< Oregon Historical Quarterly < Volume 14



ABERNETHY, GEORGE, characterization of, by Lieutetnant Neil M. Howison, 27. ASTORIA, 1846, 41-2; 357-6o.


BAGLEY, CLARENCE B., introduction to Lownsdale Letter by, 213-17.

BARRY, J. NEILSON, author of Contrib- utor's Note, Journal of E. Willard Smith, 250.

BAILLIE, Captain of British ship "Mod- iste," relieves distress of Lieutenant Neil M. Howison when shipwrecked, 10; letter to Howison, 56.

Blackfeet Indian marauders pursued, 281-2.

BIGGS, fur-trader with Sublette and Vasquez, 269; 271.

British flag, presence of, in Oregon waters a source of irritation in 1846, 7.

Buffaloes, two ways of hunting, 256-7.

California draws off immigrants, 28. Canadian voyagers settled in Oregon,

1846. 24. Catholic missionaries in Oregon, 1846,

Columbia River ? conditions of bar of, in 1846, 7; sailing directions for mov- ing vessel safely into Baker's Bay, 16-18; channel of, 1846, 19; recipro- cal current with Willamette, 19.


Commerce in Oregon, 1846, 36-40; in- adequate means for commercial ex- change in Oregon, 1846, 39-40.

CORBETT, HENRY W., co-operates as partner of Harvey W. Scott and Henry L. Pittock in upbuilding of Oregonian, 204.

DOUGLASS, JAMES, characterization of, by Lieutenant Neil M. Howison, 31-2.

ELLIOTT, T. C, editor of Journal of John Work, 280-314; editor of Jour- nal of Alexander Ross, 366 : 88.

English residents in Oregon jealous of American advance into northern por- tion of the territory of Oregon, 7, 20.

Flour trade from Oregon to California, 1847, 13-

GATES, JOHN, chief engineer Oregon Steam Navigation Company, 349.

GRAY, J. H. D., accident to, but he continues seamanship, 342.

GRAY, W. H., an expansionist, 321-2; family of, 322-3; moves to British Columbia, 324; mines gold on the Similkameen River, 325: builds boat and conducts it down the Okanogan and Columbia Rivers to the Des- chutes, 326-7; takes cargo from Port- land to Lewiston, 330-2; builds Cas- cadilla and uses her on Clearwater and Snake Rivers, 333-5.

GRAY, CAPTAIN WILLIAM P., REMINIS- CENCES OF, 321-54; mail carrier in As- toria in 1855, 353-4; adventures of on trip from Similkameen to Fort Hope on Fraser River, 325-6; conducts his folks from Asoyoos Lake to the Des- chutes, 326-9; aids in passage up Columbia and Snake Rivers to Lew- iston, 330-2; in command of the Sarah F. Gray, 334; protects father from assault by A. Kimball, 335-6; takes raft of lumber from Asotin to W/allula, 335-8; watchman and mate on steamer John H. Couch, 340; pilot on Columbia between Celilo and Lew- iston, 341-2; in command of Beaver on the AVillamette and on the Stikeen, 343-4; is married, 344-5; in charge of the Frederick Billings, transfer boat of the Northern Pacific Railroad Com- pany, 346-7; locates at Pasco, 347-8; takes the Tohn Gates through Priest Rapids and Rock Island Rapids, 349- 54-


HEUER, LIEUTENANT W. H., makes hy- drostatic survey of Columbia River rapid's between Celilo and Snake River, 1867, 341-2.

HOWISON, REPORT OF LIEUTENANT NEIL M. ON OREGON, 1846, 1-60; learns of formation of Peacock Spit, 4; enters the Columbia, 4-5 ; vessel is run ashore on Chinook Shoal, 5; proceeds up the Columbia, 7; vessel grounds on the bar in endeavoring to ascend the Willamette, 7; visits Governor Aber- nethy at Oregon City, and takes a week's ride through the Willamette


Valley, 8; visits Tualatin plains, 8; high price of mechanics' labor causes ten of Shark's crew to desert, only two are returned, 8; sells Peacock's launch, 8-9; descends the Columbia, 9; suffers shipwreck in attempting to cross bar on Sept. iq, 9-10; puts up log houses for sheltering crew, 10-11; charters the Cadboro, 11-12; receives intelligence of Oregon treaty, Mexican war and occupation of California, 12; is pent up in Cadboro anchored in Baker's Bay from Nov. 17 to Jan. 18, 12-13; crosses bar and proceeds to California Jan. 18, 13; narrates role of Dr. John McLoughlin in Oregon, 21-3; comments on population and politics of Oregon, 21-35.

HOWISON, LIEUTENANT NEIL M., U. S. Navy, record of service of, 364-5.

Hudson's Bay Company, landed posses- sions and agricultural operations of,

(2) Hudson's Bay Company factors give Lieutenant Howison friendly and considerate relief, 10; accept bills on Baring & Bros, at par, 10.

(i) Hudson's Bay Company agents har- assed by intrusive Americans, 33-4.


Idaho, gold discoveries cause organiza- tion of territory of, 61.

Indian agent's experience in the war of 1886, 65-7.

Indian population in Oregon, 1846, 46-8.

Indian uprising of 1886, the last in the Pacific Northwest, 65.

Linn City, founded by Robert Moore, 1843, 215.

Lmnton, 1846, 42; 215.

LOWNSDALE, DANIEL H., Letter by, to SAMUEL R. THURSTON, 213-49; bio- graphical data on, 215.

LOWNSDALE LETTER, historical import- ance of, 217; urges preference be given Americans in conflicting pre- emption rights, 218; old organic law of Oregon did not grant any right to soil, 218-19; suggests wording for land law, 219-221; custom house lo- cation, 221; resume of British opera- tions in Oregon country from author's point of view, 221-4; source of "nest- of-dangers" reputation of the mouth of the Columbia, 224-6; Commodore Wilkes and his officers "taken in" at Fort Vancouver, 226-9; how the "law- yer, the judge and the general with the helpers, the former legislators," were handled, 229-30; how the insur- gency of 1846 was subdued, 230-2; the terms of the treaty and the ownership of the Hudson's Bay Company station and mill at Oregon City, 232-3; the Indians used as pawns, 224-44; trust methods used by Hudson's Bay Com- pany authorities, 242-4; "friends at court" and delegate to Congress be- come the issue, 245-9.

LUPTON, fur trader, 251-258; his fort, 261.


MCCARVER M. M., with Peter H. Bur- nett, selected site of Linnton, 215.

McCLURE, COLONEL JOHN, has pre-emp- tion claim to Point George, 12.

MCLOUGHLIN. DR. JOHN, role of, in Oregon narrated by Lieutenant Neil M. Howison, 21-3.

MCLOUGHLIN, DR. JOHN, cost of im- provements made by, at Willamette Falls to January i, 1851, 68-70.

Methodist missionaries in Oregon, 1846,

Milton laid off at mouth of Willamette,

216. Multnomah laid off below Linn City by

Hugh Burns, 215.


Northern Pacific Railroad Company's transfer boat, the Frederick Billings, at Ainsworth on the Snake River and later at Pasco, 346-7.

OGDEN, PETER SKEEN, characterized by Lieutenant Neil M. Howison. 31-2.

Oregon, rapid development of, in early forties causes a statistical account two years old to be out of date, 9; winds and weather affecting conditions of navigation, 14-15; portions of occupied in 1846, 21 ; people of, in 1846, 21-6; political conditions in, 1846, 26-7; wretched plight of incoming pioneers soon relieved, 28-9; Hudson's Bay Company and missionaries, through credit given and assistance afforded, lighten hardships of pioneers, 29-30; company's officials seek political in- fluence through credit extended, 30-1; strong patriotic feeling among the Americans, 32-3; commerce in, 36-40.

Oregon in 1863, 61-4; population, 61-4; political directory of, 1863, 62-3; tax-

discoveries in,

able property in, 64.

Oregon, Eastern, gold di cause filling up of, 61.

Oregon City, 1846, 43; first place se- lected as townsite in Oregon, 215.

Oregon Defenses, 54-5.

Oregon flocks and herds, 1846, 52-3.

Oregon flora, 51.

Oregon meteorology, 50.

Oregon Steam Navigation Company makes effort in 1864 to take steamboat through Snake River canyon to ply between Old's Ferry and Boise, 339- 40.

OSBORN, BURR, SURVIVOR OF HOWISON EXPEDITION TO OREGON IN 1846, Rem- iniscences of experiences growing out of wrecking of United States schooner Shark at mouth of Columbia, 355-64.

Pacific City, laid off by Elijah White, 216.

Peacock's launch left by Captain Wilkes in charge of Dr. McLoughlin, sold by Lieutenant Howison, 8-9.

PITTOCK, HENRY L., part, of, in the up- building of the Oregonian, 204.

Portland, 1846, 42; claims to land on site of, 215; in 1862, 333.



Ross, ALEXANDER, Journal of, on SNAKE RIVER EXPEDITION. 1824, 366-88; ac- tivities in Pacific Northwest fur trade, 365; his books, 365-6; course traced in Snake River expedition, 1824, 367-8.

St. Helens, founded by Captain H. M. Knighton, 216.

St. John, founded by James Johns, 216.

Salem, 1846, 44.

Salmon fisheries in Oregon, 1846, 47-8; superstitious ceremonies and practices of Indians regarding, 47-8.

SCHENCK. LIEUTENANT W. S., is dis- patched up the Columbia as high as The Dalles, 8.

SCOTT, ANNE ROELOFSON, pioneer condi- tions impose "a long agony of self- sacrifice upon, 94-5.

SCOTT, HARVEY W., EDITOR REVIEW OF His HALF-CENTURY CAREER AND ESTI- MATE OF His WORK, 87-133: the Ore- gon of his youth and of his maturity and his relation to it, 87-89; external record of his life, 89-91; ancestry of, 91-92; domination of pioneer vision, temper and spirit in life of, 92-5; his self-reliance and individualism, 95-6; his first writing for the Oreeoman, 96-7; times and conditions had much to do with his spirit and methods, 97; encourages assistants in all depart- ments of Oregonian, 97-8; his interest centered in editorial page, 98; funda- mental motive was social responsibil- ity, 98; an autocrat, but dominated by demands of social conditions and fun- damental principles, 99-101; felt that he alone could pledge the Oregonian, 101-2; maintains integrity of the news, adhering strictly to commandment, "Thou shalt not bear false witness, 102-3; occasionally, however, used a "smashing headline," 103-4; loyalty to principles and abstract ideal combined with course shaped by necessities of working relations, 104-6 Oregon af- forded vantage ground for interpreta- tion of national tendencies, 107-8; championship of cause of sound money representative, 108-9; summary of his professional character, 109-10; his prodigious reading and wonderful memory, 110-12; theology his deepest interest, 113-14; his style a reflection of his mind, 114-15; delights in the literature of the imagination, 115-16; nature has profound fascination for him, 116-17; solidity the characteristic quality of his thought and expression, 117-18; his consideration as an em- ployer, 118-19; delights in companion- ship of those of understanding and sympathy, 119-20; friendships with men of native and genuine quality, 120-3; ne . w relationships formed in the East in later years, 124-5; secret of this exemplified in the Archbishop

Corrigan dinner, 124-5; has little sym- pathy with personal incapacity and its consequences, 125-6; his tenderest feeling for childhood, 126-7; the ap- peal of the United States Senate to him, 127-9; his indifference to appear- ances, 129-30; the home interest of his life, 130-1; the sentiments that were the spiritual guides of his life, 131; the large issues in which he had a leading part, 135; list of events in lief of, 133.

MR. SCOTT'S LIBRARY AS A GAUGE OF His BROAD SCHOLARSHIP AND LITERARY ACTIVITY, 134-9; early and continued interest in history, 134-5; large famil- iarity with ancient classics, 135; an- cient and biblical history deeply studied by him, 136; wide reading of publicists, Burke and Hamilton, 136-7; exponents of liberal thought, of meta- physics and of philosophy appreciated, 137; the fiction that stood the test of time a part of his reading, 138; an as- tounding memory of poetry, 138-9. REVIEW OF WRITINGS based on ten thousand articles written by him, 140- 204; dominating idea in his editorial

reductions individual functions and uty, 141 ; mode of life of pioneer West inculcated self-reliance, 142; senti- mental interest in Oregon history, 143; his reading and social intercourse, 144; the editor of practical affairs, of idealistic sense and of scholarly attainment, 145; belief in war as the nursery of national unity and strength, 145; has many friends among theo- logians of divergent sects, 146-7; held religious feeling to be a permanent force in nature of men, 147; his opin- ions on religion epitomized, 148-9; his perennial fight for sound money, 149; the beginning and the culmination of it, 149; though a Westerner, he com- bats financial and monetary delusions bred under Western conditions, 150-1; resists repudiation, 152-4; points out "fundamental error" in our monetary system to be "fiat money," 154-5; free coinage of silver fought as a later phase of fiat money, 155-6; mainte- nance of gold standard no more open to debate than multiplication table, 156-7; contrasts Cleveland's firmness with vacillating policy of McKinley, 159; the silver issue counted by him as gravest crisis in our industrial his- tory, 160-1; the course of history set awry by assassination of Lincoln, 162; his Nationalist idea grew with his man- hood, 162-3; indiscriminate negro suf- frage a mistake, 163-4; Southern fear of negro and Northern prejudice a nightmare dispelled, 164; the national idea the main line of demarcation be- tween the two chief political parties, 165; the tendency of democracy to subdivision, but this more than coun- terbalanced by forces making for na- tional unity, 166-7; Jefferson the "evil genius of our national and political life" and the "glory of Hamilton the greatness of America," 168-0: his in- terpretation of national expansion across the Pacific, 169-71; took issue


with the Republican party with regard to its protective policy, but affiliated with that party because of his agree- ment with it on more serious ques- tions, 171-4; deprecates violent expul- sion of Chinese, but holds that social need of exclusion outweighs indus- trial need of Chinese labor on the Pacific Coast, 174-8; expressions evoked from him by agitations, chal- lenges and experiences in the hard times of 1894, 178-82; out of sympa- thy with progressive socialization of industry, 182-3; minimized efficacy of social legislation, placed all responsibil- ity upon home, 183-6; "industry is the first of the influences of right living," 186-9; goal that socialistic teachings would lead to pointed out, 189-90; ex- tension of governmental functions op- posed, 190-1; advocates of single tax doctrine criticised, 192; trust methods scored, 192-3; modification of Oregon system urged that representative sys- tem of law-making and of party organ- ization might be preserved, 193-8; participations in some railway rival- ries, 198-200; combatted mortgage tax, 200; influences specified that contrib- ute to high cost of living, 200-1 ; inde- pendence the prime requisite for right functioning in journalism, but legiti- mate money-making must be first object, 201-4.


Sioux Indian depredations in Rocky Mountains, 265-8; 271.

SMITH, E. WILLARD, Journal of, while with fur traders, Sublette and Vas- quez, 250-79; biographical note on, 250.

SUBLETTE, WILLIAM L., probably one of the leaders of the expedition into the Rocky Mountains, 1839-40, 250-1.

THURSTON, SAMUEL R., history of, pa- pers of, 214. Toulon, voyage of, 1847, 13.

Vasquez and Sublette expedition into the Rocky Mountains, 1839-40, course of, 251-3; in council with the Arapa- hoes, 260.


WALKER, I. R., leader of expedition to California, 253 ; discoverer of Yosemite wonderland, 253; 268.

WILBUR, REV. J. H., experiences of, as Indian agent in 1886, 65-7.

WILKES, LIEUTENANT CHARLES, cause for criticism of, by early Oregonians, 214-16.

Willamette River freezes over at Port- land in Winter of 1861-2, 332-3.

WORK, JOHN, JOURNAL OF, ON SNAKE COUNTRY EXPEDITION, 1830-1, 280-314; course of expedition, 280-1; summary of travels and disasters during expe- dition, 314.

YOUNG, F. G., author of supplement- ary note to Lownsdale letter, 217; author of introductory note to journal of E. Willard Smith, 250-3; author of "Why Not a Folk Festival in the Rose Festival?" 315-17.

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