— Selby's, | 46 |
———— Solitary, | 147 |
———— Traill's, | 236 |
———— Tyrant, | 403 |
———— White-eyed, | 328 |
Fringilla ciris, | 279 |
——— cyanea, | 377 |
——— erythrophthalma, | 150 |
——— graminea, | 473 |
——— hyemalis, | 72 |
——— maritima, | 470 |
——— melodia, | 126 |
——— palustris, | 331 |
——— pennsylvanica, | 42 |
——— purpurea, | 24 |
——— tristis, | 172 |
Frolic, | 55 |
Garter Snake, | 371 |
Gleditschia triacanthos, | 226 |
Goldfinch, American, | 172 |
Golden-winged Woodpecker, | 191 |
Gossipium herbaceum, | 359 |
Grakle, Purple, | 35 |
Grass Finch, | 473 |
Great Carolina Wren, | 399 |
—— Horned Owl, | 313 |
—— footed Hawk, | 85 |
—— Magnolia, | 28 |
—— Pine Swamp, | 52 |
Grouse, Ruffed | 211 |
Green Briar, | 302 |
Halesia tetraptera, | 123 |
Hare, American, | 272 |
Harlequin Snake, | 278 |
Hawk, Broad-winged, | 461 |
—— Great-footed, | 85 |
—— Pigeon, | 466 |
—— Red-shouldered, | 296 |
—— Red-tailed, | 265 |
—— Stanley, | 186 |
Hawk, Swallow-tailed, | 368 |
——Winter, | 364 |
Henslow's Bunting, | 360 |
Hermit Thrush, | 303 |
Hibiscus grandiflorus, | 104 |
Hickory Pig-nut, | 465 |
Hirundo bicolor, | 490 |
——fulva, | 353 |
——purpurea, | 115 |
Honey Locust, | 226 |
Hornbeam, Virginian, | 204 |
Hospitality, | 383 |
House Wren, | 427 |
Huckleberry, | 129 |
Humming Bird, | 248 |
Hurricane, | 262 |
Icterus agripennis, | 233 |
——Baltimore, | 66 |
——pecoris, | 492 |
——phœeniceus | 348 |
——spurius, | 221 |
Ilex Dahoon, | 257 |
——Prinoides, | 451 |
Indian Corn, | 41 |
Indigo Bird, | 377 |
Iris, Coppery, | 80 |
Iron-wood Tree, | 204 |
Ivory-billed Woodpecker, | 341 |
Jay, Florida, | 444 |
——Columbia, | 483 |
Jersey Pine, | 489 |
Jessamine, Florida, | 114 |
Juglans nigra, | 433 |
——porcina, | 485 |
Juniperus virginiana, | 230 |
Kalmia latifolia, | 289 |
Kentucky Sports, | 290 |
——Warbler, | 196 |
Kingsfisher, Belted, | 394 |
Larch, Black, | 454 |
Larix americana, | 26 |
Lanius ludovicianus, | 300 |
Laurel, | 289 |
Lehigh River, | 54 |
Le Petit Caporal, | 381 |
Lepus americana, | 278 |
Liquidambar styraciflua, | 232 |
Liriodendron tulipifera, | 71 |
Little Screech Owl, | 485 |
Loggerhead Shrike, | 300 |
Louisiana Flag, | 80 |
——Water Thrush, | 99 |
Louisville in Kentucky, | 437 |
Magnolia auriculata, | 198 |
——grandiflora, | 28, 171 |
Maize, | 41 |
Maple, Red, | 287, 352 |
Marsh Blackbird, | 348 |
——Wren, | 500 |
Maryland Yellow-throat, | 121 |
Martin, Purple, | 115 |
May-apple, | 322 |
May-bush, | 309 |
Meadville, | 182 |
Melia azedarach, | 330 |
Meleagris Gallopavo, | 1, 33 |
Methodists, camp-meeting of, | 31 |
Miegia macrosperma, | 149 |
Mississippi, Flood of the, | 156 |
——Improvements in the navigation of the, | 130 |
Mocking Bird, | 108 |
Moth mullein, | 307 |
Mouse, Field, | 302 |
Mulberry, Spanish, | 259 |
Mullein, moth, | 307 |
Muscadine, wild, | 235 |
Muscicapa Bonapartii, | 27 |
——cœrulea, | 431 |
——Ruticilla, | 202 |
——Selbii, | 46 |
——Traillii, | 236 |
——Tyrannus, | 403 |
Nashville Warbler, | 450 |
Naturalist, the eccentric, | 455 |
Navigation of the Mississippi, | 130 |
Niagara, | 362 |
Nyssa tomentosa, | 75 |
Oak, Black, | 426 |
——Swamp, | 125 |
——White, | 261 |
Ohio, description of the, | 29 |
—— floods of the, | 156 |
Olive, Wild, | 123 |
Orchard Oriole, | 221 |
Oriole, Baltimore, | 66 |
—— Orchard, | 221 |
Osprey, | 415 |
Ostrya virginiana, | 204 |
Owl, Barred, | 242 |
—— Great Horned, | 313 |
—— Little Screech, | |
Painted Finch, | 279 |
Painter, the original, | 410 |
Papaw tree, | 21 |
Partridge, Virginian, | 388 |
Parus bicolor, | 199 |
Parrot, Carolina, | 135 |
Passenger Pigeon, | 319 |
Pens for catching game, | 12 |
Perdix virginiana, | 388 |
Persimon, | 446 |
Phlox aristata, | 361 |
—— subulata, | 409 |
Phytolacca decandra, | 179 |
Picus auratus, | 191 |
——erythrocephalus, | 141 |
——principalis, | 381 |
Pig-nut Hickory, | 465 |
Pigeon Hawk, | 466 |
Pigeon, Passenger, | 319 |
Pine, Jersey, | 489 |
——White, | 201 |
Pink Root, | 361 |
Pinus inops, | 489 |
——pendula, | 454 |
——strobus, | 201 |
Podophyllum peltatum | 332 |
Pokeweed, American | 170 |
Pole-cat, | 310 |
Populus candicans, | 407 |
Porcelia triloba, | 21 |
Pot-pie, | 39 |
Prairie, the, | 81 |
Prairie Titlark, | 408 |
——Warbler, | 76 |
Prickly Pear, | 475 |
Pride of China, | 330 |
Prothonotary Warbler, | 22 |
Prunus Chicasa, | 282 |
Psittacus carolinensis, | 135 |
Purple Finch, | 24 |
——Grakle, | 35 |
——Martin, | 115 |
Pyrus Botryapium, | 309 |
Quercus aquatica, | 125 |
——Prinus, | 261 |
Quiscalus versicolor, | 35 |
Quercitron, | 426 |
Rana taurina, | 367 |
Rathbone Warbler, | 333 |
Red Bird, | 232 |
Red Cedar, | 230 |
Red Larch, | 26 |
Red Maple, | 352, 287 |
Red-headed Woodpecker, | 141 |
——shouldered Hawk, | 296 |
——tailed Hawk, | 265 |
——winged Starling, | 348 |
Redstart, American, | 202 |
Republican Swallow, | 353 |
Regulators, | 105 |
Regulus Cuvierii, | 288 |
Rice Bird, | 283 |
Roscoe's Yellow-throat | 124 |
Rosa Carolina, | 472 |
Rubus villosus, | 152 |
Ruby-throated Humming-bird, | 248 |
Ruffed Grouse, | 211 |
Sarsaparilla, Wild, | 380 |
Sawyers and Planters, | 130 |
Sciurus cinereus, | 247 |
Screech Owl, | 485 |
Schisandra coccinea, | 380 |
Scipio and the Bear, | 479 |
Seaside Finch, | 470 |
Selby's Flycatcher, | |
Service, | 309 |
Shrike, Loggerhead, | 300 |
Silver-bell Tree, | 12 |
Smilax rotundifolia | 302 |
Snow-bird, | 72 |
Snow-drop Tree | 123 |
Solitary Fly-catcher | 147 |
Song Sparrow | 126 |
Spanish Coffee | 181 |
Sparrow, Song | 126 |
——Swamp | 331 |
——White-throated | 42 |
Spider-wort | 154 |
Spigelia marilandica | 361 |
Squirrel, Grey | 247 |
Stanley Hawk | 186 |
Strix Asio, | 485 |
——nebulosa | 242 |
——Virginiana | 313 |
Still Hunting, | 335 |
Stuartia malacodendron, | 95 |
Summer Red Bird, | 232 |
Swallow, Republican, | 353 |
——White-bellied | 490 |
Swallow-tailed Hawk, | 368 |
Swamp, Great Pine, | 52 |
Swamp Oak, | 125 |
——Sparrow, | 331 |
——Spice, | 451 |
Sweet Gum, | 238 |
Sylvia aestiva, | 476 |
——Americana, | 78 |
——autumnalis, | 447 |
——azurea, | 255 |
——carbonata | 308 |
——castanea, | 358 |
——Childrenii, | 180 |
——discolor, | 76 |
——formosa, | 196 |
——icterocephala, | 306 |
——maculosa, | 260 |
——pensilis, | 434 |
——Protonotarius, | 22 |
——rara, | 258 |
——rubricapilla | 450 |
——Rathbonia, | 333 |
——Roscoe, | 124 |
——Solitaria, | 102 |
Sylvia Trichas, | 12 |
——vermivora, | 177 |
——Vigorsii, | 153 |
Tanagra æstiva, | 232 |
Tetrao Umbellus, | 211 |
Thistle, Common, | 176 |
Thrush, Hermit, | 303 |
——Louisiana Water, | 99 |
——Wood, | 372 |
Timber, preparation of, | 54 |
Titlark, Brown, | 49 |
——Prairie, | 408 |
Towhe Bunting, | 150 |
Traill's flycatcher, | 236 |
Traveller and Pole-cat, | 310 |
Trochilus colubris, | 248 |
Troglodytes ædon, | 427 |
——Bewickii, | 96 |
——ludoviciana, | 399 |
——palustris, | 500 |
Titmouse, Crested, | 199 |
Tradescantia virginica, | 154 |
Trumpet-flower, | 254 |
———Ramping, | 334 |
Tulip-Tree, | 71 |
Tupelo, | 75 |
Turdus ludovicianus, | 99 |
——minor, | 303 |
——mustelinus, | 372 |
——polyglottus, | 108 |
Turkey, | 1, 33 |
Turtle Dove, Carolina, | 91 |
Tyrant Fly-catcher, | 403 |
Ursus Americanus, | 480 |
Vaccinium frondosum, | 129 |
Vireo noveboracensis, | 328 |
——solitarius, | 147 |
Virginian Hornbeam, | 204 |
——Partridge, | 388 |
Vitis rotundifolia, | 235 |
Vigors's Warbler, | 153 |
Viburnum prunifolium, | 123 |
Warbler, Autumnal, | 447 |
Warbler, Azure, | 255 |
——Bay-breasted, | 358 |
——Black-and-yellow, | 260 |
——Blue-green, | 258 |
——Blue Yellow-backed, | 78 |
——Blue-winged Yellow, | 102 |
——Carbonated, | 308 |
——Chestnut-sided, | 306 |
——Children's, | 180 |
——Kentucky, | 196 |
——Nashville, | 450 |
——Prairie, | 76 |
——Prothonotary, | 22 |
——Rathbone, | 333 |
——Vigors's, | 153 |
——Yellow-pole, | 476 |
——Yellow-breasted, | 121 |
——Yellow-throated, | 434 |
——Worm-eating, | 177 |
Washington, Bird of, | 58 |
Weak Fish, | 421 |
White-bellied Swallow, | 490 |
White-eyed Fly-catcher, | 328 |
White-headed Eagle, | 160 |
White-tailed Eagle, | 64 |
White Oak, | 261 |
White Pine, | 201 |
White-throated Sparrow, | 42 |
Whip-poor-will, | 422 |
Wild Turkey, | 1, 33 |
Wilson, Mr Alexander, | 438 |
Winter Hawk, | 364 |
Woodpecker, Ivory-billed, | 341 |
——Golden-winged, | 191 |
Woodpecker, Red-headed, | 141 |
Wood Thrush, | 372 |
Worm-eating Warbler, | 177 |
Worm-grass, | 361 |
Wren, Great Carolina, | 399 |
——Bewick's, | 96 |
——House, | 427 |
——Marsh, | 500 |
Xanthium Strumarium, | 140 |
Yellow-billed Cuckoo, | 18 |
Yellow-breasted Warbler, | 121 |
Yellow-throat, Maryland, | 121 |
Yellow-throat, Roscoe's, | 124 |
Yellow-throated Warbler, | 434 |
Zea Mays, 41 |
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