< Oregon Historical Quarterly
Number 1 (March)
- The Founding of Camp Watson. by Judith Keyes Kenny
- The Oregon Donation Act and the National Land Policy. by James M. Bergquist
- Portland Remedial Loan Association, Organization, Growth and Final Liquidation. by E. B. MacNaughton
- The War on the Webfoot Saloon. by Malcolm H. Clark, Jr.
- Editorial News
- Book Reviews
- Affiliated Societies
- News Notes
- OHS Board, staff, pubs
Number 2 (June)
- British Investment and Oregon Mining, 1860-1900. by Clark G. Spence
- The Oneida Toll Road Controversy, 1864-1880. by Donald N. Wells and Merle W. Wells
- When the Train Reached Seaside. by Inez Stafford Hanson
- The Ilwaco Railroad. by Thomas E. Jessett
- Editorial News
- Touring Information On Oregon Museums
- Letters to the Editor
- Book Reviews
- Affliated Societies
- OHS Board, staff, pubs
Number 3 (September)
- Nathaniel Wyeth's Fort Hall. by Richard G. Beidleman
- The Discovery amd Cartographical Recognition of Shoalwater Bay. by Jean Hazeltine
- Editorial News
- Book Reviews
- Affliated Societies
- News Notes
- OHS Board, staff
Number 4 (December)
- Randolph: Ghost Town of the Oregon Beaches. by Verne Bright
- The Old School Baptists in Early Oregon. by Clifford R. Miller
- Caleb Cushing's Chinese Mission and the Treaty of Wanghia: A Review. by Richard E. Welch, Jr.
- Time to a Forester. by David T. Mason
- Editorial News
- Letters to the Editor
- Book Reviews
- Affliated Societies
- Annual Meeting
- Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws: Revision From 1948
- OHS Board, staff
- Annual Index
This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was legally published within the United States (or the United Nations Headquarters in New York subject to Section 7 of the United States Headquarters Agreement) before 1964, and copyright was not renewed.
- For Class A renewals records (books only) published between 1923 and 1963, check the Stanford University Copyright Renewal Database.
- For other renewal records of publications between 1922–1950 see the University of Pennsylvania copyright records scans.
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