No. XX. Plans F.
Tin-Tali, or the temple of three stories, marked by 11 in the margin of the second general view.
Ground floor. No. 1, The entrance. 2, A spacious area. The pillars of the Tin-tali are all plain, excepting the two central ones at the entrance of this floor, the upper parts of which are richly ornamented. 3, Dark rooms, in some of which are benches left in the rock for sleeping on. 4, At the further end of the centre aisle is the recess, in which is a gigantic image of Sesh. On each side the Deva's apartment there is a large sitting figure, 5,5, that on the right is Sukra Acharya, and on the left Adinatha. The others, 4,4,4, are figures of the same description as the principal Deva. Height of this story eleven feet six inches. 6, Is a reservoir of fine water.
On the right-hand, passing the first range of pillars, is the stair-case leading to the second floor, of which, No. 1, is the verandah. 2, Yama, a large sitting figure. 3, Twelve small dark rooms. 4, The recess of the idol, in which is a large figure of Lakshman sitting. On each side the door are gigantic figures, 5,5. 6,6, Large masses of unwrought rock, the pillars are all plain and square; the ceiling of the principal apartment twelve feet three inches high, before the idol thirteen feet six.
Near to No. 2, is the staircase, leading to the third floor, which, in its regularity of design and sculptural decorations, is superior to either of the other stories; it is entered from the stairs which communicate with the second floor at No. 1. 2, Sudan. 3, Pinda. 4, Mado. 5, Oodo. 6, Seven sitting figures with curled hair. 7, Three female figures of the Gopi. 8, Like the former. 9, and 11, Dwara Pala. 10, The recess with a gigantic sitting figure of Rama, the proportions of which would make it twenty feet high if standing; he has his usual attendants, which are likewise on a large scale. 12, Three Gopies. 13, Is like the former. 14, Seven sitting figures like those of the opposite side, No. 6. 15, Dharma-Raja. 16, Arjuna. 17, Bhima. 18, Nakula. 19, Saha-Deva; the last five figures are the sons of Pandu. The height of this temple varies from twelve to fourteen feet. In the ceiling are still the remains of painting.