William Lawes Ware,
BORN at Exeter, Devon, England, October 24, 1847. Left England at an early age for South Australia, where he arrived in March 1850. For nearly twenty years Mr. Ware has followed the profession of accountant and financial agent, in which capacity he has not only acquired the confidence of his principals, but been very successful. He first entered into business on his own account in 1872, and has since then been identified in a great degree with the mining industries of the colony, and connected with many mines on Yorke's Peninsula, Echunga, Waukaringa, and other places. He became a Fellow of the Royal Society of South Australia in 1878, and was elected by his fellow-citizens Auditor for the City of Adelaide in June 1878. In the following year he was re-elected to the same office by 2,250 votes, and has since then occupied the position continuously by re-election at the stated periods. Mr. Ware is well known in connection with Freemasonry, and has for many years* been a prominent officer in that order. He is now Grand Treasurer in the Grand Lodge of South Australia, and one of the Trustees of its property. He has had considerable practice in the administration of trust estates and financial business. Ostrich farming, an industry most suitable to our soil and climate, has been materially assisted by him in its introduce tion and establishment in this colony.