< Notable South Australians

Herr Christian Reimers

WAS born in Altona (near Hamburg), June 19, 1827, and received his musical instruction from a plain but practical master, and by concerted playing with other pupils developed his talents as Violoncellist, principally in chamber-music. With equal abilities in the drawing-class and sculpturing (which latter elicited the attention of the celebrated Dannecker) he struggled on until the success of his first public solo on the violoncello decided his musical career. The sudden death of his parents required the careful use of means left at his disposal, and he went in his 19th year to Leipzig. Here he was connected with all the principal celebrities, except Mendelssohn. His drawing created a great sensation, as he exhibited much skill in producing portraits from memory. After a half-year's concert tour with an eminent pianist (H. Enke), he was invited to Düsseldorf by Rob. Schumann, whose warm and friendly sympathy brought him in contact with the most famous artists, such as Jenny Lind, Franz Liszt, Joachim Brahme, Sterndale Bennett, and others. In 1854 Ferd. Hiller took him as Prof, of the 'cello to the Conservatoire at Cologne, His early inclination for the mysterious found a vivid impulse in Rob. Schumann, who was an enthusiastic spiritualist. In 1856 he settled at Uppingham (England) as music master to the college, where choruses of his composition were well received, and for a long period were favorites. Longing for wider scope, he moved to Sheffield, where his continued study of spiritualism found in Dr. Rob. Chambers (of Edinburgh), whom he met there, great encouragement. In 1857 he settled in Manchester, where the eminent Charles Halle and his band attracted and revived the best recollections of his past career, A nervous affection (fiddler's cramp) contracted by over-study, interfered with further aspirations, and the most marvellous experiences in a regular private spirit circle alone saved his mind from despair. The reports of phenomena witnessed by him under crucial test-conditions led to his appointment as honorary member of the chief Psychological Societies, and Prof. Zöllner received his visit with brotherly welcome. Losing all his savings by a partnership with a patentee, he tried a new start in Belfast, but in spite of most sanguine prospects the necessity of a thorough change induced him to visit this colony, to join his brother-in-law, Mr. Gottschalk, of Sultana House, Edithburgh. He was not long here before he was forcibly drawn to a wider sphere of activity, and having achieved considerable success in the String Quartett Concerts, he came to reside in Adelaide, where his spiritualistic influence led to several lectures, and was the subject of much comment. A hostile party concocted a plot with a view, as they asserted, to expose Herr Reimers' fallacious beliefs, but the affair ended in a fiasco, and in the discomfiture of all concerned. The press also commented strongly on the matter, and showed that, whatever Herr Reimers' convictions as to spiritism may be, he is at least entitled to the merit of being an earnest and zealous seeker after truth. As a musician be is thoroughly original, and has probably few, if any, equals on his 'cello, the sweet sounds of which have often been heard by large and admiring audiences in our Town Hall. On visiting Melbourne recently, he was warmly received by the leading artists in his profession, and although inducements were offered to cause his stay, he resolved to return and locate permanently in South Australia.

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