O The Depth of Love Divine,
Th' unfathomable Grace!
Who shall say how Bread and Wine
God into Man conveys!
How the Bread his Flesh imparts,
How the Wine transmits his Blood,
Fills his faithful People's Hearts
With all the Life of God!

Let the wisest Mortal shew
How we the Grace receive:
Feeble Elements bestow
A Power not theirs to give:
Who explains the wondrous Way?
How thro these the Virtue came!
These the Virtue did convey,
Yet still remain the same.

How can Heavenly Spirits rise
By earthly Matter fed,
Drink herewith Divine Supplies
And eat Immortal Bread?
Ask the Father's Wisdom how;
Him that did the Means ordain
Angels round our Altars bow
To search it out, in vain.

Sure and real is the Grace,
The Manner be unknown;
Only meet us in thy Ways
And perfect us in One,
Let us taste the Heavenly Powers,
Lord, we ask for nothing more;
Thine to bless, 'tis only ours
To wonder, and adore.

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