< The Army and Navy Hymnal < Hymns
For other versions of this work, see St. Anne.

\version "2.16.2" 
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "O Where Are Kings and Empires Now" "   " "129" } subsubtitle = "(ST. ANNE. C.M.)" composer = "William Croft, 1708" poet = "Arthur C. Coxe, 1839" }
\score { << \new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"church organ"} { \time 4/4 \partial 4 \relative g' { 
<g c,>4 | 
<e c> << { a4 } \\ { c,8 d } >> <g c,>4 <c e,> | 
<c d,> <b d,> <c e,> <g e> | 
<c e,> <g e> <a e> <fis d> | 
<g d>2. \bar "||" \break
<b d,>4 | 
<c e,> <a c,> <d f,> <b d,> | 
<c e,> <a c,> <b e,> << { g } \\ { g } >> | 
<a f> <c c,> <d f,> <b d,> | 
\cadenzaOn <c e,>2. \bar "|." 
<c f,>2 <c e,> \bar "||" } }
\new Staff \with {midiInstrument = #"church organ"} { \clef bass \numericTimeSignature \relative e { 
<e c>4 | 
<g c,> << { a8 b } \\ { f4 } >> <c' e,> <c a> | 
<a f> << { g } \\ { g } >> <g c,> <c c,> | 
<c a,> <b e,> <a c,> <a d,> | 
<b g,>2.
<< { g4 } \\ { g4 } >> | 
<g c,> <a f> <a d,> << { g } \\ { g } >> | 
<g c,> <a f> <gis e> <c e,> | 
<c f,> <g e> <a d,> << { g } \\ { g } >> | 
<g c,>2. | <a f>2 <g c,> | } } >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 88 }

1.O where are kings and empires now
Of old that went and came?
But, Lord, thy Church is praying yet,
A thousand years the same.
2.We mark her goodly battlements,
And her foundations strong :
We hear within the solemn voice
Of her unending song.
3.For not like kingdoms of the world, Thy holy Church, O God!
Tho' earthquake shocks are threatening her,
And tempests are abroad,
4.Unshaken as eternal hills,
Immovable she stands,
A mountain that shall fill the earth,
A house not made by hands. Amen.

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