Victor Dumas,
ONE of the pioneers of the Mount Barker district, died December 27, 1882, aged seventy-six. Coming as he did from the French nobility, and being well educated, first at Merchant Tailor's School, and subsequently at Cambridge, he was admirably fitted for the position of a public instructor of youth, and when he fell on troublous times in his native land he came to South Australia, took up his abode in the then sparsely populated town of Mount Barker, and followed the natural bent of his inclination, namely, the profession of a teacher. He was a man of great intelligence, well read, and regarded quite as an authority on times, events, and histories. As a Latin scholar he was probably unequalled in the colony, and he carried off a widely contested prize in a competition in Latin verse. It is stated that he was related to the famous novelist Dumas.