Edward Walter Wickes
WAS a native of Stepney, England, and for many years known in the country districts as a lay preacher. His career as a teacher commenced in 1816, and he continued in that profession until 1845, when he left his native land for South Australia. During his scholastic career in England he published a grammar, which was extensively used, and after lie came to this colony he produced several elementary works which were largely circulated. Shortly after his arrival, in conjunction with the Rev. J. B. Titherington, he opened a school at North Adelaide, and continued it until 1854. Mr. Wickes was a member of the first Board of Education, and soon after its formation became the secretary, retaining that post for fourteen years, till failing health caused him to resign. He acted as lay preacher at Hindmarsh and other suburbs of Adelaide. He died at North Adelaide, August 30, 1868, aged 73.