Christopher Giles, Sen.,
DIED in April, 1884. Arrived in this colony with his family in 1849, and imported a considerable quantity of merchandise and other property. He settled first on a block of 400 acres on the Upper Wakefield, in which place ho was some years afterwards the first Chairman of the District Council. Subsequently he embarked in pastoral pursuits, taking up country as early as 1852 in the North-Eastern District, now known as Ketchowla. In this run he was joined by Messrs. Boucaut, but severe droughts rendered the undertaking a losing one, and in 1864 the run was sold. After that Mr. Giles led a very retired life in Adelaide, though he was well known at the Exchange, where he might often be met. Notwithstanding his advanced age he retained his faculties unimpaired to the last, being only a few weeks before his death engaged in a long and intricate audit. He left a widow and six children, all of whom are settled in the colony.