Dr. Frederick Forwood,
BORN at Southwark, England, in 1808. His ancestors were for many years employed in the Naval and Military Service, and his father was first Lieutenant of H.M. 145th Royal Marines. Educated in Devonshire and at St Olives, Southwark; and on completing his scholastic studies, entered for instruction at the London and St. Bartholomew's Hospitals. Practised for some years in London, and in 1853 left England, with his wife and family, in the ship "President Ram," for South Australia. On arrival here he practised in Adelaide and at Unley, but ultimately removed to Port Adelaide, in 1856, and resided there upwards of twenty-six years. During his long association with the Port he was universally esteemed, and made many friends. He was on several occasions pressed to take a prominent part in public matters, but always declined. He died at Queenstown, June, 1882, aged 74 years, leaving one daughter and three sons.