190. The Holy Fire.
What was the disease which Robert of Gloucester mentions in the following lines, as existing in France in his time, but not in England?
So clene land ys Engolond, and so pur with outea ore.
That the fairest men of the world, ther inne beth y bore,
So clene and fair and purwyt among other men heo beth,
That me knoweth hem en eche lond bi sygte, where me hem seth,
So clene al so is that lond & monne's blod so pur,
That the gret unel cometh not ther that me cleputh the holy fur,
That for freteth monne's lymes, rygt as heo were brende.
Ac men of France in thilke unel me syth sone a mende
Gef heo hen brougt in to Engolond: war thorow me may wyte
That Engolond ys lond best, at yt is y write.p. 8.
This should seem to mean Erysipelas; yet that disease is now common in England, and how it should ever have been cured by change of climate is difficult to explain.