< Native Tribes of South-East Australia


Aboriginal implements, discovery of, 15
Adelaide tribes, burial, 451
Adultery, punishment for, 207, 233, 245, 258
Aged and infirm people, respect for, 313, 316; kindness to, 766; treatment of, by Wurunjerri, Kurnai, Maryborough tribes, Dalebura, 766 ; Chepara, 767-8
Aldolinga tribe, gesture language, 727-32, 733, 734-5
Aldridge, H. E. , 116, 148, 231, 232-6, 323, 333, 402, 418, 431, 432, 441, 445, 471, 498, 600, 691, 694, 695, 740, 748, 750, 753, 755, 766, 768
All-father, the tribal, 488-508
Annan River tribe, class system of, 118; intentional change of, 140
Arunta tribe, class system, 119; system deliberately altered by Urabunna, 139; marriage rules, 238-9; diagram of Arunta class system, 238; diagram of marriages and descents, 239; legendary beings, 482-4
Aurora, see Beliefs
Awabakal tribe, 84

"Bad Country," the, 403
Badjeri tribe, 50
Ball-playing, 770
Baluk-mernen tribe, 55
Banapa and Bida tribes, 643
Bangal, see Medicine-man
Bangerang tribe, 53; marriage rule, 257
Baraba-baraba tribe, 52, 56; class system, 107; sub-class marriages, 211
Barkinji tribe, 50, 97; class system, 99; marriage rules, 194
Barn, see Magic
Barter, 714-17; Wurunjerri, 312; to avoid Pinya, 328-30, 715; Yantru-wunta, 714; at Kopperamana, 714; for skins by Dieri, 714; at Wilyaru ceremony, 715; at Kani-nura ceremony, 716-17; by Wiimbaio, Wotjo-baluk, 717; Jajaurung and Jupagalk, Kulin, Yuin, Wudthaurung, 718
Barumbinya tribe, 50
Barunga tribe, 50
Bathalibura tribe, classes and totems of, 113; message-stick, 113
Beliefs, as to the stars, 128, 369, 429-30, 432; aurora, 277, 430; rainbow, 398-9, 431, 784; sky, 426-7; a flat earth, 426, 432; the sun, 427-8, 432; moon, 428-9; thunder, 431, 541; Milky Way, 431-2, 645, 666; the seasons, 432; sky-land, 432-8; human spirits and ghosts, 434-42; dreams, 435-7, 441; the white man as a ghost, 442-6; in legendary beings, 475-88
Bennett, Samuel, 16
Berri-ait tribe, 57
Betrothal, by Dieri, 177; Kurnandaburi, 192; Wiimbaio, 194; Ta-lathi and Keramin, 195; Ya-itma-thang, Theddora, 196; Wolgal, 197-8; Ngarigo, 198; Wiradjuri, 210; Geawe-gal, 216; Wollaroi, Unghi, 217; Kuin murbura, 219 ; Wakelbura, 221-2 , in Maryborough tribes, 232; Wide Bay tribes, 236; Turrbal, 237; by Wotjobaluk, 241; Mukjarawaint, 243; Jupagalk, 244; Gournditch-mara, 249; tribes of South-west Victoria, 251; Buandik, 252; Wurunjerri, 253; Yerkla-mining, 257; Narrinyeri, 260; Yuin, 262; Murring tribes, 262-3
Biduelli tribe, 79-80; totems, 102-3; blood-feud, 352-3
Bigambul tribe, 58; compared with Emon and Ungorri tribes, 109; tribal government, 304; burial, 469; smoke signal, 721-2; personal names, 739; food rules, 769
Billi-billeri, 71, 309, 312, 340-1
Blood-feud, Kurnai, 348-52; Biduelli,
353; Theddora, 353-4; Onieo tribe, 374

Bonwick, J., 3, 15

Bora, see Kamilaroi; see Chepara

Boultbee, J. W., 98, 194, 301, 380, 332, 360, 397, 451. 676, 692, 749, 762

Boydell, j. W., 85, 97, 267, 315. 343, 469-71. 571. 689, 767

Bret, or dead hand, Kurnai, 277, 459-60

Breton, Lieut., 576

Bridgeman, G. F. , 64, 445

Brooke. Jocelyn, 60, 116, 228, 231-a, 324. 333. 385. 445. 469. 607, 722. 776

Brother and sister marriage, how prevented, 284 sq.

Buandik tribe, 68; class system, 123; marriages. 251-2; widow, 252

Buckley, as to Kulin government, 307; on punishment for elopement, 340; white man as ghost, 442; barter in Wudthaurung tribe, 718

Bugin, or Bukin, see Medicine-man

Bulalli tribe, 49, 98

Bulk, see Kurnai; see Magic

Bull-roarer, punishment for showing, to a woman, 354; discovery of use of, 509-10; by Yuin, 517; Wolgal, Ya-itma-thang, 565; Geawe-gal, 569; Gringai, 571; Port Stephens tribe, 572; Dungog tribe, 575; Chepara, 578-9; Turrbal, 582, 596; Wiradjuri, 583; Wonghibon, 589 ; Wathi-wathi, 592; Kamilaroi, 594-5; Maryborough tribes, 606; Bunurong, 613; Dieri, 659; Parnkalla, 669; Narrang-ga, 672; Itchumundi, 676; Dieri, 715

Bulnier, Rev. J., 100, 102, 195, 301, 302, 366, 368, 380, 428-9, 437, 717, 739, 752, 700-61

Bundaberg cicatrices, 746

Bunjil, Kulin class name, 126-7; "boys" and "sons" of, 128; Wurunjerri legend of, 484; as tribal All-father, 491-2; Kurnai use of name, 738

Bunjil-baul, see Kurnai

Bunjil-yenjin, see Medicine-man

Buntamurra tribe, 64; class system, 113-14; marriage rule, 226-7; Diagram XV. , Buntamurra sub-class and totemic marriages and descents, 227; tribal council, 324; punishment of offences, 333; rain -makers, 399; medicine-man, 399; messenger, 691; message-stick, 691

Buntine, J., 373-4, 461, 566

Bunurong tribe, 71; class system of, 127; marriages, 257; expiatory combat, 338-40; Talangun ceremonies, 612-13; cannibalism, 751; camping rules, 776

Bunya-Bunya tribe, 52; mutilations, 746; treatment of child, 747-8; private property, 768; curious custom of hair-pulling, 768

Bura-bura tribe, 52

Burbung ceremonies, see Wiradjuri; see Wonghibon, and Wathi-wathi

Burial practices, Dieri, 446-9; Ngurawolla, 449; Kukata, Narrang-ga, 450; Adelaide tribes, Tongaranka, 451; Wiimbaio, 451-2; Wathi-wathi, 452; Wotjobaluk, 452-3; Mukjarawaint, 453; Wotjo nation, 453-5; Gournditch-mara, Jupagalk, 455; tribes of South-west Victoria, 455-8; Wurunjerri, Port Phillip blacks, 458; Jajaurung, 458-9; Kurnai, 459; Theddora, 460-1; Ya-itma-thang, 461; Ngarigo and Wolgal, 461-2; Yuin, 462-3; Port Jackson, 463-4; Geawe-gal, Gringai, 464; Dungog tribe, 464-5; Port Stephens, 465; Wiradjuri, 465-6; Kamilaroi, 466-7; Yualaroi, Unghi, 467; Maranoa tribe, 467-8; Chepara, 468-9; Higambul, Kaiabara, 469; Turrbal, 469-70; Maryborough tribes, 470-1; Kuinmurbura, 471; Wakelbura, 471-4; Dalebura, 474; Herbert River tribes, 474-5

Cameron, A. L. P., 50, 51, 56-7, 99, 100, 107-8, 125, 147, 150, 195, 211, 213, 214, 215, 218, 304, 402, 467, 493-4, 588, 591, 764

Cam-mer-ray tribe;, 83

Camping rules, 773-7

Canciani, 287, 288, 290, 291, 292

Cannibalism, Jupagalk, 247; Wotjobaluk, 247, 749, 751; Dieri, 448, 751; Yaurorka, 449, 751; Yantruwunta, 449, 751; Marula, 449, 751; Tangara, 449-50; Mukjarawaint, 749; Wotjo nation, Ta-tathi, 750; Wudthaurung, Kurnai, Ngarigo and Theddora, Turrbal, 752; Maryborough tribes, 753

Ceremonies, see Initiation, and Magic

Chepara tribe, 86, 87, 136; female captives, 280; marriages, 280; mother-in law, 280-1; Headmen, 318-19; council, 326; punishment of offences, 354; Ya-gul-kubba( medicine-man), 385; Bugerum (medicine-man), 468; burial, 468-9; Bora ceremonies, 578-83; messengers, 690-1; message-stick, 707-9; nose-perforation, 741; feeding the sick, 767; distribution of food, 767-8

Child, treatment of, in Bunya-Bunya tribe, 747-8

Children, naming of, by Kurnai, 736-7; Yuin, Wiimbaio, Bigambul, 739; Turrbal, Maryborough tribes, 740; method of counting, 748

Christison, R., 64. 227, 304, 386, 474, 709, 747, 766, 768

Cicatrices, meaning of, 313; Kurnai, 743, 744; Dieri, Yerkla, 744; Yuin, While Cliffs tribe, Bundaberg, Moreton Bay tribes, Bunya-Bunya and Ipswich tribes, 746

Clairvoyance, belief in, before death, see Magic

Clan, definition of, 44

Class divisions, 88; legends as to, 89

Class names, equivalence of, 109, 137-42

Classificatory system, 156

Codrington, Rev. K. H., 25, 27

Collins, Col., 75, 83, 84, 268, 315, 382, 438, 442, 445, 461, 464, 509, 567

Combat, of women, 197; ordeal by, 333; expiatory, 334-48

Commune, Undivided, 142-4, 173-4

Council, tribal, Wiimbaio, 301; Kamilaroi, 302; Wiradjuri, 303; Dieri, 320-2; Turrbal, Maryborough tribes, 323; Kaiabara, Buntamurra, Wotjobaluk, Kulin, Narrang-ga, 324; Narrinyeri, Yuin, Geawe-gal, Gringai, Kurnai, 325; Chepara, 326

Crawfurd, John, 26

Crawley, E., on exogamy, 285 sq.

Crowthers, R. , 58, 108. 217, 384, 445, 467, 694, 769. 770

Curative practices, Kurnai, 379; Wurunjerri, 379, 387; Tongaranka, Wiimbaio, 380; Ngarigo, 381, 382; Yuin, Port Jackson trilxis, 382; Geawegal, Dungog, Port Stephens tribe, 383; Kamilaroi, Vualaroi and Bigambul, Turrbal, 384; Chepara, Kaiabara, Dalebura, 385; Jupagalk, 386; Wakelbura, 402; Kurnandaburi. Wilya, 411

Curr, E. M., 5, 53, 158, 296, 501, 503, 504, 754

Dalebura tribe, 64; remarriage of widow 227; tribal government, 304; Head-men, 304; rain-makers, 386; Bubiberi (medicine- men), 386; burial, 474 mutilations, 747; kindness to infirm, 766; division of food, 768; generous qualities. 768

Dance, Molongo, 330, 416

Darling River tribes, 49-51; punishment of offences, 194

David, T. W. E. , 17; see Etheridge, and Grimshaw

Davis, R. H., i

Dawson, James, 17, 69, 125, 150, 250, 251, 306, 336, 442, 444, 455, 456-8, 503, 615, 690, 765

Dawson, R. , 84, 268, 316, 398, 431, 496, 726, 747, 765

Dead, reluctance to speak of, 440-1, 469; burnt by Kulin, 443; by tribes of South-west Victoria, 444; treatment of, by Yerkla, 450

Descent, effect of male, 269; change from female to male, 283-4; maternal, in Salic Law, 286-94

Diagram I. Kamilaroi marriages and descents, 115

II. Kaiabara marriages and descents, 116

III. Dieri marriages and descents, 163

IV. Kurnai marriages and descents, 171

V. Dieri classes and totems, 175

VI. Dieri marriages and descents, 176

VII. Dieri class and totem relationships, 179

VIII. Urabunna marriages and descents, 189

IX. Dieri marriages and descents, 189

X. Four sub-class system of Kamilaroi, 200

XI. Kamilaroi marriages and descents, 201

XII. Kamilaroi and Dieri compared, 201

XIII. Wiradjuri marriages and descents, 209

XIV. Lachlan River tribe marriages and descents, 213

XV. Buntamurra sub-class and totemic marriages, 227

XVI. Kamilaroi and Kaialxira compared, 229

XVII. Muruburra marriage law, 230

XVIII. Arunta class system, 238

XIX. Arunta marriages and descents, 239

XX. Waramunga marriages and descents, 239

XXI. Waramunga marriage rule, 240

XXII. Wotjobaluk marriages and descents, 242

XXIII. Wurunjerri marriages and descents, 253

XXIV. Kurnai marriagesand descents, 270

XXV. Exogamous sections of community, 285

Diagram XXVI. Exogamous sections of community, 285

XXVII. Do. do. 286

XXVIII. Descent under Salic Law, 288

XXIX. Do. do. 291

XXX. Plan of burial arrangements, Wotjo nation, 454

XXXI. Yuri-ulu legend, 654

XXXII. Kurnai camping rules, 774

XXXIII. Wurunjerri camping rules, 775

Dieri tribe, 44; Murdus, 91; Perigundi legend, 95-6; distribution of, 96; tabulated marriages and descents, 158-9; relationship terms, 160-8; diagram of marriages and descents, 163; diagram of classes and totems, 175; marriage rules, 175-81; diagram of marriages and descents, 176; betrothal, 177; diagram of class and totem relationships, 179; group marriage, 179-87; elopement, 183; abhorrence of irregular unions, 187; diagram of marriages and descents compared with Urabunna, 189; diagram of Dieri and Kamilaroi marriages and descents, 201; tribal government, 297; Pinya, 297, 326-32, 680; Headmen, 297-300; tribal council, 320-23; Kunki (medicine-man), 358-9; "pointing the bone," 359; rain-makers, 394-6; ceremonies to influence food supply, 399, 798; Milky Way, 431; Kutchi, 446; burial practice, 446-9; cannibalism, 448; Mura-muras, 475; legends of, 476-82; initiation ceremonies, 655-64; knocking out of teeth, 655-6; Kara-weli-wonkana ceremony, 656-8; Wilyaru ceremony, 658-61; Mindari ceremony, 661-2; Kulpi ceremony, 662-4; Wilpadrina ceremony, 664; messengers, 679-85; Pitched expedition, 710-11; red-ochre expedition, 711-12; Yutchin, 713-14; barter for skins, 714; smoke signals, 720; widow, 724; gesture language, 727-35; cicatrices, 744; cannibalism, 750-1; fire drills, 770; camping rules, 773; Murdu legend, 779-80; legend of Mandramankana, 781-3; legend of Anti-etya, 796-7; legend of Darana, 798-800; Tirari legend of Palungopina, 800; legend of Ngura-wordu-punnuna, 803-6

Doenbauraket tribe, 55

Dora ceremonies, see Maryborough tribes

Doyle, Cyrus E., 104, 200, 207, 208, 362, 439, 467, 494, 595

Dreams, see Beliefs

Dungog tribe, burial custom, 464-5; ceremonies, 574-6

Earl, Geo. W., 26

Earth believed to be flat, 426, 432

Elopement, Dieri, 183; Kurnandalmri, 193; Wiimbaio, 194; Theddora, 196; Ya-itma-thang, 197; Ngarigo and Wolgal, 198; Wiradjuri, 211; Geawegal, 216; WoUaroi, 217; Wakelbura, 222-5; Maryborough tribes, 233; Wide Bay tribes, 236; Wotjo nation, 245; Gournditch-mara, 249; Wurunjerri, 254-6; Yerkla-mining, 258; Narrang-ga, 259; Narrinyeri, 261; Yuin, 264; marriage by, in Kurnai tribe, 273-9

Emon tribe class system, 109; compared with Bigambul and Ungorri, 109

Encounter Bay, ceremonies of tribe, 672-3

Enumeration, of Bunjil's sons by Kulin, 128; Wotjobaluk, 697-8; Wurunjerri, 701-2; of stages of a journey, 702-3; Wudthaurung and Jajaurung, 702; Yuin, 718; of children by Wakelbura, 748

Etheridge, R., jun., 6, 13, 17. See also David, and Grimshaw

Eucla tribe gesture language, 727, 732, 733, 734, 735

Everett, A., 19

Evil beings, Wulle of Chepara, 354; Brewin of Kurnai, 356; Ngarrang of Wurunjerri, 356 ; Kutchi of Dieri, 446; Tulugal of Yuin, 462; Coen of Port Stephens tribe, 496

Exogamy deliberately instituted to prevent incest, 284 sqq.

Expeditions, tribal, see Dieri and Yantru-wunta

Eyre, E. J., 3

Eyre, Lake, tribes, 44-49

Fat, human, used in magic, Wiimbaio, 367-8; Wotjobaluk, 368-9; Jajaurung, 369; Mukjarawaint, Jupagalk, 372; Kurnai, 372-3; Wurunjerri, 373-5; at Omeo, 373; Yuin, 373, 376-7; Wolgal, 373; Wiradjuri, 374-5; Kamilaroi, Dungog, 376; belief as to, 410-11

Father, care of wife's, Wurunjerri, 256; Kurnai, 279-80, 756, 758, 760

Feehan, M. J., 99

Female captives, Ta-tathi, 195; Keramin, 195; Kamilaroi, 208; Geawe-gal, 216; Kuinmurbura, 220; Wakelbura, 225; ceremonial, 233-4; Maryborough tribes, 233, 235, 236; Wotjobaluk, 247-8; Wurunjerri, 256; Narrang-ga, 260; Narrinyeri, 261; Gringai, Port Stephens tribe, 267; Port Jackson tribe, 268; Chepara tribe, 280

Fire drills, 770-3

Fish, Narrinyeri superstition as to, 763

Fish-hooks, Kurnai, 761

Fison, Dr. Lorinier, 43, 67, 88, 103. 144, 199. 203. 511. 557

Fitzroy, Capt. R., 2

Flowers, W. H., 31, 60, iii, 218, 399, 471, 710

Food, rules, 756-70; fear of magic in, 767; charms and ceremonies to influence supply, see Magic

Fowler's Bay tribe, ceremonies of initiation, 667

Fraser, Dr. John, 7, 84, 204, 267, 502

Frazer, J. G. , on exogamy, 284 sqq.

Gaggin, J., 431, 474, 499, 720, 777

Ganitch ceremonies, see Wotjobaluk

Garside, Capt., 384, 452

Gaskell, F. , 450, 667, 720

Gason, S. , 186, 297, 300-1, 320-3, 326, 354. 358-9. 394-6, 427-8, 434, 448-9, 476, 480, 503, 655-7, 660-1, 662. 664, 683, 711, 714, 727-32, 744, 751

Gaura, see Kurnandaburi

Geawe-gal tribe, 84, 105; betrothal and elopement, 216; marriage rules, 216-17; female captives, 216; tribal government, 316; Headmen, 316; tribal council, 325; punishment of offences, 343 I burial, 464; ceremonies of initiation, 569-74; messengers, 689

Gesture language, 723-35

Ghosts, see Beliefs

Gibson, James, 136, 280-1, 319, 326, 354. 385. 437. 469. 498. 581. 691, 709, 741, 770

Giglioli, E. H., 4, 9

Gillen, F. J. , 67. See also Spencer and Gillen.

Gommera, see Yuin

Gournditch-mara tribe, 69; class system, 124; marriages, 249; burial, 253; Headmen, 306; message-stick, 699; food rules, 765

Grangema tribe, 52

Grihble, J. H., 105. 466, 776

Grimshaw, J. W. , 17. See also Etheridge, and David

Gringai tribe, 85; marriage rules and ceremony, 266-7; female captives, 267; elopement, 267; mother-in-law, 267; Headmen, 315; tribal council, 325; punishment of offences. 343-4; burial, 464; initiation ceremonies, 570-2; messenger, 689; signal, 721; food rules, 767

Guerno tribe, 50

Guillemard, F. H. H., 12

Gurildra, see Narrang-ga

Haddon, Dr. A. C. , on totemism, 152, 154

Headmen, Dieri, 297-300; Yantruwunta, 299; Yaurorka, 300; Tongaranka, Wiimbaio, Theddora, 301; Yuin. 302, 314; Ngarigo and Wolgal, Kamilaroi, 302; Wiradjuri, 303; Dalebura, Bigambul, Kaiabara, Wotjo nation, 304; Mukjarawaint, 304-5; Gourn-ditch-mara, 306; Wurunjerri, 307; South-west Victoria, 308-11; Kulin, 308-11; Yerkla- mining, Narrang-ga, 313; Narrinyeri, 314; Port Jackson tribes, Gringai, 315; Port Stephens tribes, Geawe-gal, 316; Kurnai, 317-18; Chepara, 318-19

Hearn, Dr. W. E., 81

Helms, Richard, 196, 302, 566, 693

Herbert River tribes, beliefs, 431; burial, 474-5; tribal All-father, 499; hereditary occupations, 720; camping rules, 776

Hilleri and Willuri tribes, 47; signals, 720

Hogarth, J., 93, 187

Holmes, C. F. , per Dr. John Fraser, 267

Hook, A., 325, 464, 571

Horde, definition of, 44

Hospitality to friendly stranger, 234-5, 725

Howitt, M. E. B. , 360, 398, 428-9, 430-1, 433, 478, 485-6

Howitt, Richard, 309. 458, 492

Hunter, Stanley, 16

Individual ownership, Bunjil-baul, 73-4; at Port Jackson, 75; stone quarries, 311, 689; Bunya-Bunya trees, 768

Infanticide. 748-50

Initiation ceremonies, eastern type, 509-642 ; western type, 643-77

Ipswich tribe, 746

Ita-ita tribe, 56

Itchumundi nation, 49, 97; marriage rule. 194; ceremonies, 675-6; message-sticks, 682

Ithi-ithi tribe, 50

Jack, Dr. R. L., 13, 14

Jajaurung tribe, 71; Bangal (medicine-man), 369 ; burial, 458-9; Jibauk ceremonies, 613-14; messengers, 689; method of enumeration, 702; barter, 718; cannibalism, 751

James, Frank, 446, 449

Jeraeil ceremonies, see Kurnai

Jibauk ceremonies, see Jajaurung, and Wurunjerri

Johnston, R. M., 22

Jupagalk tribe, 243; betrothal, 244; evil magic with roasting, 244, 365; fat-taking, 372; Bangal (medicine-man), 386; burial, 455; tielief in clairvoyance before death, 466; ceremonies, 614; messengers, 689; barter, 718

Jurobaluk tribe, 55

Kabbarah ceremonies, see Port Macquarie tribe

Kadri-pariwilpa-ulu, see Legends of initiation

Kaiabara tribe, 60; class system, 116; diagram of marriages and descents, 116; marriage rules, 228-30; compared with Kamilaroi, 229; totemic marriages, 229; old men instruct boys, 230; record of class names, 231; government, 304; Headman, 304; tribal council, 324; punishment of offences, 333; burial, 469; initiation ceremonies, 607; smoke signals, 722; camping rules, 776

Kamilaroi nation, 56-7, 84; class system, 104, 200; diagrams of marriage and descent, 115, 300-2; diagram of class system, 200; diagram of class system compared with Dieri, 201; anomalous marriage rules, 203-4; marriage rule, 205-7; remarriage of widow, 207; mother-in-law, 208; female captives, 208; punishment of offences, 208, 332, 343; diagram of Kamilaroi and Kaiabara marriages and descents, 229; tribal government, 302; Headman, 302; alleged use of poison, 362-3; fat-taking, 376; burial, 466-7; tribal All-father, 494; Bora ceremonies, 593-595; messengers, 687, 688-9; smoke signals, 721

Kamiri, see Yantruwunta, and Yaurorka

Karamundi nation, 49-50, 97; marriage rule, 194; tribal government, 301; rain-makers, 396; food rules, 762-3

Karaweli-wonkana ceremony, see Dieri

Kaura tribe, infanticide, 749

Keane, A. H., 31, 32

Kempe, H., 727, 728-35

Keramin tribe, 195

Kerinma tribe, 52

Kirkham, J. H., 64, 113, 226, 324, 333, 399, 691, 729-34

Knopwood, Rev. —, 313

Kombaingheri tribe, 84; class names, 105; marriage, 268-9

Kongait tribe, 49, 98

Kongulu tribe, class system, 111-12; marriage rules, 220

Kreft, Gerard, 17

Kühn, Julius, 67, 416

Kuinmurbura tribe and nation, 60, 64; class system, 111; marriages, 218-20; betrothal, 219; remarriage of widow, 220; rain-makers, 399; burial, 471; message-stick, 709-10

Kukata tribe, 47, 66; burial, 450

Kulin nation, 54, 70; class system, 126-7; marriage rules, 252-3; tribal government, 308-9; Headmen, 309; stone quarry, 311; tribal council, 324; evil magic and roasting, 365; legends, 485; tribal All-father, 491-2; initiation ceremonies, 609; method of enumeration, 702-3; barter, 718; cannibalism, 752; food rules and daily life, 767

Kulpi ceremony, see Dieri

Kumbukabura tribe, 63

Kundri, see Turrbal tribe

Kunki, see Dieri

Kurbin-aii ceremonies, see Turrbal

Kuringal ceremonies, see Yuin, and Wolgal

Kuriwalu tribe, gesture language, 727-34

Kurnai tribe, 73-6, 134 ; Bunjil-baul, 73-4 ; totems, 135 ; sex totems, 147- 50; relationship terms, 168; marriage and descent, 171, 272 ; Diagram XXIV., marriages and descents, 270 ; intermarrying localities, 271-2 ; elope- ment, 273-9; mother-in-law, 279; wife's father, 279-80 ; Headmen, 317- 18; tribal council, 325-6; nungi- nangit, 345-8 ; blood -feud, 348-52 ; Brewin, 356; magical roasting, 361-2; belief in clairvoyance before death, 371 ; fat- taking, 372 ; evil magic, 376-8; Mulla-mullung(medicine-man), 379-80, 408-9; song-charm, 388; Birraark (medicine-man), 388-93, 416- 18 ; rain-makers, 397 ; burial, 458 ; bret, 459-60 ; legend of Lohan, 485 ; Muk-kurnai, 487; tribal All-father, 490, 492-3 ; Jeraeil ceremonies, 616- 38 ; bull-roarers, 628 ; messengers, 690,707; message-stick, 706-7; signal, 722-3 ; gestures, 725 ; names from youth to age, 736-9 ; nose perforation, 741; op)ossum-skin rugs, 742; cica- trices, 743-4 ; infanticide, 750; canni- balism, 752 ; food rules, 756-9 ; kind- ness to wives, 766 ; consequence of eating forbidden food, 769 ; ballplaying, 770; fire drill, 773; camping rules, 773-4

Kurnandaburi tribe, 49, 96; Gaura, 97; betrothal and marriage, 192

Kuurn-koppan-noot tribe, 69

Lachlan River tribes, class system, 107; marriage rules, 211-13; DiagramXIV., marriages and descents, 213

Lake Eyre tribes, 44-9; reception of messengers, 685; legends of, see Appendix, 779-806

Lalor, J., 58, 108-10, 304, 432, 439, 469, 722, 739, 769

Lance, T. E. , 103, 199, 203

Lang, Andrew, 143, 152-3, 753

Lang, Dr. Dunmore, 754

Lang, G. D., 754

Latham, R. M., 2

Legendary beings, 475; Mura-muras, 475; legends as to, 476-82; Arunta, 482-4; Yerkla-mining. 484; Wotjobaluk, 484, 485; Wunmjerri, 484, 485; Kurnai, 485-6; Mnk-kurnai, 487

Legends, Perigundi, 95-6; of Loan, 134, 485; sacred, 486-8; of initiation, 645-55; Lake Eyre tribes, 779-806

Leitchi-leitchi tribe, 52, 689

Lethbridge, K. C., 468

Life, daily, of Kulin, 772

Localities, intermarrying, Yuin, 262; Kurnai, 271-2

Logan, W. , 709, 727-9, 731-4

Lucas, William, 274, 278

Luebben, A., 289

Lyddeker, R., 31

M'Alpine, J., 134, 274, 769-70

Macdonald, D., no

M'Gillivray, J., 3, 10, 26

M'Keachie, A. M. , 693

M'Kinlay, Dr. E. M., 85, 334. 367, 376, 380, 381, 383-4, 401, 404, 451, 452. 465, 485, 496, 572, 574, 644, 686, 721, 725, 749, 785

M'Kinlay, J., 685

M'Lean, Hon. A., 440

M'Lennan, J. F., on Levirate, 281

Macleod, J. C, 743

Macquarie, Lake, tribe, legendary being, 496-7

Magic, evil, projecting magical substances, 357-8, 365-7, 371, 400, 402; "pointing the bone" or otherwise, 359-61; use of human fat, see Fat; roasting or burning substances, 360-1, 362, 364, 365-6; clairvoyance before death, belief in, 371, 466; Barn and Bulk, 376-8, 439; charms and ceremonies to influence food supply, 399-400, 798; omens and warnings, 400. 402; inherent to tract of country, 403; fear of transference by food, 767; effects of, in forbidden food, 769-70

Maiden, J. H., 432, 471

Maitland tribe, nose flattening, 743

Malku-malku-ulu legend, see Legends of initiation

Maiming, James, 501

Maranoa tribe, burial, 467-8

Maraura-speaking trites, ceremonies of, 675

Mardala tribe, 74; stone axes, 312; skins, 714

Marriage, by capture, see Female captives ; ceremony, Dieri, 18 1-2 ; Kuinmurbura, 193 ; Wide Bay trilie, 237 ; Wotjo- baluk, Mukjarawaint, 245 ; Wurun- jerri, 255 ; Gringai, 267 ; by ex- change, Dieri, 177 ; Wiradjuri, 211 ; Wide Biiy, 237 ; Wurunjerri, 243 ; Gournditch-mara, 249 ; Yuin, 264 ; group, Dieri, 179-87 ; Parnkalla, 191 ; Kurnandaburi. 192-3; Wiimbaio, 195 ; Geawe-gal, 216 ; Kuinmurbura, 219 ; Wakelbura, 224 ; N'arrang-ga, 260; rules, Dieri, 175-81 ; Urabunna, 176, 188; Yenda-karangu, 187-8; Urabunna totemic, 188 ; Dieri and Urabunna compared, 189; Kurnanda- buri, 192-3 ; Darling River trilies, Wiiml>aio, 194 ; Ya-itma-thang, 196 ; Wolgal and Ngarigo, 197; Kamilaroi, 200- 1 ; compared with Dieri, 201 ; anomalous, Kamilaroi, 203-4 ; Wirad- juri, 208-11; Raraba-baraba, 211; Liichlan River tribe, 211-13; Wong- hibon. 213-16 ; Geawe-gal, 216; Big- ambul, Wollaroi, 217 ; Unghi, Kuin- murbura, 218 ; Kongahi, 220 ; Wakel- bura, 221-2; inter-tribal marriages, 225-6 ; Buntamurra, 226-7 ; Kaiabara, 228-30 ; Muruburra, 230 ; Mary- borough tribes, 233-4 ; Wide Bay tribes, 236-7 ; Arunta, 238-9 ; Wara- munga, 239-40; Wotjolwluk, 240-3; Mukjarawaint, 243 ; Gournditch-mara, 249 ; trilK's of South-west X'ictoria, 250-1 ; Buandik, 251-2 ; Kulin, 252- 3 ; Wurunjerri, 253-5 ; Bunurong, Bangerang, Yerkla-mining, 257 ; Nar- rang-ga, 258-60; Narrinyeri, 260; Murring trilies, 261-2; (jringai, 266-7; Port Stephens trilx:, Port Jackson tribes, 268; Komlmingheri, 268-9; Kurnai, 272; Chepara, 280

Marriages, Tippa-malku, 177; Parnkalla equivalent, 191; Kurnandaburi equivalent, 192-3; unlawful, punishment of, 183, 194, 196, 208, 217, 222-4, 232, 246, 247, 255, 264, 332; inter-tribal, 185, 225-6, 248-9, 252-3; limitation of, 186; summary of limitations, 282-6; Pirrauru, 181; Parnkalla equivalent, 191; Kurnandaburi equivalent, 192-3 ; Wakelbura equivalent, 224;

Marula tribe, 449; cannibalism, 449, 751; food-supply ceremonies, 797-8

Maryborough tribes, 58-9, 60, 117; class system, 117; marriage rules, 231-4; betrothal, 232; unlawful marriages, 232; elopement, 233; female captives, 233, 235-6; hospitality to friendly stranger. 234-5; remarriage of widow, 236; mother-in-law, 236; tribtal council, 323 ; punishment of offences, 333 ; burial, 470, 498; Dora cere- monies, 599-606 ; messengers, 691; message -stick, 694-5; names from youth to age, 740; mutilations, 747; infanticide, 750; cannibalism, 753; kindness to aged and infirm, 766

Mathew, Rev. J., 5, 24-5, 27, 143

Medicine-man, definition of, 355-7, 410-13; use of quartz crystal, 357-8; magical practice, 358-67; alleged use of poison, 362-3; use of human fat and fat-taking, 367-76; curative practices, 378-386; alleged power to fly, 359, 374; to visit sky-land, 386-98; animal familiars, 387-8; alleged power to assume other forms, 374; the Bunjil-yenjin, 274-6; rain-makers and weather-changers, 394-9; the making of medicine-men, 404-10; songs and song-makers, 413-25

Message-sticks, 691-710; of Bathalibiira, 113

Messengers, 678-91; inter-tribal, 83, 686-7, 689-90

Meyer, H. E. A., 672

Milky Way, see Beliefs

Milpulko tribe, 50; class system, 98

Mindari ceremony, see Dieri

Mining tribe, see Yerkla-mining

Minkani ceremonies, 798

Moatatunga tribe, 68

Mogullum-bitch tribe, 77

Moon, see Beliefs

Moreton Bay tribe, cicatrices, 746

Morgan, J., 307, 340, 443, 702, 718, 750

Morgan, Lewis H., 103; theory of classificatory system of relationships, 156, 199

Mother-in-law, avoidance of, by Ngarigo, Wolgal, and Ya-itma-thang, 199; Kamilaroi, 208; Maryborough tribes, 236; Wide Bay tribes, 237; Wurunjerri, 256-7; Narrang-ga, 260; Yuin, 266; Gringai, 267; Kurnai, 279; Chepara, 280-1

Moths, gathering of tribes to eat, 793

Muirhead, J. C., 62, 112, 148, 221-6, 303. 399. 402. 474. 609, 691, 694, 748, 769, 777

Mukjarawaint tribe, 69; betrothal, 243-4; marriage, 245; tribal government, 304; Headmen, 304-5; punishment of offences, 334; magic, 369; fat-taking, 371; clairvoyance before death, 371; Bangal (medicine- man), 371, 393; burials, 453; tribal All-father, 491; Ganitch ceremonies, 615; infanticide, 749; cannibalism, 749; food rules, 764-5 ; ball-playing, 770

Muk-kurnai, see Legendary beings

Mundainbura tribe, message-stick of, explained by Dalebura men, 709

Mura-muras, see Legendary beings

Murdu legend, by S. Gason, 476; by Otto Siebert, 481

Murdus, Dieri, 91; Wonkanguru, 92; Yenda-karangu, 93; Urabunna, Ngameni, 94; Wonkamala, 95; distribution of, 96

Murray, Hugh, 752

Murray, R. A. F., 17

Murray, Stewart, 20

Murray River tribes, 51

Murring tribes, 79; marriage rules, 261-2; betrothal, 262-3; elopement, 263-4; gesture language, 734; infanticide, 748-50

Muruburra trilbe, class system, 117; marriage rule, 230; food-supply charm, 400; cicatrices, 746

Mutabura tribe, 63-4

Muthi-muthi tribe, 50, 52

Mutilations, Turrbal, Maryborough tribes, Port Stephens tribe, Dalebura, 747

Names from youth to age, 736-9, 740; personal names, 739; Bigambul, 739

Narrang-ga tribe, 67; class system, 130; marriage, 258-60; elopement, 259; female captive, 260; mother-in-law, 260; exchange of wives, 260; tribal government, 313; Headmen, 313; tribal council, 324; Gurildra (medicine-man), 405; burial, 450; initiation ceremonies, 671-2; message-stick, 703, 704-6; smoke signals, 722; food rules, 762

Narrinyeri tribe, 68; totems, 131; marriage, 260; betrothal, 260 ; elopement, 261; female captives, 261; tribal council, 325; Headman, 314; punishment of offences, 341; foodsupply charm, 399-400; evil magic, 362; the tribal All-father, 488; initiation ceremonies, 673-5; message-stick, 706; food rules, 763, 764

Naseby, C, 57, 204, 303, 332, 343, 376, 401, 466, 594, 688, 721, 743

Nation, definition of, 44; Itchumundi, 49; Karamundi, 49, 50; Barkiiiji, 50; Wotjobaluk, 55; Kamilaroi, 56-57; Wiradjuri, 56, 105; Kulin, 70; Kuinmurbura, 111

Naualko tribe, 50

Nauo tribe, 47

Ngameni murdus, 94; food-supply ceremonies, see Dieri

Ngarigo tribe, 77-8; class system, 101, 102; marriages, 197; betrothal, 198; elopement, 198; remarriage of widows, 199; tribal government, 302; Headman, 302; burial, 461-2; initiation ceremonies, 563; messenger, 686-7; message-stick, 693; smoke signal, 720-1; gesture language, 732; cannibalism, 748; food rules, 759-60; ball-playing, 770; Ngarigo and Wolgal fire drill, 771-2

Ngurawala tribe, graves, 449; reception of messengers, 685-6

Nose-perforation, Kurnai, 740; Wift-un-jerri, Yuin. at Port Stephens, Turrbal, Chepara, 741; flattening nose, Yuin, Wiimbaio, Maitland tribe, 743

Occtipations, hereditary, in Herbert River tribes, 720

O'Donnell, W., 93

Offences, punishment of, by Dieri, 183, 326-32; Tongaranka, Kamilaroi, Wiradjuri, 332; Maryljorough tribes, Buntamurra, Kaiabara, Turrbal, 333; Wiimbaio, 334; Wotjobaluk, 334, 370; Mukjarawaint, 334; tribes of South-west Victoria, 335-6; Yuin, 342; Kamilaroi, Gringai, Geawe-gal, 343; Kurnai, 344-8; Chepara. 355

Omens and warnings, 400-2

Omeo tribe, see Ya-itma-thang; see Theddora

Organisation, local and social, 42

O'Rourke, J., 197, 354

Painchunga tribe, 69

Palmer, E., 105, 110, 236, 268

Pardnappa, initiation ceremony, see Parnkalla

Parent and child marriage, how prevented, 284 sqq.

Parker, Protector E. S. , 443, 459, 492

Parnkalla tribe, 47, 67; betrothal, 191; Warrara ceremony, 667-8; Pardnappa ceremony, 668-9; Wilyalkinyi ceremony, 669-71

Paruinji tribe, 50; class system, 99

Peek-whuurong tribe, 69

Perigundi legend, see Dieri

Petrie, Tom, 137, 237, 323, 333, 385, 399, 401, 418, 445, 470, 581, 740, 741. 747. 753. 755. 768

Physical features of South east Australia, 34-40

Pinya, see Dieri

Pirrauru, see Marriage

Pitcheri expedition, see Dieri

"Pointing the bone," Dieri, 359-60; Tongaranka, 360; Wotjobaluk, 361, 368; Kurnai. 361-2; Jajaurung. 363; Mukjarawaint, 369; Wiradjuri, magical pointing, 361

Poison, alleged use of, 362

Port Jackson tribes, marriage rules, 268; Headmen, 315; burial, 463-4; initiation ceremonies, 566-9

Port Macquarie tribe, Kabbarah ceremonies, 576-8

Port Phillip blacks, burial. 458

Port Stephens tribe, marriage rules, 268; Headmen, 316; rain-dispersers, 371; burial, 465; legendary beings, 496; Coen, 496; initiation ceremonies, 572-4; gestures, 726; nose-perforation, 741; mutilation, 747

Projecting evil substances, see Magic

Punishment of offences, 326-48 ; for transgressing class laws, 183, 194, 196, 208, 222, 332

Purbung ceremonies, see Ta-tathi

Quartz crystal, use of, by medicine-men, 357-8

Queensland tribes, some of, 58. 59, 60

Queenslander, the, 111, 220

Rainbow, see Beliefs

Rainfall, tables of, 39

Rain-makers and weather-changers, see Medicine-man

Red-ochre pigment (Wilya), 762; expeditions, see Dieri, and Yantruwunta

Relationships, classificatory system of, 156; Dieri. 158; Kurnai, 168

Ridley, Rev. William, 4, 103, 199, 202, 203, 494, 502-3

Roasting, see Magic

Roe, D. Elphinstone, 129, 258, 313, 484, 744, 746

Roth, H. Ling, 4, 8, 31

Roth, Dr. W. E., 42, 65, 118

Rugs, opossum, of Kurnai, 742

Rusden, G. W., 7, 84. 105, 216, 316, 335, 344, 383, 441, 464, 569, 570, 689

Sacrifice, alleged, at Bunya-Bunya feast, 754-6

Salic Law, maternal descent in. 286-294; diagrams, 288, 291

Sandstone, expeditions for, see Yantniwunta

Scars, raised, see Cicatrices

Schmid, Dr. Keinhold, 283

Schürmann, C. W., 191, 667

Scott, William, 151, 383, 465, 496, 572, 574, 741

Scisons, see Beliefs

Sex totems, 147-151

Shaw, James. 128, 427, 436

Siebert, Rev. Otto, 182, 187, 328-30, 359. 427. 428, 431. 433. 434. 448i 449. 450. 475. 655. 657. 658, 683. 685, 715, 717, 725, 748. 751

Signals, 720-3

Sky, see Beliefs

Smith, Mrs. J. S., 68, 123, 251. 252, 434, 490

Smith. Dr. William, 293

Smyth, R. Brough. 5, 15, 754

Songs and song-makers, Kurnai, 275, 377, 388, 397, 437; Jajaurung, 369; Wolgal, 414, 424; Molongo song and dance, 416; Woeworung. 420-22; Yuin, 423; Wiimbaio, 428

Spencer, Professor Baldwin, 14, 94

Spencer and Gillen, 38, 42, 88, 93, 119, 144. IS'. 152. 188, 238-40, 410-13, 475- 482, 506. 510

Spirits, see Beliefs

Stahle. Rev. J. H., 69, 124, 249, 306, 455, 699, 765

Stanbridge, W. E. , 427. 440, 459

Stars, see Beliefs

Stewart, D. U., 123, 146

Stokes, J. Lort, 11, 26

Stone axes, Kulin quarry, 311; making of by Kulin and Kurnai, 311-12; by Mardala, 312; quarry at Charlotte Plains, 340, 689

Sun, see Beliefs

Sutton, T. M., 67, 260, 316, 325, 401, 434, 451, 672, 705, 722, 762

Tableland tribes, 77

Taloinjunga tribe, 68

Talungun initiation ceremonies, see Bunurong

Tangara tribe, 49; cannibalism, 449-50, 751

Taplin, F. W., 68, 130, 147, 260-1, 314, 325, 341, 706, 763

Taplin, Rev. G., 68, 130, 260-1, 314, 325, 362, 434, 488, 673

Taruinbura tribe, 61

Tarumbul tribe, 62

Ta-tathi tribe, 50, 52; totems, 100; betrothal. 195; marriage rule, 195; female captives, 195; Purbung ceremonies, 590; infamicide, 750

Tate, Professor R., 18

Theddora, 77-8, marriage rule and betrothal, 196; elopement, 196; tribal government, 301, 302; blood-teud, 353-4; burial, 460-1; tribal All-father, 493

Thomas, William, 252-3, 308-9, 430, 484, 492, 612, 766

Threlkeld, Rev. L. K., 25, 84. 496-7

Thunder, see Beliefs

Tidni or Hilleri tribe, 47

Tikovina of Herbert River tribes, 499

Tilbabura tribe, 63

Tippa-malku, see Marriage

Tirari legend, 800

Tongaranka tribe, 49, 98; tribal government, 301; Headmen, 301; punishment of offences, 332; "pointing the bone," 360; burial, 451; message-stick, 692; infanticide, 749

Torrance, Rev. Dr., 418

Totems, of Kongalu, 112; Bathalibura, 113; tribes of South-west Victoria, 125; Yerkla, 129; Narrinyeri, 131; Kurnai, 135, 146; Wiradjuri, Arunta, 144; Wotjobaluk, 144-5; Buandik, 146; sex totems of Kurnai, 147; Yuin, 133, 147, 150; Wurunjerri, Port Stephens, Turrbal, 150; Wotjo nation mortuary totems, 453-5

Totems and totemism, 144-7; totemism, 151-5

Travis, J., 19

Tribal government, 295; Dieri, 297; Yaiirorka, 300; Tongaranka, Karamundi, Wiimbaio, 301; Theddora, 301, 302; Yuin, Kamilaroi, 302; Wiradjuri, Wakelbura, 303; Dalebura, Unghi, Higambul, Kaiabara, Wotjo nation, Mukjarawaint, 304; Gourn-ditch-mara, 305; tribes of South-west Victoria, 306-7; Wurunjerri, 307; Kulin, 307-9; Narrang-ga, 313; Narrinyeri, Yuin, 314; Port Jackson tribes, 315; Geawe-gal, 316

Tribe, definition of, 41

Tribes with two classes and female descent, 90, 175; four sub-classes and female descent, 103, 199; four sub-classes and male descent, 114, 228; eight sub-classes and male descent, 118, 237; anomalous class system and female descent, 120, 240, two-class system and male descent, 126, 252; anomalous social organisation and male descent, 129, 257; without class systems, 134, 269

Tribes, coast, 65, 81

Turrbal tribe, 86, 136; betrothal, 237; marriage, 237; mother-in-law, 237; remarriage of widow, 237; tribal council, 323; punishment of offences, 333; weather-changers, 398; Kundri (medicine-men), 399; burial, 469-70; Kurbin-aii ceremony, 595-9; message-stick, 694; names from youth to age, 740; perforation of nose, 741; mutilations, 747; caimibalism, 752-3

Tylor, Dr. E. B., 8, 29

Umba ceremonies, see Wakelbura

Unghi tribe, 57; class system, 108; betrothal, 217; marriage rules, 218; tribal government, 303; burial, 467

Ungorri tribe, 58; class names, 110; compared with Bigambul and Emon, 109

Universe, see Beliefs

Urabunna tribe, 48; murdus, 94; Arunta class system altered by Urabunna, 139; marriage rules, 175; totemic marriages, 188; comparison with Dieri, 189; legend of Pirha-malkara, 787-9; of Kakakudana, 800-1

Vernon, E. R., 689

Victoria, tribes of South-west, 54, 69; totems, 121, 125; betrothal, 251; marriage rules, 250; tribal government, 306-7; Headman, 306; punishment of offences, 335-6; burial, 455-8; cannibalism, 457; tribal All-father, 489; ceremonies of initiation, 615; messengers, 690; message-sticks. 699; food rules, 765

Vogelsang, H., 727-35, 737, 745

Waang, Kulin class name, 126, 127

Wakelbura tribe, 62; class system, 112; marriage rules and descent, 221; elopement, 222-5; punishment of unlawful marriage, 222-3; female captives, 225; tribal council, 302; tribal government, 303; rain-makers and weather-changers, 399 ; burial, 471, 474; Umba ceremonies, 607-9; messengers, 691; message-sticks, 694; counting of children, 748; food rules, 769; camping rules, 776-7

Wallace, Dr. A. R., 12, 13, 15

Wamba-wamba tribe, 52

Waramunga tribe, class system, 239; marriage rules, 240; Diagram XXI., Waramunga marriages, 240

Warrara ceremonies, see Parnkalla

Water, obtained from roots of Mallee, 51; customs connected with drinking, 402

Wathi-wathi tribe, 50, 52; burial, 452; tribal All-father, 493-4; Burbung ceremonies, 590-3

Weapons, various, 265; murriwun, 277; stone axes, 311-12; shields, 337; boomerangs, 339; used in nungi-nungit, 347; spear-throwers, 457; of Yuin, 718-19; of Yerkia-mining, 761

Wengen-marongeitch tribe, 55

White Cliffs tribe, see Muruburra

Wiantunga tribe, 69

Wide Hay tribe, marriage rules, 236; elopement, 236

Widow, remarriage of, Kurnandaburi, 193; Ngarigo, 199; Kaniilaroi, 207; Wollaroi, 217; Kuinmurbura, 220; Wakelbura, 224; Dalebura, 227; Maryborough tribes, 236; Wide Bay tribe, Turrball, 237; Wotjoljaluk, 248; tribes of South-west Victoria, 250; Buandik, 252; Wurunjerri, 257; Yerkla-mining, 258; Yuin, 266; Dieri, period of mourning, 724

Wife's father, care of, see Father

Wiimbaio tribe, 51-3; class system, 100; betrothal, 194; marriage, 194; elopement, 194; female captive. 195; tribal council, 301; Headmen, 301; punishment of offences, 334; Mekigar (medicine-man). 366-8, 380, 404; evil magic by projectile, 366; human fat in magic, 367-8; food-supply superstition, 399; burial, 451-2; tribal All-father, 489; messengers, 686; barter, 717; names from youth to age, 739; nose flattening, 743

Wilkinson, C. S. , 16

Williams, H., 65, 450, 667, 728, 729-35, 745, 749, 762

Wiipadrina ceremony, see Dieri

Willuri and Hilleri tribes, smoke signal, 720

Wilya tribe, 49; class system, 97, 98

Wilyalkinyi ceremony, see Parnkalla

Wilyaru ceremony, see Dieri

Wiradjuri tribe and nation, 55, 56; class system, 106; marriages and descents, 208-11; betrothal, 210; exchange of sisters, 211; Headmen, 303; tribal council, 303; tribal government, 303; punishment of offences, 332; magical pointing, 360-1; belief in clairvoyance before death, 371; Wulla-mullung (medicine-man), 373; Milky Way, 432; burial, 465; Burbung ceremony, 583-8; messenger, 687; message-stick, 693; food rules, 764; camping rules, 776; Diagram XIII., Wiradjuri marriages and descents, 209

Wirrarap, see Kulin; see Wurunjerri

Wives, exchange of, by Wiimbaio, 195; Narrang-ga, 260; Kurnai, 266

Woeworung tribes, 53, 71; class system, 127

Wolgal tribe, 77-8; class system, 102; marriages, 197; betrothal, 197-8; elopement, 198; Headman, 302; tribal government, 302; Bukin (medicine-man), 373; burial, 461-2; Kuringal ceremonies, 563-5; gesture language, 729-30, 733, 734-5; food rules, 764; camping rules, 776

Wollaroi tribe, 57-8; classes and totems, 108; betrothal, 217; elopement, 217; remarriage of widow, 217; messenger, 688

Wonghibon tribe, 50, 56; class system, 108; marriage rules, 213-16; Burbung ceremonies, 588

Wonkamnla murdus, 95; Wapiya legend, 791-4

Wonkanguru tribe, murdus, 92; legend of the Yuri-ulu, 783-5

Wotjo nation, punishment of offences, 246-7; Headmen, 304; mortuary totems and burial, 453-5

Wotjobaluk tribe, 52, 54-5; class system, 121; marriage rules, 241, 243; marriage ceremony, 245; elopement, 245-7; punishment for unlawful marriages, 246; female captives, 247-8; cannibalism, 247, 749, 751; remarriage of widows, 248; tribal government, 304; tribal council, 324; "pointing the bone," 361; roasting the guliwil, 363-5; Bangal (medicine-man), 365, 393, 404, 412; use of human fat, 368-9; beliefas to falling star, 369; vengeance party, 370; evil magic, 371; rain-makers, 398; burial, 452-3; legendary beings, 484-5; the tribal All-father, 489-90, 491; Ganitch ceremonies, 615; messengers, 690; message-stick, 695-9; method of enumeration, 697-8; barter, 717; infanticide, 749; food rules, 764; prohibited food, 769; ball-playing, 770; Diagram XXII., Wotjobaluk marriages and descents, 242

Wudthaurung, 70; stealing stone from quarry, 340; punishment of offences, 340; evil magic, 366; method of enumeration, 702; infanticide, 750; cannibalism, 752

Wurunjerri tribe, 53, 71; class system, 126; local distribution of Bunjil and Waang, 127; sons of Bunjil, 128; marriages and descents, 253; betrothal, 253; elopement, 254; female captives, 256; widow, 257; Headman, 307; tribal government, 307-11; punishment of offences, 336-40; Narrang, 356; evil magic by projectile, 365-6; Wirrarap (medicine- man), 365-6, 380, 387, 412; fat-taking, 373; food-supply charm, 400; Bunjil and Waang sticks, 401; burial, 458; legendary beings, 484-5; Jibauk ceremonies, 610-12; message-stick, 700; method of enumeration, 701-2; messenger, 702; gesture language, 727-35; nose-p)erforation, 741; food rules, 765-6; customs of, 767; ball-plaiying, 770; fire drill, 771; camping rules, 775-6; Diagram XXIII., Wurunjerri marriages and descents, 253

Ya-itma-thang tribe, 77-8; elopement, 196; female combat, 197; feud, 374; burial, 461; initiation ceremonies, 565-6; see Omeo tribe; see Theddora

Yakunbura tribe, message-stick, 709

Yankibura tribe, 64

Yantruwunta tribe, 48; Kamiri, 92; Headmen, 299; food-supply ceremony, see Dieri; cannibalism, 449, 751; messengers, 685; red-ochre expedition, 713; sandstone expedition, 713; barter for shields, 714; gesture language, 728-34; legend of Anti-etya and Ngardu-etya, Parts I. and II., 794-6

Yaurorka tribe, Kamiri, 95; tribal government, 300; Headmen, 300; food-supply ceremony, see Dieri; messenger, 684; cannibalism, 780-1; circumcision legend, 785-7; legend of Tayi-tam-pana, 802-3

Yelyuyendi tribe, food-supply ceremony, see Dieri

Yenda-karangu tribe, murdus, 93; marriage rules, 187-8

Yerkla-mining, 65; totems, 129; betrothal and marriage, 257-8; Headmen, 313; Mobungbai (medicine-man), 313; disposal of dead, 450; legendary beings, 484; initiation ceremonies, 664-7; cicatrices, 744-6; infanticide, 748; food rules, 761-2; hunting and weapons, 761

Yetti-maralla tribe, 61

Yoohlang ceremonies, see Port Jackson tribes

Yualaroi tribe, 57; burial, 467; message-stick, 694; prohibited food, 769

Yuin tribe, 81, 82; totems, 133; marriages, 262-3; betrothal, 262; elopement, 264; remarriage of widow, 266; avoidance of mother-in-law, 266; tribal government, 302; Headmen, 314; tribal council, 325; punishment of offences, 342-3; Gommera (medicine-man), 371, 376, 382, 405, 412; belief in clairvoyance before death, 371; projecting magical substances, 371; evil magic, 377-8; belief as to thunder, 431, 541; burial, 462-3; Kuringal ceremonies, 516-62; belief as to Milky Way, 665; barter, 718-19; weapons, 718; smoke signals, 721; personal and family names, 739; nose flattening, 743; cicatrices, 746

Yuri-ulu legend, see Legends of initiation

Yutchin custom, see Dieri


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