< Oregon Exchanges < Volume 1

Oregon Exchanges

For the Newspapermen of the State of Oregon

Eugene, Oregon

June, 1917

Vol. 1. No. 1

A Message From the President

President Oregon State Editorial Association.

The establishment of a newspaper man's magazine by the School of Journalism of the University of Oregon should merit the close cooperation and support of every publisher in the state. It is bound to bring the country publishers into personal touch with each other and with the work that the School of Journalism is doing.

Those of us who have steered the destinies of the State Editorial Association in recent years realize fully the benefits of organization, Those of us who are in the printing and publishing business know that we have much to learn and can gain much from inter-communication. There is many a publisher who excels along a particular line, but there is no one publisher who excels in all departments. It is, therefore, the close relation between men and women in the same line of work, that promotes efficiency.

Standard of price and of product in any business is always desirable. Just how to arrive at this standard can be determined only by frequent exchange of opinion as to the best method of handling the various departments of the publishing business.

The State Editorial Association appreciates the work of the School of Journalism. In a very few years the faculty of the Department has built up a wonderful organization that is sure to make its mark in the publishing business in Oregon within the next decade.

Pendleton Beckons

The annual round-up of the Oregon editors will be held in Pendleton, July 13, 14 and 15. "See you in Pendleton" has been the closing sentence of newspapermen's letters to one another for several weeks. The pictureseque roundup city of the Inland Empire has its arrangements for entertainment pretty well along toward completion, and committees of the Oregon State Editorial Association are putting the finishing touches on the formal program, which will help make it a memorable week-end.

Application for entry as second class mail matter has been made at the postoffice in Eugene, Ore.

As soon as the program and time schedule is fully worked out, President E. E. Brodie will send printed copies to the members, who already have received advance bulletins.

Among the subjects of timely interest to Oregon publishers and editors which will be discussed at more or less length during the periods when business interferes with entertainment features will be adjustment to war conditions; modern business methods applied to small country weekly; cooperative handling of foreign advertising and newspaper rate cards; an offer of the University School of Journalism to figure the hour cost for a limited number of country offices; putting life in the editorial page; how to deal with the price-cutting competitor; educating the local merchant in advertising; foreign advertising; how to eliminate the free-space grafter; advisability of raising rates and prices; mall circulation; helping one another; good newspaper makeup and good job printing.

It is the belief of those preparing the program that there will be something helpful for all who attend the convention. A wide range of subjects is embraced in the proposed discussions—something for city man and country man; for editor and business manager; for proprietor and for employs.

Among those slated for participation in the program are Charles H. Fisher, of the Capital Journal, Salem: J. E. Gratke, of the Astoria Budget; E. B. Piper, Morning Oregonian, Portland; E. W. Allen, of the University school of Journalism; George Palmer Putnam, of the Bend Bulletin; Edgar McDaniel, of the Coos Bay Harbor; C. E. Ingalls, of the Corvallis Gazette-Times, president of the Willamette Valley Editorial Association; Elbert Bede, of the Cottage Grove Sentinel; Lloyd Riches, owner of the Stanfield Standard and now manager of the Weekly Oregonian; Bert R. Greer, of the Ashland Tidings; and Philip S. Bates, publisher of the Pacific Northwest and secretary of the Oregon State Editorial Association.

So much for the formal part of the gatherings. For the odd moments when business is not pressing, Pendleton promises a special round-up program and a trip to beautiful Bingham Springs. Pendleton subscribed more than half a million dollars to the liberty loan-which is only another indication of the fact that she always makes good. So when Pendleton promises a good time enough said.

Of course, such staple features of the festivities as the election of officers, committee reports, and the annual banquet, are included in the program.

Reduced fares are offered by the railroads. "Bring your wife" is the word sent out from headquarters. Give the old editorial chair a weekend rest and join the throng.

Covering the Morning Field

Editor Morning Register, Eugene.

Eugene is often referred to as the best newspaper field in Oregon—excepting, of course, the city of Portland—and many have been kind enough to say that The Register has made an unusual success as a morning newspaper in a field of this size. Therefore, I am very glad to respond to Mr. Turnbull's request for a few words about how we "get away with it."

I want to say first, because I consider it most important, that we cover our field. In fixing our circulation radius, we take into consideration the retail trade radius of our city of publication and attempt to make the two coincide as nearly as possible. We regard circulation outside this radius as of very little value, while circulation within it is extremely important. This gives us a field of fair size, because Eugene draws trade from the summit of the Cascades to the coast, and from 30 to 40 miles to the north and south.

In extending our circulation radius, as we do from time to time, we determine upon communities that ought to trade in Eugene, and then make an intensive campaign in thee communities. We believe implicitly that the most effective trade missionary in existence is the daily newspaper, and we go on the theory that people whose everyday reading is Eugene news and Eugene advertising will be quite certain to do most of their trading in Eugene. I mention these things because they are an essential part of our theory of newspaper building. We regard circulation in the light of giving service to our customers, and we use our circulation department as an effective means of extending the trade area of the retail merchants of Eugene who spend money with us.

It might be well to mention that our circulation is gained by personal solicitation and is held on merit. We enter into neither clubbing arrangements nor contests. We keep a solicitor busy with an automobile all the time in our territory outside the city Our circulation is audited by the A. B. C.

We get and hold circulation by giving the people of this territory a newspaper that answers their needs. We take the full leased wire service of the Associated Press, and while we do not use all of this splendid service, we get the meat out of it. We took it on in the first place in order to get complete and readable stories instead of the necessarily abbreviated bulletins of the pony service.

In addition to this, we maintain a local staff that covers adequately each day the happenings of the city of Eugene. We do not try to ape metropolitan dailies by eliminating small personal news, nor do we give undue prominence to this class of material. We aim to reflect the life of our city,

Last—but by no means least, in my estimation—we tell the neighborhood news of every community within our circulation radius. We do not use the old-fashioned method of grouping each community's news under a single stereotyped head, such as "Whiskey Creek Whisperings," but carefully edit all correspondence. Purely personal items are grouped, as Springfield Personals, Florence Personals, etc., while news of more than personal interest is run under separate headings. We have a correspondent in every community, and devote practically a page a day to this class of news. We consider it our most valuable circulation builder.

In addition to correspondents within our field, we carry correspondents at Salem and Portland. Our purpose, as I have stated before, is to provide a newspaper that will meet the needs of our readers, so that they will not have to take one newspaper to tell them the news of the world and another to tell them the newe of the community.

In the treatment of the editorial columns, we insist on versatility. We discuss community problems, uplift movements, politics, the progress of the war, and a wide range of other topics. In this also our purpose is to supply the wants of our readers so that they will not want to look elsewhere for daily newspaper needs.

This, in brief, is the idea back of the Morning Register. We seek to cover the entire area from which Eugene can expect to draw retail trade, for we know that the daily paper is the one, pre-eminent trade missionary, and to order to do this we print a newspaper sufficiently complete to answer the wants of our readers. It is a fact that in thousands of homes in this territory The Register is the only daily paper taken.

Aimed At Dishonest Advertising

Oregon is now proceeding under a new law regulating the business of advertising. The purpose, as stated in the title, is to prohibit "untrue, deceptive, and misleading assertions, representations or statements of fact in advertisements within the state of Oregon and providing a penalty for the violation thereof." The law strikes primarily, it appears, at persons or corporations who procure the publication of the offending matter, and it is provided that the act does not apply to publishers who print the objectionable advertising matter in good faith, without knowledge of its "false, deceptive or misleading character." The penalty provided is a fine of not more than $100 or imprisonment in the county jail for not to exceed 30 days.

The News Print Paper Situation

Secretary and Manager of the Pacific Paper Company, Portland.

[Analyzing the news print situation, Mr. McWaters can see no indication of lower prices in the near future. He points out factors which appear to be making for even higher prices.]

In this article, we will try to cover the news situation, but of necessity will have to touch somewhat on the manufacture of other lines of paper.

The United States Government a short time ago tried to establish a price on news paper. This price applied, however, only to the news used in the publication of the daily papers, and not on the news print as might be consumed for any other purposes other than the actual use in publications: Roll news, carload lots, $2.50 f. o. b. mill; less than car lots, $2.75 f. o. b. mill. Sheet news, car lots, $3.25 f. o. p. mill; less than car lots $3.50 f. o. b. mill. These are the actual cost prices, and in addition to these prices there was to be a charge of from 5 to 20 per cent, which was to represent the profit, the various additions being due entirely to the size of the contract, the smaller contract taking the larger percentage up.

These prices were not firmly established in that the mills who agreed to make these prices were either in a position not to accept any future business or the publishers who were to release five per cent of their contract tonnage did not release. In either case the answer was the same, in that the prices never were made to the publishers as a general thing.

The United States Government is now trying to establish a price, but up to the present nothing definite has been done. Everything tending to the manufacture of paper seems to point to an increased cost for the manufacturer, and for this reason there would be very little likelihood of any change in the price of news unless it were an advance. The following is a summary of what the mills have to contend with in the man ufacture of paper:

There is a large shortage of pulp and pulp wood, due to the fact that but very little wood was cut in Canada or in this country during the last year, and in Canada where the wood was cut, it is almost impossible to move the same to the market, in that there is a great shortage of help, due to so many men having been called to the colors. Pulp wood, which before the war was selling at from $6.00 to $7.00 per cord, sold during the latter part of March and early part of April at $20.00 per cord on the car, which means $25.00 delivered to the mill. Ground wood, which was selling at from $14.00 to $16.00 before the war, is now selling at from $50.00 to $60.00. Russia, which formerly supplied a considerable quantity of wood pulp, has cut nothing in the way of wood pulp for the last two years. While Norway and Sweden have cut some, obtaining from Russia the greater percentage of their wood, which they in turn manufactured into wood pulp, there are no ship bottoms to bring the wood to this country, therefore that market has been eliminated. The price in Russia on domestic chemical wood pulp is $256.70 per short ton.

The Federal Government, as a wartime measure, has placed paper on the "non-essential" list. This means that the manufacture of paper is not necessary to the carrying on of the war. This action, of course, does not look serious, but the consequences are liable to be much more serious than we now realize. With selective conscription in force, it means that men between the proscribed ages in paper mills and other non-essential lines, will be the first chosen for military and naval duty, or they may be transferred to essential industries.

It will mean that if there is insufficient coal to meet all needs, the non-essential industries must go without, or take a quantity below their actual requirements as may be allotted them, at an enormously increased cost. It will mean that transportation of essentials will be given preference over non-essentials, with the result that freight cars, both incoming and out going, will not be obtainable at all, or their availability will be greatly curtailed. It will mean further that the supply of sulphur, which is an important item in the manufacture of paper, may be interfered with.

The mills have also increased their help from 2-tour to 3-tour, employing three men where they formerly employed two. In addition to this, there have been wage advances, and some mills are now either shut down or running short-handed on account of strikes. Many men have enlisted, and this means a smaller output in that green help cannot possibly turn out the same volume as can the more experienced help. Consider these difficulties from the standpoint of the manufacturer, and you will readily understand the small chance of a reduction in price in view of the increased cost in practically all directions.

History does not suggest a lower general level of business and prices for several years. In our own civil war experience, stocks rose, and business boomed, starting in '61 and striking a high level in '64. Then there was some recession, but in a general way business was good and prices high until the panic of '73.

Our coast mills are in a more favorable condition than the Eastern mills, but they are shipping large quantities to Australia and South America.

The editor of the Peking Gazette was arrested recently for saying in his paper that the present Chinese cabinet is "selling out China" to the Japanese under the guise of negotiations for a loan of 100,000,000 yen. Chinese journalism is rapidly becoming modernized.

Oregonian Men Join Colors

General response to the call to arms has been made by the members of the various departmental staffs of the Morning Oregonian, Portland. In all more than 75 men have enlisted in one or another branch of the service and the editorial department especially has been depleted. Eleven reporters and copy readers have been taken. At the Reserve Officers' Training Camp are C. Jerrold Owen, Edgar E. Piper and James Cellars, of the local reportorial staff, and Captain Austin B. Richeson and George Pritchard of the news room copy desk. Frank Barton and Willard Shaver, the former an alumnus of Willamette and the latter of Oregon, have enlisted in the Reserve Engineer Corps and expect to be at American Lake early in July or before. Frank Hochfeld, former office boy and copy messenger, and for the last three years librarian, has enlisted in the coast artillery and expects to be called into service July 25. Earl R. Goodwin, former assistant sporting editor, who has recently been advanced to the local staff, has joined the American Field Ambulance Corps and expects to get into active training this summer. Charles P. Ford, who because of his apparent ability at the start became a copy reader three months after going to work as an office boy several years ago, has been a member of Battery A, Field Artillery, for about a year and served on the Mexican border. Harry Grayson, assistant sporting editor, has joined the U. S. Marines and is now at Mare Island.

Fred Taylor, copy reader and formerly a member of the Texas National Guard, has been offered a commission in the Texas National Guard, but he is awaiting his chances with the training camp, for which he has applied.

Harry Frye, copy reader, who because of a slight physical ailment was ineligible for the service, is arranging to undergo a minor operation, after which he expects to qualify.

Journalism Students Enlist

War activities have exacted a large quota of students in the school of journalism of the University. Some of the strongest students have associated themselves with various branches of the government service. Joe L. Skelton, of Klamath Falls, and Neil Morfitt, of Malheur, enlisted in the aviation corps in April, Frederick Kingsbury, of Eugene, en listed in the navy ten days after war was declared, and George Colton, of Portland, at about the same time went into the naval reserve and is now stationed at Bremerton. The Second Company, Coast Artillery Corps, Oregon National Guard, which will be mustered into the federal service in July, numbers among its members six of the most prominent students in the school of journalism—John DeWitt Gilbert, of Astoria, son of Chaplain Gilbert; Robert Case, of Tigard, winner of the Univer sity short-story contest for the year; Harold B. Say, of Sherwood, who during his off hours from his studies was a reporter on the Eugene Even ing Guard; Milton Arthur Stoddard, of LaGrande; Douglas Mullarky, of Redmond, and Clifford Sevits, of Klamath Falls, who has been making part of his way in college by working on the downtown papers. The latest two to join the service are Forest Peil, of Klamath Falls, for several months a reporter on the Eugene Morning Register, and Percy Boatman, of Spokane, who have gone into Capt. J. E. Kuykendall's ambulance corps unit. Harold Hamstreet, of Sheridan, member of the 1917 graduating class, who was the editor of the college paper during the last year, was the first to register in Yamhill county under the selective-conscription act. Harnstreet, who is the son of O. D. Ham street, publisher of the Sheridan Sun, mailed his filled blank from the University at Eugene several days ahead of registration time.

Attend State Convention

Elbert Bede, of the Cottage Grove Sentinel, contributes the following in his capacity as secretary of the Willamette Valley Editorial Association:

"I have been asked if I have anything I wish to say in the first issue of Oregon Exchanges. Until I was asked, it hadn't occurred to me that I should say anything. I have been talking pretty regularly to the newspapers of Oregon for some time, either by letter or otherwise, and have become pretty well talked out, which fact may be of considerable relief to some who have received my letters regularly but have so far resisted my appeals for an answer.

"There is, however, one thing that cannot be too strongly urged at this time. That is a large attendance at the meeting of the State Association at Pendleton, July 13, 14 and 15. Aside from the interesting program which I know is being arranged and the royal welcome that awaits us at "the last frontier," there are matters of vital importance to come up that require the interest of every newspaper man in Oregon—matters that mean bread and butter to him.

"It is as important that every newspaper man do his bit in boosting his own business as it is that he boost for the welfare of his country.

"This is no time for slackers. Every newspaper man should be there ready to do his bit.

"Among other things that will be decided at this meeting will be whether or not the editors will accept the invitation to visit Coos Bay in August. As the invitation came through the Willamette Valley Association, I wish every newspaper man who intends to go would so inform me by the time of the state convention, either in person or by letter. The Marshfield people have promised us the time of our lives."

"Beg Your Pardon!"

Under the heading "Beg Your Pardon," the Chicago Tribune has just installed a new department, devoted to correcting errors of fact which "creep into" the paper. It is not a column for the airing of differences of opinion.

The Tribune is carrying a one-column box heading on the corrections. On Memorial Day it decorated the first page of its second section with four amendments of statements claimed by interested persons to be errors. That hair-splitting is still a popular pastime is indicated by the nature of some of the objections. Here's a sample:

Seymour Stedman decided that he ought to deny the interview with him in yesterday's Tribune, and deputized St.-John Tucker to write the denial. Save that the reporter neglected to distinguish between the locutions "peace meeting" and "peace terms meeting," there was no misquotation of Mr. Stedman.

The New York World conducts a similar department, directed by The World's Bureau of Accuracy and Fair Play.

Couldn't Fool the Peepul

Editor C. E. Ingalls, of the Corvallis Gazette-Times, recently presented a scheme for the annihilation of the U-boats. The plan, which he modestly ascribed to one Ima Nocker, of Corvallis, contemplates simply that the Atlantic ocean be drained and the submarines run down with armored Fords.

Two of his discerning readers, however, refuse to believe that the plan is practicable. Signing themselves "Two Who Know," they come right back at the editor (he says) with a stinging comment. "We believe," they are quoted as saying, "that you are attempting to fool the people about a very important matter. In the first place, the plan of draining the ocean would not be feasible in our judgment, and in the second place we do not find Mr. Nocker's name in the telephone directory or on the tax list. Your alleged interview is unreasonable, and we denounce it as pure fiction."

Having been properly caught with the goods, the culprit editor could do nothing but to comment, in sorrow, "There are just too many doubters in this world, and that's a fact."

Recognition of the service given by the newspapers of Oregon was accorded recently by Governor Withycombe when he declared that the enthusiastic co-operation of the press of the state had made Oregonians better informed as to their duties in the war census than those of probably any other state.

Published by the School of Journalism, University of Oregon.


Issued monthly. Devoted to upbuilding of journalism in Oregon.

Free to Oregon newspapermen.

Contribution of articles and items of interest to editors, publishers and printers of the state is welcomed.

Here We Are!

The School of Journalism of the University of Oregon herewith presents the first number of a monthly publication dedicated to the interests of newspapermen of this state. This little magazine, in its humble way, hopes to become more and more a forum for, the ideas of the men engaged in publishing in Oregon. It is hoped, as time goes on, to make this publication thoroughly representative of the newspaper business in this state. Its success is going to be based largely on this interest taken in it by Oregon publishers; and the editors of "Oregon Exchanges" think they are not too optimistic when they expect full and hearty co-operation.

This publication is to be made one of the most useful instruments in the training of the senior class in editing in the school of journalism, Advanced students, during the college term, will be assigned to read carefully all the state papers end trade publications; to cull material therefrom; gather ideas for this magazine, and prepare the copy for the printer, Ali this, of course, to be done under the supervision and direction of the faculty of the school of journalism.

Only a small percentage of the newspapermen of the state have had any part in the production of this first number. There is to be abundant opportunity in subsequent editions, Let every reader of this article constitute himself a reporter and contributing editor for this publication. Fire in your personals, ideas and suggestions. We want to make this little magazine indispensable to the up-to-date newspaperman of Oregon.

The Amity Standard, published by C. G. LeMasters, runs a weekly column headed "The Octopus," devoted to news of the Amity High School.

Representative Hawley, of Oregon, voted in favor of the amendment to the war-revenue bill which makes a sharp advance in newspaper mail rates. Representatives Sinnott and McArthur voted against it.

The Dallas Itemizer recently carried an item detailing one instance in which advertising did not pay. A man of foreign birth sent an ad to one of the country's largest publications in his native tongue, setting forth that he was a widower with a son to support. If each of his fellow-countrymen in the United States would send him a dime, he suggested, they would not miss the money, and he and his son would thereafter be well cared for. He spent $1.50 on the ad and received 60c, from the replies.

The Muse of the Mud

"This road is impassable—
Not even jackassable;
If you want to travel it
You must gravel it."

The Newberg Graphic reports the above effusion as discovered posted on a tree on Parrott mountain. The find was made by a mail-carrier, who was traveling down the road hub-deep in mud. "Occasionally," the Graphic reports, "events bring out latent talent that produces something worth while from an unexpected source."

All Over Oregon

W. H. Hornibrook's Albany Democrat has recently moved into new and more convenient quarters.

L. E. (Dad) Whiting, one of the compositors of The Oregonian, recently purchased an automobile.

A. R. Slaymaker, formerly Oregon Journal artist, is doing vigorous work on the Times, Seattle.

Paul D. Murphy, formerly of Chicago and Minneapolis, is looking after courts for the Journal.

C. S. Jackson publisher of the Journal, is at Johns Hopkins hospital, Baltimore, recovering after a minor operation.

George Bertz, assistant sports editor on the Journal, is a father for the first time, and the staff smoked on George junior.

W. H. Perkins, better known as "Cy" Perkins, has joined the Oregonian editorial staff as court reporter. He comes from Montana.

A. L. Fish, business manager of the Journal, is at the Presidio, San Francisco, training camp for reserve officers.

George Howell, veteran compositor of The Oregonian, has been elected secretary of the Multnomah Typographical Union to succeed D. O. Gallup.

Word from J. L. Travis, who went to the managing editor's chair at The Times, Seattle, from the news editor's desk on the Journal, is that he is happy in his new berth.

John Cochrane, formerly political reporter for The Oregonian, it is understood, is about to become a country newspaper publisher. He is inspecting several properties in the valley.

Miss Getta Wasserman, New York society correspondent for The Oregonian, has returned to Portland for the summer.

W. A. Dill, for a number of years attached to the Register at Eugene, and city editor of the Guard for the last year, has joined the copy desk staff of the Oregonian.

Ernest Bertz, editorial office boy for the Journal, designates himself as a "copy shagger," which seems at least to carry the distinction of originality.

William Smyth has been named assistant in the sporting department under Roscoe Fawcett, to succeed Harry Grayson, who has joined the marines.

Earl Murphy, lately a student in the Journalism School of the University of Oregon, has taken a combined desk and reporting position on the Oregon City Enterprise.

H. H. Palmer, founder and for 11181' editor of the Redmond Spokesman, was recently reported as having inherited a fortune of several hundred thousand dollars by the death of his mother in New York.

Frank P. Stewart, with the Standard, Anaconda, Mont., formerly on Salt Lake City staffs, visited the Journal on his way to the Presidio training camp, with a number of other Montana guardsmen.

Rex Lampman, who created somewhat of a furore with his "Once Over" column in the Oregon Journal, is now putting the same thing over on the front page of the Pittsburg Leader, published by Alexander P. Moore. He is a brother of Ben Hur Lampman, a member of the staff of the Oregonian.

"Jim" Rintoul, who covered beats for Portland newspapers eight years ago, is back again and doing court-house for the Journal. He was in Salt Lake City the greater part of his absence.

Employes of the Oregonian subscirbed for $11,000 worth of the Liberty Loan bonds, through the office, The Oregonian arranged for the bonds and the employes will pay on installments.

The Prineville Enterprise, successor to the Prineville News, has been Isunched by A. M. Byrd, who believes that there is "a field in Crook county for two local newspapers."

E, N. Blythe, for a decade ss sistant news editor under Paul Kelty, has resigned from the Oregonian and joined the editorial staff of The Oregon Journal. Herbert J. Campbell, an Oregon alumnus, has succeeded Mr. Blythe,

George Stoney, copy reader of The Oregonian, and Dean Collins, reporter and "colyumist," have recently been in Good Samaritan Hospital, Mr. Stoney for an operation and Mr. Collins to recover from a nervous and stomach attack.

E. S. (Tige) Reynolds, cartoonist, Gertrude Corbett, society editer, and Edith Knight Holmes, club editor of The Oregonian, have contributed of their talents in the recent Red Cross drive in Portland.

Miss Evelyn (Peggy) Curtis, reporter for several years on The Oregonian and for 2 time motionpicture editor, has gone to New York, in response to a call from one of the moving picture publicity agencies, Whether she will take up the work will depend on her influence with her mother, who is insistent upon her completing a college course.

The two Scio papers, the Tribune and the News, have joined forces. T. L, Dugger, editor of the Tribune, has bought the News from L. W. Charles. The consolidated paper will be known as the Tribune.

The Astoria Evening Budget has moved to a new and more central location after nearly a quarter of a century, in one stand, The Budget has installed a Duplex web perfecting press in its mechanical department.

Miss Louise H. Allen, who graduated from the Oregon school of Journalism with the class of 1917, has accepted a position on the reporting staff of the Tacoma Ledger, one of the leading daily newspapers of the state of Washington.

Stuart Blythe, who aspires to be known in the newspaper field, other then just as the son of his father, Sam, has gone from the Journal's assignment staff to work with George Creel on the government's official "Bulletin." "Stew" promised to come back after the war.

H, Sherman Mitchell, a staff member of the Astoria Evening Budget, will edit the Anchorage (Alaska) Times until October 1. Arthur Bringdale and BR, O. Scott, formerly linotype operators of the Morning Astorian, are also with the northern paper.

W. H. Walton, formerly editor and owner of the Hood River News, but for the last five years in the employ of the Pacific Power and Light Company, as returned to the newspaper game, and ts now editing the Baker Herald. C. C. Powell, part owner and editor of the Herald for the last six years, is now trying his hand in the business department. Mr. Walton sold the News to the Bennett Brothers, after building it up from a "hick" weekly.

Albert Hawkins, for a number of years telegraph editor of The Oregonian, has been made editorial writer. Mr. Hawkins recently lost his wife through death. Mrs. Hawkins was a niece of the late H. W. Scott and was a practical newspaper woman.

Hugh Baillie, recently in the Oregon Journal's United Press office, is now, following a brief stay in the Chicago office, in New York City, editing the U. P.'s Red Letter stuff. F. W. McKechnie, of the Enterprise, Oregon City, succeed ed Baillie in Portland.

Chester Moores, an alumnus of Oregon, has recently completed his law studies and taken the examination for admittance to the bar. Mr. Moores studied while holding his position as Automobile and Real Estate Editor of The Oregonian.

Ralph J. Staehli, formerly automobile editor on The Oregonian, who recently has been publicity manager for George L. Baker in the mayoralty campaign, has gone to California on a roads tour. He will return soon, and probably will re-enter the newspaper work.

A. B. Slausen, who prior to 1893 was editorial writer, literary editor and exchange editor on The Oregonian, has returned to the staff after an absence of about a quarter of a century, as copy reader. Mr. Slausen left the newspaper field in 1893.

Two 100 per cent perfect babies are boasted by Oregonian employes. One is the son of James Cassell, moving-picture editor, and the other the son of George W. Tobias, until recently advertising solicitor for The Weekly Oregonian. Mr. Tobias has gone to Ohio, where he will engage in business. He had been a member of the Oregonian advertising staff for about 12 years.

Miss Lillian Tingle, who for 12 years had been writing domestic science and home arts news for The Oregonian, has been called to the University of Oregon to head the new department of Household Arts. She has been principal of the Girls' department of the Benson Polytechnic School for the last year, and prior to that time was identified with the Portland public school system as teacher and supervisor.

Maurice H. Hyde, graduate of the school of journalism, class of 1918, received his sheepskin by mail at Stanfield, Or., having left just before commencement to take the editorship and management of the Standard, a weekly published at that place. Maurice dashed off his final examinations—which, by the way, he passed most creditably—shook hands with his teachers, and hiked for the train. Mr. Hyde, who is known on the campus and in Eugene as a musician of ability, is succeeding at Stanfield a man of almost identical talents, Lloyd Riches, who was only tempted away from Stanfield by the offer of the position of manager of the Weekly Oregonian, at Portland. Mr. Riches has been contributing largely to the musical culture and enjoyment of Stanfield during his stay there, and Mr. Hyde is qualified to continue this feature of his predecessor's activities.

Mr. Riches, in less than a year and a half, put a losing paper on its financial feet and made it a recognized power for the good of a constantly widening community. Mr. Hyde is ambitions to keep up the record of his enterprising predecessor, for whom he will conduct the paper, and even to go him one better if possible.

Mrs. Hyde has joined her husband in their new hone at Stanfield.

Floyd C. Westerfield, of Grass Valley, Or., has gone to work in the business office of the Bulletin, at Bend, Mr. Westerfield has just been graduated from the University of Oregon as a member of the class of 1918. He specialized in the work of the school of journalism.

E. M. Olmstead, lately of Stayton, Or., has purchased the plant of the Eugene Printing Company, in Eugene, from J. C. Dimm, of Springfield, and Robert Hall. Mr. Dimm gave up active management of the plant a year ago to edit the Twice-a-Week Springfield News, and since then Mr. Hall has had active charge of the shop.

Harry N, Crain, of the class of 1918 in the school of journalism in the University of Oregon, is holding down an editorial chair in the office of the Polk County Ob server, at Dallas. Mr. Crain has had considerable journalistic ex perience, having been connected with the Western World at Ban don and other publications.

Fred A. Woelflen, news editor of the Bend Bulletin, is among those who will respond when the Third Oregon regiment is called into the federal service. Mr. Woelflen, who is a graduate of the University of Washington, class of 1915, is a former resident of Lewiston, Idaho, where he was correspondent for Seattle and Portland newspapers.

H. W. Dewey, stereotyper, has recently submitted an idea for possible protection against submarines, to the United States Government. The device is in the nature of a floating armored cushion to absorb the torpedo shock and explosion. Mr. Dewey presented the idea to United States Attorney Reames, who advised that it be turned over immediately to the government at Washington.

Paul Ryan, night police reporter, has returned to the Oregonian after spending a few weeks at Oregon City, where he helped E. E. Brodie install his enlarged plant, incident to increasing the size of the Enterprise from four to eight pages.

Frank Bartholomew, a graduate of the High School of Commerce, and for the last year reporter from that school for The Sunday Oregonian's school page, has joined the local state as "cub." Mr. Bartholomew has had some experience in a country printing plant.

Charles W. Myers, formerly real estate editor of The Oregonian, who during the last four years has been identified with The Timber man, Motoroad and Pacific Interstate, and publicity manager for the Portland dock commission, during the recent successful campaign for the bulk grain elevator bonds, has returned to the news room staff, having been called in to fill the breach on the copy desk caused by enlistments.

Charles C. Hart, formerly city editor of the Spokesman-Review at Spokane, and for several years its correspondent at Washington, after which he was candidate for Congress from the Spokane district of Washington, has been a visitor in Portland for several weeks, renewing acquaintances with a number of the "boys" with whom he has worked in various cities. Mr. Hart was the original Hughes boomer, and of all news paper men, probably the most responsible for the entrance of Mr. Hughes into the late campaign. Mr. Hart recently married a Minneapols girl whom he met while touring for Hughes in 1915. He is now a personal representative of W. H. Cowles, publisher of the Spokesman-Review, in connection with the farm publications issued by that paper.

Pendleton Tribune Enlarges

The Pendleton Evening Tribune, justifiably enough, is patting itself on the back on the occasion of its reaching the status of a seven-column paper. The change was made with the issue of May 30. "Increased business has forced the change," said the announcement. It goes on to thank the subscribers and advertisers for their loyal sup port. The change marks the attainment by the Tribune of adult dress, mechanically speaking. In other respects, the paper had long since passed into the thoroughly grown-up stage.

The management of the Tribune is particularly pleased with the fact that the change was made at small cost and with no installation of additional machinery. An old Potter press already on the premises was rebuilt on the spot and has, so to speak, "staged a real comeback," for it has served admirably the demand for additional press facilities and has been humming along like a youngster ever since. Added prestige and increased business has come to the Tribune with the change.

Eugene Newspaper Changes

Four of Eugene's newspaper employes will leave within the next few weeks. Forest Pell, city reporter for the Morning Register, will go with the Eugene Red Cross ambulance corps.

George Dick, mailing clerk for the Guard, and Harold Say, city reporter, will leave when the Oregon Coast artillery corps is called into service on July 15. Vance Cagley, linotype operator on the Guard, has enlisted as a printer in the quartermaster's corps.

E. S. Tuttle, former bookkeeper of the Guard, is assistant paymaster in the Puget Sound naval station at Bremerton. His place is taken by E. P. Lyons.

Miss Grace Edgington, 1916 graduate of the Oregon school of journalism, who is now society editor and proofreader on the Morning Register, of Eugene, has been elected to the faculty of the school of journalism in the University of Washington, at Seattle. Miss Edgington will take up her work at the opening of the fall term, in October.

Back In Oregon Field

The Heppner Herald since March 1 has been conducted by S. A. Pattison, an old-time Oregon and Idaho publisher. Mr. Pattison, who did country newspaper work in the Northwest for more than a score of years before dropping out four years ago, says he is happy to be back in the work and is beginning to feel at home. in a recent letter Mr. Pattison points it out as a sad fact that "the blacksmiths of Oregon have so nearly perfect an organization for their protection, and one that has practically put an end to all price-cutting in that line of endeavor, while the newspaper and printing people let things run at loose ends while, too often, they scrap like mad over a bit of county printing and cut prices on a $2.00 job. Is it possible that the black smiths have us beaten in brains as they have in brawn?"

Would Bar "Free Readers"

Ed. C. Lapping, of the Astoria Budget staff, suggests he would like to hear newspapermen discuss how to eliminate the free space grafter. "For myself," says Mr. Lapping, "I believe that if all daily and weekly newspapers in Oregon would go on record as barring all free 'readers' and 'news stories,' it would be a big thing in the reduction of the newspaperman's worries and expenses." The subject may be taken up at the convention of the Oregon Editorial Association in Pendleton next month.

Type Cases In Discard

The old fashioned type cases have practically disappeared from the composing room and ad alley of The Oregonian. D. F. Foulkes, superintendent, has equipped the plant with several of the newest Ludlow type making machines. Compactness is an outstanding feature of the apparatus, and they also eliminate the heavy distribution after the day's run, necessary when the old type was used. With these new) machines practically all advertisements, of large and small type, are set by the machine, and after the run the type is swept into the melting pot. The only distribution necessary is of leads, ornaments and rules.

The Gum-Shoe Argument

The Coquille Herald complained recently that it had been requested to suppress real news, announcing at the same time that the request had come to naught. The case in point, the Herald said, was the election of teachers for next year, and the paper was asked "not to say anything about" it. The fear was expressed that some people would protest and make trouble for the board members if they were informed of the changes that had been made, "and this," said the Herald, "seemed to be considered a good argument against the publication of the facts. Try as we will, we cannot bring ourselves to take that view of the ethics of the matter, nor that view of the proper way to run a newspaper."

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