William Denholm
WAS born in Edinburgh, in 1847, and went to the ELighlands of Scotland at an early age, where he received his first lesson in dancing. Desirous of following the trade of a mason, he served an apprenticeship to it, and was afterwards for two years in an architect's office in Edinburgh. Having carried off several prizes for dancing in his native land, and having been favoured with the patronage of royalty, he visited England and America, where he was equally successful. He arrived in New Zealand in 1874, and received the appointment of Clerk of Works on the railway from Port Chalmers to Oamaru, and filled that position very creditably. During his leisure Professor Denholm gave instruction in dancing, and in competition he secured first honours against all comers. He arrived in Victoria in 1876, where he was also famed for his dancing abilities; his superiority in this respect was admitted by both press and public, and having won 2,000 first prizes, he may certainly be regarded as the "Champion Dancer of Australia." He came to Adelaide in 1881, and has taken part in the leading events in the Caledonian sports, usually securing first prizes; and on one occasion winning the chiefs gold medal Mr. Denholm is favorably known as a teacher of the art in which he so eminently excels, and many of the leading scholastic establishments here have availed themselves of his services.