Commander F. Howard, R.N.
THIS well-known naval officer, who was for some time engaged in marine surveys on our coasts, commenced his sea life at an early age, and after four years' general service joined "H.M.S. Herald" in 1852. This vessel, «which had been fitted out in England for an exploring and survey cruise among the South Sea Islands, was absent about nine years and then returned to the home station. During this period, and thenceforward up till the time of Commander Hutchinson's death, Lieutenant Howard served under him, and eventually succeeded to the command of the surveying schooner, "Beatrice," and finished the coast survey in 1881. Being unable to support his family on half-pay in South Australia, Commander Howard left for Sydney, New South Wales, where he is now engaged in coast surveys for the Government of a similiar character to those he so creditably made in this colony. As Commander Howard's career was intimately associated with that of Commander Hutchinson, to avoid repetitions, the reader is referred for further information to his biography on page 249, and to which may be added the following particulars, kindly supplied by Commander Howard. "Capt. John Hutchinson was a son of Captain W. Hutchinson, who served with distinction in the war with France, and was for many years Queen's Harbour Master at Kingston, near Dublin. Capt. J. Hutchinson was a good surveyor and officer, and of a most amiable disposition. At his death he left a widow, now resident at the Cheltenham Ladies' College, England, and one son, a sub-lieutenant in the Royal Navy. His remains rest in the North Adelaide Cemetery."