Dr. W. Gosse, M.D.,
A WELL-KNOWN and deservedly-esteemed member of the South Australian medical faculty. He arrived in the colony with his family in 1850, and in 1852 received the appointment of Colonial Surgeon, and also that of Superintending Surgeon to the Lunatic Asylum. In March, 1857, he was appointed Honorary Medical Officer to the Adelaide Hospital, and in 1874 became President of the Central Board of Health. He held the office of Public Vaccination Officer to the Government from 1880 to the time of his death. He was one of the Governors of the S. A. Institute, and Warden of the Senate of the Adelaide University. Dr. Gosse was an able physician, and his kind manner endeared him to all with whom he was associated in his professional duties. He died in Adelaide at an advanced age, in July, 1883.