Newes from the Dead.
Narration of the miraculous
deliverance of
Who being Executed at Oxford
Decemb. 14. 1650. afterwards revived; and
by the care of certain hysitians there,
is now perfectly recovered.
Together with the manner of her Suffering, and the
particular meanes used for her Recovery.
Written by a Scholler in Oxford for the
Satisfaction of a friend, who desired to be
informed concerning the truth
of the businesse.
Whereunto are added certain Poems, casually
written upon that Subject.
The Second Impression with Additions.
Tho. Robinson. D. 1651.
- Newes from the Dead
- On Shee which was hang'd and afterwards Recover'd
- In Puellam à Diutino Patibuli Cruciatu Redivivam
- On the Shee that was Hang'd, but not Executed
- On one dead by Law, but reviv'd by Physick
- In Fœminam post Patibuli cruciatus reviviscentem
- Ad Medicos, dissecandum corpus vitæ restituentes
- A ceux de la Messe
- The Womans Case put to the Lawyers
- Nondum cessàrunt Miracula
- Thou shalt not Swing againe
- To the Physitians
- Ad Puellam Redivivam
- In Puellam suspensam
- Admire not, 'tis no newes
- In puellam ὑϛερόποτμον à patibulo reviviscentem
- On the Death and Life of Anne Greene
- So sportive, Atropos?
- Proh Metamorphosis naturæ dissona!
- Hippolytus was dead
- That Life's a Vapour I'le no more complaine
- Ternas sicne Deas
- For certaine, she was dead!
- Are Fates growne kind?
- To the Hangman
- Eurydicen sileat jam fama à morte reductam
- Wonder of highest Art!
- Hang up the Gallow-Tree
- To the happy Instruments of the Executed Maids Recovery
- Thou Pill too strong for fate!
- The Maids Game
- Had I been tongue-ti'd
- Dum sacer Eurydicen
- Quam penè abstulerat
- Search for a pleasant now delight
- Here lies—'t must not be so
- Iugglers we have seene
- Thou Sophister of Fate
- What hath the Law its power lost
- Iustice would cut, but Fate unedg'd the knife
- She liv'd, and in the cord made Fate despair
- Death's Metamorphos'd
- I'le stretch my Muse
- On Anne Greene her execution
- Are fates dread engines

This work was published before January 1, 1927, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.