William Bowen Chinner,
BORN in Adelaide, in 1850. Educated at St. Peter's College, under Canon Farr, M.A., LL.D., and earned distinction by gaining a scholarship for classics, given by the late Bishop Short. Received his first musical instruction from his father, the late G. W. Chinner, who was well known in the early days of the colony as an experienced authority on musical matters. He afterwards studied the piano, &c., with Signor Giorza, the eminent Italian maestro, Mr. Chinner has long been engaged in teaching various branches of the art, and has for fifteen years been Organist at the Pirie-street Wesleyan Church. He has opened, and taken part in the opening of many of the church organs in and around the city, and on several occasions acted as Organist for the Philharmonic Society and Musical Union. Several of Mr. Chinner's compositions for piano, organ and choir purposes have been published, some of which have acquired popularity, and met with a favorable reception from choirmasters and musicians of standing in England and the Colonies.