< Oregon Historical Quarterly
Volume 101, No. 1 (Spring 2000)
- A century of the Oregon Historical Quarterly
- George Himes, F. G. Young, and the Early Years of the Oregon Historical Society. by Amanda Laugeson
- The Tragedy of Charity Lamb, Oregon’s First Convicted Murderess
- Ronald B. Lansing
- Oregon Places
- “...to foster the tennis interests of this city...” The Early Years of Portland’s Irvington Tennis Club. by Helen Weiman Bledsoe
- OHQ-100 Years
- David Douglas Discovers the Sugar Pine. by Introduction by Philip Cogswell
- Reviews
Volume 101, No. 2 (Summer 2000)
- The “Portland Period” of Artist Carl Walters. by Michael Munk
- Terrasquirma and the Engines of Social Change. by Alexander Patterson
- From Airships to Flying Saucers: Oregon’s Place in the Evolution of the UFO Lore. by Robert E. Bartholomew
- Oregon Places
- The Art Room in the Oregon Building: Oregon Arts and Crafts in 1915. by Robert Lunberg
- OHQ Research Files
- Honoring a Career of Service at the National Archives: An Interview with Joyce Justice. by Cary C. Collins and Charles V. Mutschler
- OHQ-100 Years
- From Youth to Age as an American” John Minto in the Willamette Valley. by Introduction by William L. Long
- Reviews
Volume 101, No. 3 (Fall 2000)
- Termination and Tribal Survival: The Klamath Tribes of Oregon. by Patrick Haynal
- Not Just the Vote: Abigail Scott Duniway’s Serialized Novels and the Struggle for Women’s Rights. by Debra Shein
- The Underestimating Oregon presidential Primary of 1960. by Monroe Sweetland. by Afterword by Jack Ohman
- Imagining Places: Landscape in the Fiction of the Craig Lesly, Robin Cody, and Molly Gloss. by John C. Davies
- The Story of my Life: Memories of Sweet Home. by India Pearl Howes Russell
- Oregon Vioces
- Recollecting a Landscape: Oral Histories of Spirit Lake and Mount St. Helens. by Christine Colasurdo
- Oregon Places
- Hometown. by Tom McAllister and David B. Marshall
- Reviews
- Letters
Volume 101, No. 4 (Winter 2000-01)
- Portland’s Works Progress Administration. by Neil Barker
- Forest Grove and Chemawa Indian School: The First Off-Reservation Boarding School in the West
- The Evolution of the Chemawa Indian School: From Red River to Salem, 1825-1885. by SuAnn M. Reddick
- The Broken Crucible of Assimilation: Forest Grove Indian School and the Origins of Off-
- Reservation Boarding-School Education in the West. by Cary. C. Collins
- Minor White in Oregon: A Personal Recollection. by Gerald H. Robinson
- Oregon Places
- Myths and Anarchists: Sorting out the History of Portland’s White Eagle Saloon. by Tim Hills
- Reviews
- Book Notes
- Letters
- Contents, Volume 101
- Annual Index
Volume 102, No. 1 (Spring 2001)
- Portland: Civic Culture and Civic Opportunity. by Carl Abbott
- Indian Pioneers: The Settlement of Ni’lukhwalqw (Upper Hangman Creek, Idaho) by the
- Schitsu’umsh (Coeur d’Alene Indians). by Gary B. Palmer
- To Seek, Suffer, and Trust: ascetic Devotion in a Modern Church on the Frontier. by David C. Thomas
- Edgar Horner and the Wreck of the Alaska. by Introduction by Cain Allen
- OHQ research Files
- Vancouver’s Treasure of Material Culture: The Archaeological Collection at Fort Vancouver
- National Historic Site. by Theresa E. Langford
- Reviews
- Book Notes
- Letters
Volume 102, No. 2 (Summer 2001)
- Ourigan: Wealth of the Northwest Coast. by Scott Byram and David G. Lewis
- “A Menace to the Neighborhood” Housing and African Americans in Portland, 1941-1945. by Rudy Pearson
- Henry Weinhard and Portland’s City Brewery. by Aukjen T. Ingraham
- Unrealized Visions: Medford and the City Beautiful Movement. by Robert D. Russell, Jr.
- Oregon Places
- St Vincent’s and the Sisters of Providence: Oregon’s Fist Permanent Hospital. by Sydney Clevenger
- OHQ Research Files
- The Sisters of Providence Archives, Seattle. by Terri Mitchell
- A Tribute to Terence Edward O’Donnell
- Reviews
- Book Notes
Volume 102, No. 3 (Fall 2001)
- The Good Fight: Forest Fire Protection and the Pacific Northwest. by William G. Robbins
- Sacagawea’s Son as a Symbol. by Albert Furtwangler
- The Spiritual Shelters of Pietro Belluschi. by G. Douglas Nicoll
- The Changing Climate of Oregons Driest Town: Monmouth’s Prohibition Ordinances,
- 1859-2001. by Kyle R. Jansson
- Here and There: An Itinerant Worker in the pacific Northwest 1898. by Hayes Perkins with Introduction by Carlos A. Schwantes
- Reviews
- Book Notes
- Letters
Volume 102, No. 4 (Winter 2001-02)
- Oregon at War. by Eckard V. Toy, jr.
- “Shameful Mismanagement, Wasteful Extravagance, and the Most Unfortunate Dissention”: George Simpon’s Misconceptions of the North West Company. by H. Lloyd Keith
- A Missionary Journal to Oregon, 1853-1854. by Bishop Matthew Simpson. by Introduction by James E. Kirby
- The University of Oregon, 1876: A Commemorative Forum. by Steven Shankman, James C. Mohr, C.H. Edson, Donald Peting, Marian Smith, and Rebecca Force
- OHQ Research Files
- Scraps of History: Researching Scrapbooks at the Oregon Historical Society. by Ellen Walkley
- Postscript
- Sacagawea’s Son: New Evidence from Germany. by Albert Furtwangler
Volume 103, No. 1 (Spring 2002)
- Editors’ Preface: OHQ Changes It’s Look
- Water Like Sky: Reflections on Crater Lake National Park at One Hundred Years. by David Louter
- A Most Sacred Place: The Significance of Crater Lake among the Indians of Southern Oregon.. by Douglas Deur
- He All but Made the Mountains: William Gladstone Steel, Mountain Climbing, and the Establishment of Crater Lake National Park. by Erik Weiselberg
- Photography and the Making of Crater Lake National Park. by Sharon M. Howe
- A Study in Appreciation of Nature: John C. Merriam and the educational purpose of Crater Lake National Park. by Stephen R. Mark
- Reviews
- Book Notes
Volume 103, No. 2 (Summer 2002)
- Refuges and the Reclamation: Conflicts in the Klamath Basin, 1904-1965. by Doug Foster
- “The Greatest Curse of the Race”: Eugenic Sterilization in Oregon, 1909-1983. by Mark A. Largent
- “This is Just the First Round”: Designing Wilderness in the Central Oregon Cascades, 1950-1964. by Kevin R. Marsh
- Oregon Places
- The Brooklyn Roundhouse. by Wayne Depperman. by With Richard H. Engeman
- Research File
- Voices of Oregon: Twenty Five Years of Professional Oral History at the Oregon Historical Society. by Danna Sinclair and Peter Kopp
- Affiliate Spotlight
- Deschutes County Historical Society. by Richard H. Engeman, editor
- Reviews
- Letters
Volume 103, No. 3 (Fall 2002)
- Protesting Monuments in Progress: A Comparative Study of Protests against Four Dams, 1838-1955. by Jeff Crane
- Pioneering Free Library Service for the City, 1864-1902: The Library Association of Portland and the Portland Public Library. by Cheryl Gunselman
- Picking up the Drum: An Oral History from the Columbia Plateau. by Fermore Craig. by Interviewed and edited by Robin Richards
- Lady Loggers and Gyppo Wives: Women and Northwest Logging. by Robert E. Walls
- Affiliate Spotlight
- Bandon Historical Society
- Reviews
- Notices
- Letters
Volume 103, No. 4 (Winter 2002)
- Beyond Place: A Forum
- Bioregionalism and the History of Place. by William Lang
- Bioregional and Cultural Meaning: The Problem with the Pacific Northwest. by William G. Robbins
- Bioregions and Nations States: Lessons from Lewis and Clark in the Oregon Country. by Mark Spence
- Bioregional Politics: The Case for the Place. by Sara Dant Ewert
- Picturing the Corps if Discovery: The Lewis and Clark Expedition in Oregon Art. by Jeffry Uecker
- “I Didn’t Do Anything Anyone Else Couldn’t Have Done”: A View of Oregon History Through the Ordinary Life of Barbara Mackenzie. by Katrine Barber. by And Janice Dilg
- The Making of an American. by Shizue Iwatsuki. by Introduction by Linda Tamura
- Research Files
- Documenting Women’s History: Using Oral History and the Collaborative Process. by Katrine Barber. by And Janice Dilg
- Affiliate Spotlight
- Polk County Historical Society
- Reviews
Volume 104, No. 1 (Spring 2003)
- Rodeo Queens at the Pendleton Round-Up: The First Go-Round, 1910-1917. by Renee M. Laegreid
- Painting the Philippines with an American Brush: Visions of Race and National Mission among the Oregon Volunteers in the Philippine Wars of 1898-1899. by Sean McEnroe
- Looking Backward at Edward Bellamy’s Influence in Oregon, 1888-1936. by James Kopp
- British Newspapers and the Oregon Treaty of 1846. by Thomas C. McClintock
- Oregon Voices
- Our Ways: History and Culture of Mexicans in Oregon. by Nancy Nusz and Gabriella Ricciardi
- Affiliate Spotlight
- Tamastslikt Cultural Institute
- Reviews
- Notices
Volume 104, No. 2 (Summer 2003)
- Beavers, Firs, Salmon, and Falling Water: Pacific Northwest Regionalism and the Environment. by William L. Lang
- “Ruining” the Rivers in the Snake Country: The Hudson’s Bay Company’s Fur Desert Policy. by Jennifer Ott
- Replacing Salmon: Columbia River Indian Fishing Rights and the Geography of Fisheries Mitigation. by Cain Allen
- “The School Is Under My Direction”: The Politics of Education at Fort Vancouver, 1836-1838. by Stephen Woolworth
- Oregon Places
- Oaks Amusement Park. by Bryan Aalberg
- Affiliate Spotlight
- Jacksonville Woodlands Association
- Reviews
- Letters
- Notices
Volume 104, No. 3 (Fall 2003)
- York of the Corps of Discovery: Interpretations of York’s Character and His Role in the Lewis and Clark Expedition. by Darrell M. Millner
- Organizing Portland: Organized Crime Municipal Corruption, and the Teamsters Union. by Robert C. Donnelly
- Reins, Riggins, and the Reatas: The Outfit of the Great Basin Buckaroo. by Janeen Wilder
- The Oregon Art of Alexander Phimister Proctor. by Peter H. Hassrick
- Tall Tales, True Tales: Earnest Haycox and Researching the Old West. by Ernest Haycox Jr.
- Spotlight on Museums
- High Desert Museum, Bend
Volume 104, No. 4 (Winter 2003)
- The Political Legacy of Robert W. Straub. by Richard A. Clucas
- “The Leviathan of the North”: American Perceptions of the Hudson’s Bay Company, 1816-1846. by William Swagerty
- Theodore B. Wilcox: Captain of Industry and Magnate of the China Flour Trade, 1884-1918. by Daniel J. Meissner
- “As Truly American as Your Son”: Voicing Opposition to Interment in Three West Coast Cities. by Ellen Eisenberg
- Oregon Places
- The Nestle Condensary in Bandon. by Joe R. Blakely
- Research Files
- Using Artifacts to Study the Past: Early Evidence for John Day Exploration. by Michael McKenzie
- Reviews
- Letters
- Notices
Volume 105, No. 1 (Spring 2004)
- “Does Portland Need a Homophile Society?” Gay Culture and Activism in the Rose City between World War II and Stonewall. by Peter Boag
- Master of the Seas? Herbert Hoover and the Western Fisheries. by Joseph E. Taylor III
- “May Live and Die a Minor”: The 1864 Clarksville Diary of James W. Virtue. by Gary Dielman, editor
- Oregon Voices
- Its Never Too Late to Give Away a Horse. by David Michael Liberty
- Oregon Places
- “Without a Second’s Warning”: The Heppner Flood of 1903. by Bob DenOuden
- Research Files
- Peeling off the Emulsion: The City of Portland Photographic Collection, 1913-1943. by Sarah R. Caylor
- A Tribute to Gordon Dodds
- Spotlight on Affiliates
- Clatsop County Historical Society, Astoria
- Reviews
- Notices
Volume 105, No. 2 (Summer 2004)
- Tangled Nets: Treaty Rights and Tribal Identities at Celilo Falls. by Andrew H. Fisher
- Chief Lelooska: The Evolution of an Artist. by Chris Friday
- Oregon, The Beautiful. by Ives Goddard and Thomas Love
- The Right Side of the 1960’s: The Origins of the John Birch Society in the Pacific Northwest. by EckardV. Toy, Jr.
- Oregon My Oregon Historical Society. by Stephen Dow Beckham
- Oregon Voices
- The Southern Route Revisited. by Ross A. Smith
- Research Files
- Documenting Utopia in Oregon: The Challenges of Tracking the Quest for Perfection. by James J. Kopp
- Spotlight on Affiliates
- Union County, Oregon History Project
- Reviews
- Letters
- Notices
Volume 105, No. 3 (Fall 2004)
- Discussing the Columbia: An Introduction
- Describing a New Environment: Lewis and Clark and Enlightenment Science in the Columbia River Basin. by William L. Lang
- The Evolving Landscape of the Columbia River Gorge: Lewis and Clark and the Cataclysms on the Columbia. by Jim E. O’Connor
- Focusing on the Columbia Gorge: Photography, Geology, and the Pioneer West. by Terry N. Toedtemeier
- Where Have All the Native Fish Gone? The Fate of the Fish that Lewis and Clark Encountered on the Lower Columbia River. by Virginia L. Butler
- Still Exploring, Still Learning in 1806: Observation on the Lewis and Clark Expedition between the Columbia and the Bitterroot Range. by Robert Carriker
- Soyaapo and the Remaking of Lewis and Clark. by Mark Spence
- Spotlight on Affiliates
- Columbia Gorge discovery Center/Wasco County Historical Museum
- A tribute to Rick Harmon
- Book review Essays
- The Ordeal of Thomas Jefferson: Whirl is King. by Clay S. Jenkinson
- Reviews
- Notices
Volume 105, No. 4 (Winter 2004)
- “Adventure” of the Colonel Allan. by H. Lloyd Keith
- Cartographic Representation: A Controversial in Mapping Lewis and Clark’s Fort Clatsop. by Kenneth W. Karmizki
- Impressions of Oregon: The Art of Reverend Melville Thomas Wire. by Ginny Allen. by And Gregory L. Nelson
- Oregon Voices
- Oregon’s First State Mandated Uniform School Readers: Politics and education. by Lee Lau
- Book Review Essay
- Thomas Slaughter’s Expedition: Exploring (and Deploring) Lewis and Clark. by Clay S. Jenkinson
- Reviews
- Letters
- Notices
Volume 106, No. 1 (Spring 2005)
- The Columbia Country and the Dissolution of Meriwether Lewis: Speculation and Interpretation. by David L. Nicandri
- Soldier to Advocate: C.E.S. Wood’s 1877 Diary of Alaska and the Nez Perce Conflict. by George Venn
- Town Boosterism on Oregon’s Mining Frontier: James Vansyckle and Wallula, Columbia
- Riverport, 1860-1870. by G. Thomas Edwards
- A Long, Strange yarn: Ken Kesey and the Pendleton Round-Up. by Andrew P. Duffin
- Oregon Voices
- Broadway Cabs Yellow with Age. by John Wendeborn
- Research Files
- A Chronicle of the Battleship Oregon. by Ken Lomax
- Spotlight on Affiliates
- Lincoln County Historical Society
- Reviews
- Notices
Volume 106, No. 2 (Summer 2006)
- The Army Corps of Engineers’ Short-Term Response to the Eruption of Mount St. Helens. by William F. Willingham
- On the Margins of Prosperity: The Mortimore Family in Oregon. by Ronald H. Limbaugh
- Completing Lewis and Clark’s Westward March: Exhibiting a History of Empire at the 1905 Portland World’s Fair. by Lisa Blee
- The Work of a Nation: Richard D. Cutts and the Coast Survey Map of Fort Clatsop. by R. Scott Byram
- Oregon Voices
- Telling the History of a Shattered Culture: An Interview with George W. Aguilar, Sr.. by Eliza Elkins Jones
- Oregon Press
- The P Ranch House Fire: An Eyewitness Account. by Clarence A. Oster
- Oregon Voices
- Grace’s Visit to the Rogue River Valley. by William Alley
- Spotlight on Affiliates
- The Museum at Warm Springs
- Oregon My Oregon Wins MUSE Award
Volume 106, No. 3 (Fall 2005)
- The Stevens Treaties of 1854-1855: An Introduction. by Kent Richards
- The Isaac I. Stevens and Joel Palmer Treaties, 1855-2005
- Treaty and Tribal Reference. Joel Palmer and Isaac I. Stevens Biographies. Indian Treaty History: A Subject for Agile Minds. by Alexandra Harmon
- Medicine Creek to Fox Island: Cadastral Scams and Contested Domains. by SuAnn M. Reddrick and Cary C. Collins
- The Legacy of the Walla Walla Council, 1855. by Cilfford E. Trafzer
- Who’s in Charge of Fishing?. by Fronda Woods
- After the Treaties: Administration Pacific Northwest Indian Reservation. by Robert E. Ficken
- Picturing Food and Power at the Treaty Councils. by Jacqueline B. Williams
- Indian Perspectives on Food and Culture. by Et-twaii-lish, Marjorie Waheneka
- Oregon Voices
- Indian Views of the Stevens-Palmer Treaties Today. by Clark Hansen
- American Indian Treaty Glossary. by Robert J. Miller
- OHS Directors and Honorary Council
- Reviews
- Letters
- Notices
- Contributors
Volume 106, No. 4 (Winter 2005)
- Troubled Passages: the Uncertain Journeys of Lewis and Clark. by James P. Ronda
- Before Lewis and Clark, Lt. Broughton’s River of Names: the Columbia River Exploration of 1792. by Jim Mockford
- Planting High-Technology Seeds: Tektronix’s Role in the Creation of Portland’s Silicon Forest . by Heike Mayer
- The Dairies of Helen Lawrence Walters. by Michael Munk
- Oregon Voices
- Letters from Bob: A GI Re-entering Portland Life in 1945. by Sandy Carter
- Research Files
- Katie Gale’s Tombstone: The Work of Researching a Life . by Llyn De Danaan
- Oregon Biography
- Humble Dignity: Tracing the Lifeway of Kathryn Harrison. by Kristine Olson
- OHS Directors and Honorary Council
- Reviews
- Letters
- Notices
- Contributions
Volume 107, No. 1 (Spring 2006)
- “Trophies” for God: Native Mortality, Racial Ideology, and the Methodist Mission of Lower Oregon, 1834-1844. by Gray H. Whaley
- Whose Frontier? The Survey of Race Relations on the Pacific Coast in the 1920s. by Eckard Toy
- Billy and Merne’s Excellent Expedition: The “Lost” Screenplay of “Lewis and Clark”. by James J. Kopp
- Guild’s Lake Industrial District: The Process of Change over Time. by Karin Dibling, Julie Kay Martin, Meghan Stone Olson, and Gayle Webb
- Oregon Voices
- Mutual Respect and Equality: An Advocate for Indian Students in Oregon Historical Society. by Floy Pepper with Eliza Elkins Jones
- Comin’ and Goin’: Memories of Jazzman Jim Petter. by Jack Berry
- Research Files
- The Origins of the Oregon State Library. by Jim Scheppke
- OHS Directories and Honorary Council
- Reviews
- Letters
- Notices
- Contributors
Volume 107, No. 2 (Summer 2006)
- “Cast Aside the Automobile Enthusiast”: Class Conflict, Tax Policy, and the Preservation of Nature in Progressive-Era Oregon. by Lawrence M. Lipin
- Respite from War: Buffalo Soldiers at Vancouver Barracks, 1899–1900 . by Gregory Paynter Shine
- Charity and the “Tramp”: Itinerancy, Unemployment, and Municipal Government from Coxey to the Unemployed League . by Dmitri Palmateer
- Oregon Voices
- Pioneering Water Pollution Control in Oregon. by Glen D. Carter, with an introduction by Douglas W. Larson
- OHS Exhibits
- The American Presidency: An Exhibit on the Public Presidency in Oregon . by by Robert M. Eisinger
- Art About Agriculture: A Retrospective . by by Shelley Curtis
- Research Files
- The Jefferson Peace Medal Provenance and the Collections of the Oregon Historical Society. by Richard H. Engeman
Volume 107, No. 3 (Fall 2006)
- “A Most Daring Outrage”: Murders at Chinese Massacre Cove, 1887
- R. Gregory Nokes
- “Old-fashioned Revival”: Religion, Migration, and a New Identity for the Pacific Northwest at Mid Twentieth Century. by David J. Jepsen
- “As Citizens of Portland We Must Protest”: Beatrice Morrow Cannady and the African
- American Response to D.W. Griffith’s “Masterpiece” Kimberley Mangun
- Oregon Voices
- Klamath Falls Goes to War A Personal and Newspaper Reminiscence Richard Yates
- Oregon Places
- The U.S. Steel Corporation in Portland, 1901–1941 Lewis L. McArthur
- The Georgian Room at Meier & Frank Christine Curran
- OHS Exhibits
- Tears and Rain One Artist’s View from Sea Level Rebecca J. Dobkins
- Oregon Originals
- The Art of Amanda Snyder and Jefferson Tester Robert L. Joki
Volume 107, No. 4 (Winter 2006)
- Confrontation at the Locks: A Protest of Japanese Removal and Incarceration During World War II. by Charles Davis and Jeffrey Kovac
- “The Utmost Human Consequence”: Art and Peace on the Oregon Coast, 1942–1946. by Katrine Barber and Eliza Elkins Jones
- Telling Stories, Building Altars: Mexican American Women’s Altars in Oregon. by Gabriella Ricciardi
- Reflections On Lewis And Clark: Six Metaphors in Search of an Epic. by Clay Jenkinson
- Reviewing the Bicentennial. by Christopher Zinn
- Oregonians and the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial. by Jeremy Skinner
- Oregon Voices
- “Dean of the Mountain”: Isaac “Ike” Guker, Hard Rock Gold Miner and Proprietor of the Great Northern Mine. by Nick Sheedy
- Research Files
- Imagining Fort Clatsop. by Frederick L. Brown
- Oregon Places
- Forty-One Cents: The Pendleton–Pilot Rock Stage Line. by James J. Kopp
- OHS Directors and Honorary Council
- Reviews
- Letters
- Notices
- Contributors
Volume 108, No. 1 (Spring 2007)
- The Labor of Caring: A History of the Oregon Nurses Association. by Patricia Schechter
- Eyes of the Earth: Lily White, Sarah Ladd, and the Oregon Camera Club. by Carole Glauber
- Remittance Men and the Character of Cannon Beach. by C. Jill Grady
- Oregon Voices
- Memories of the 1948 Vanport Flood. by Dale Skovgaard
- Talegate: A Trombone Tableau. by John Wendeborn
- OregonScape Mikki Tint
Volume 108, No. 2 (Summer 2007)
- Special Section: Great Cascadia Earthquakes and Tsunamis along the Oregon Coast Tectonic History and Cultural Memory Catastrophe and Restoration on the Oregon Coast. by R. Scott Byram
- Tsunamis and Floods in Coos Bay Mythology. by Patricia Whereat Phillips
- Weaving Long Ropes: Oral Tradition and Understanding the Great Tide. by Jason T. Younker
- Native American Vulnerability and Resiliency to Great Cascadia Earthquakes. by Robert J. Losey
- Articles
- “we have allmost Every Religion but our own”: French-Indian Community Initiatives and Social Relations in French Prarie, Oregon, 1834–1837. by Melinda Marie Jetté
- Music on the Cusp: From Folk to Acid Rock in Portland Coffeehouses, 1967–1970. by Valerie Brown
- Oregon Places
- John Charles Olmsted and Campus Design in Oregon. by Joan Hockaday
- Oregon Voices
- They Also Served: A Soldier’s Pacific Theater Album, World War II. by Frederick H. Hill with George Venn and Jan Boles
- OregonScape Mikki Tint
Volume 108, No. 3 (Fall 2007)
- “Neither Head nor Tail to the Campaign”: Esther Pohl Lovejoy and the Oregon Woman Suffrage Victory of 1912. by Kimberly Jensen
- Portland to the Rescue: The Rose City’s Response to the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire. by Michael Helquist
- The Winds of Change: The Decline of Extractive Industries and the Rise of Tourism in Hood River County, Oregon. by Jason Pierce
- Photo Essay
- Salmon and the Restoration of the Rogue. by Roger Dorband
- Oregon Voices
- “Know Who You Are”: Regional Identity in the Teachings of Eva Castellanoz. by Joanne B. Mulcahy
- George Atkinson, Harvey Scott, and the Portland High School Controversy of 1880. by Donald J. Sevetson
- At War Over the Espionage Act in Portland: Dueling Perspectives from Kathleen O’Brennan and. by Agent William Bryon and Adam J. Hodges
- OregonScape Mikki Tint
Volume 108, No. 4 (Winter 2007, Celilo Falls)
- From Coyote to the Corps of Engineers: Recalling the History of The Dalles–Celilo Reach
- Katrine Barber and Andrew Fisher
- Celilo Falls: At the Center of Western History
- Charles Wilkinson
- Coyote Frees the Salmon
- recorded by W.E. Myers
- “Boils Swell & Whorl Pools”: The Historical Landscape of The Dalles–Celilo Reach of the
- Columbia River
- Cain Allen
- Celilo Blues
- Ed Edmo
- Closing the Gates on The Dalles Dam
- newspaper excerpts
- The Dalles Dam
- William F. Willingham
- The Meaning of Falling Water: Celilo Falls and The Dalles in Historical Literature
- William L. Lang
- Childhood Memories of Fishing at Celilo Falls
- Allen V. Pinkham, Sr.
- The Long Narrows: The Forgotten Geographic and Cultural Wonder
- Pat Courtney Gold
- Celilo Lives on Paper
- George W. Aguilar, Sr.
- Sk’in: The Other Side of the River
- Eugene S. Hunn
- Relic Hunting, Archaeology, and Loss of Native American Heritage at The Dalles
- Virginia L. Butler
- Wakanish Naknoowee Thluma: ‘Keepers of the Salmon’
- Charles F. Sams III
- Elsie David
- oral history excerpt
- Celilo (Wyam) Root Feast and Salmon 2005
- Elizabeth Woody
- Jeff Van Pelt
- oral history excerpt
- Celilo as I Knew It
- by Alphonse Halfmoon
- Ted Strong
- oral history excerpt
- Gertrude Glutsch Jensen
- oral history excerpt
- Tommy Kuni Thompson biography: Celilo Village Chief
- Flora Cushinway Thompson
- oral history excerpt
- Barbara MacKenzie
- oral history excerpt
- The Corps of Engineers and Celilo Falls: Facing the Past, Looking to the Future
- Diana Fredlund
- Relocation and the Celilo Village Community
- Carol Craig
- Johnny Jackson and Wilbur Slockish, Jr.
- oral history excerpts
- Chuck Williams
- oral history excerpt
- There Has Been Something
- Ed Edmo
- Significant Events in the History of Celilo Falls
- Contributors
- OHS Directors and Honorary Council
- Volume 108 Contents
- Volume 108 Index
Volume 109, No. 1 (Spring 2008)
- Notes on Native American Place-names of the Willamette Valley Region Henry Zenk
- “we should lose much by their absence”: The Centrality of Chinookans and Kalapuyans to Life in Frontier Oregon Mathias D. Bergmann
- Making “Good Music”: The Oregon Symphony and Music Director Jacques Singer, 1962–1971 Genevieve J. Long
- Research Files
- Discovering Gold in Baker County Library’s Photograph Collection Gary Dielman
- Oregon Voices
- Artist Ray Strong: An Enduring Vision of the Oregon Landscape Mark Humpal
- A Look at The Veracious Chronicles of the Cliff Cottage Club Carole Glauber
- OHS Directors and Honorary Council
- Reviews
- Letters
- Notices
- Contributors
- OregonScape Mikki Tint
Volume 109, No. 2 (Summer 2008)
- Fair Connections: Women’s Separatism and the Lewis and Clark Exposition of 1905 Deborah M. Olsen
- Controlling the Crooked River: Changing Environments and Water Uses in Irrigated Central Oregon, 1913–1988 Scott B. Cohen
- The Fruits of Her Labor: Women, Children, and Progressive Era Reformers in the Pacific Northwest Canning Industry Greg Hall
Oregon Voices
- “Frank Burns was a soldier”: The World War I Epoch of Frank Cassius Burns John D. Burns
- Oregon State Hospital During the 1960s: A Patient’s Memories and Recent Interview of her Doctor C.L. Brown with an interview of Joseph H. Treleaven
Special Section
- Reflections on the New Deal in Oregon: Essays in Honor of an OHS Exhibit
- The Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the New Deal: Oregon’s Legacy Sarah Baker Munro
- Surviving the Great Depression: The New Deal in Oregon William G. Robbins
- The New Deal and People’s Art: Market Planners and Radical Artists David A. Horowitz
- OregonScape Mikki Tint
Volume 109, No. 3 (Fall 2008)
- Colonial Power and Indigenous Justice: Fur Trade Violence and Its Aftermath in Yaquina Narrative R. Scott Byram
- Picturing Progress: Carleton Watkins’s 1867 Stereoviews of the Columbia River Gorge Megan K. Friedel and Terry Toedtemeier
- The Oregon Geographic Names Board: One Hundred Years of Toponymic Nomenclature Champ Clark Vaughan
Research Files
- Master of the Columbia: Photography by Carleton E. Watkins at the Oregon Historical Society Megan K. Friedel
Oregon Voices
- The Importance of Memory and Place: A Narrative of Oregon Geographic Names with Lewis L. McArthur Erin McCullugh Peneva
- The Romance of John Reed and Louise Bryant: New Documents Clarify How They Met Michael Munk
- OHS Directors and Honorary Council
- Reviews
- Book Notes
- Notices
- Contributors
- OregonScape Mikki Tint
Volume 109, No. 4 (Winter 2008)
- Julia Hoffman and the Arts and Crafts Society of Portland: An Aesthetic Response to Industrialization Richard S. Christen
- “A Gallant Little Schooner”: The U.S. Schooner Shark and the Oregon Country, 1846 Gregory Paynter Shine
- Voyage of the Isaac Todd H. Lloyd Keith
- Economic Phoenix: How A.B. Hammond Used the Depression of 1893 and a Pair of Defunct Oregon Railroads to Build a Lumber Empire Greg Gordon
- OHS Directors and Honorary Council
- Reviews
- Book Notes
- Letters
- Notices
- Contributors
- OregonScape Mikki Tint
Volume 110, No. 1 (Spring 2009)
- “Standing out here in the surf”: The Termination and Restoration of the Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians of Western Oregon in Historical Perspective David R.M. Beck
- Sesquicentennial Series guest editor Robert D. Johnston
- The Politics of Oregon History: An Introduction to OHQ’s Statehood Sesquicentennial Series Robert D. Johnston
- Town and Country in Oregon: A Conflicted Legacy William G. Robbins
- From Urban Frontier to Metropolitan Region: Oregon’s Cities from 1870 to 2008 Carl Abbott
- “For Working Women in Oregon”: Caroline Gleason/Sister Miriam Theresa and Oregon’s Minimum Wage Law Janice Dilg
- OHS Directors and Honorary Council
- Reviews
- Book Notes
- Letters
- Notices
- Contributors
- OregonScape Megan K. Friedel
Volume 110, No. 2 (Summer 2009)
- Novel Views of the Aurora Colony: The Literary Interpretations of Cobie de Lespinasse and Jane Kirkpatrick James J. Kopp
- Statehood Sesquicentennial Series guest editor Robert D. Johnston
- Parties and Politics in Oregon History Robert D. Johnston
- Oregon Democracy: Asahel Bush, Slavery, and the Statehood Debate Barbara Mahoney
- Oregon’s Last Conservative U.S. Senator: Some Light upon the Little-Known Career of Guy Cordon Jeff LaLande
- The Architectural Legacy of the 1959 Centennial Exposition Chrissy Curran
- 100 Years at a Time: Memories of Oregon’s Centennial Barbara (Robertson) Drake
- OregonScape Megan K. Friedel
Volume 110, No. 3 (Fall 2009)
- Statehood Sesquicentennial Series guest editor Robert D. Johnston
- Democracy and Its Discontents in Oregon Political History Robert D. Johnston
- Revolutions in the Machinery: Oregon Women and Citizenship in Sesquicentennial Perspective Kimberly Jensen
- “Wheedling, Wangling, and Walloping” for Progress: The Public Service Career of Cornelia Marvin Pierce, 1905–1943 Cheryl Gunselman
- The Paradox of Oregon’s Progressive Politics: The Political Career of Walter Marcus Pierce Robert R. McCoy
- Exhibit Essay
- Life Stories for New Generations: The Living Art of Oregon Tribal Regalia Rebecca J. Dobkins
- An Expensive Stable: The Value in Saving Portland’s Ladd Carriage House Brandon Spencer-Hartle
- Oregon’s Historic Sites Database: A Tool for Tapping the Research Potential of the Built Environment Roger Roper
Volume 110, No. 4 (Winter 2009)
- Statehood Sesquicentennial Series guest editor Robert D. Johnston
- Oregon Politics, Oregon Families, and the End of the Sesquicentennial Robert D. Johnston
- Moralistic Direct Democracy: Political Insurgents, Religion, and the State in Twentieth-Century Oregon Lawrence M. Lipin and William Lunch
- Stories Worth Recording: Martha McKeown and the Documentation of Pacific Northwest Life Katrine Barber
- Dorothea Lange's Oregon Photography: Assumptions Challenged Linda Gordon
- “doing nothing with a vengeance”: The Diary of David Hobart Taylor, First Oregon Cavalry, January 1 through May 31, 1862 James Jewell
- Witness to Statehood: Delazon Smith’s Letter from Washington Geoffrey B. Wexler
- OregonScape Megan K. Friedel
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