W. R. Knox
IS a native of Adelaide, where he was born July 21, 1861. Evinced a talent for music at an early age, and, under the tuition of Mr. Landergan and Signor Paola Giorza (the eminent musician and composer), developed this gift in a remarkable manner. As a token of appreciation of his pupil's proficiency, Signor Giorza, on leaving Adelaide, presented Mr. Knox with a highly-flattering testimonial, in which it is stated that "he is a most accomplished musician." At the age of 18 Mr. Knox made his debut in public as a performer on the organ and piano at the leading concerts in the city, and gained high encomiums for his artistic playing. He is organist of the Flinders-street Presbyterian Church, and on every occasion on which he has presided at his favourite instruments has been listened to with rapt attention. The meritorious task of familiarizing the public with gems from the repertoire of Schubert, Chopin, Mozart, and other great composers, appears to have fallen to Mr. Knox's lot; and South Australians have reason to be proud that one of the native-born is thus early rapidly rising to fame.