January, 1917
- Our Big Trees Saved
- The Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes: National Geographic Society Explorations in the Katmai District of Alaska
- By Robert F. Griggs
- A Game Country Without Rival in America: The Proposed Mount McKinley National Park
- By Stephen R. Capps
- One Hundred British Seaports
February, 1917
- Our Foreign-Born Citizens
- Prizes for the Inventor: Some of the Problems Awaiting Solution
- By Alexander Graham Bell
- Children of All Nations
- A rotogravure insert with 16 illustrations.
- Bohemia and the Czechs
- By Aleš Hrdlička
March, 1917
- Wikimedia Commons has a list of illustrations for this issue.
- What Great Britain is Doing
- By Sydney Brooks
- Russia's Democrats
- By Montgomery Schuyler
- Republics—The Ladder to Liberty
- By David Jayne Hill
- War, Patriotism, and the Food Supply
- By Frederick V. Coville
- Gypsies and Moors in Northern Africa
- A color insert with 16 illustrations.
- Soldiers of the Soil: Our Food Crops Must Be Greatly Increased
- By David F. Houston
- The Ties That Bind: Our Natural Sympathy with English Traditions, the French Republic, and the Russian Outburst for Liberty
- By Senator John Sharp Williams
April, 1917
- Wikimedia Commons has a list of illustrations for this issue.
- Do Your Bit for America: A Proclamation by President Wilson to the American People
- A Tribute to America
- By Herbert Henry Asquith
- Friends of Our Forests
- By Henry W. Henshaw — Illustrations by Louis Agassiz Fuertes
- The Burden France Has Borne
- By Granville Fortescue
- Naval Training Station of Newport, Rhode Island
- Black & white photographs.
- The Outspeaking of a Great Democracy: The Proceedings of the Chamber of Deputies of France on Friday, April 6, 1917
- Our Heritage of Liberty
- Address by M. Viviani.
- Their Monument is in Our Hearts
- Address by M. Viviani
- The Oldest Free Assemblies
- Address of Rt. Hon. Arthur J. Balfour
- The Russian Situation and Its Significance to America
- By Stanley Washburn — Photographs by George H. Mewes
May, 1917
- On the Monastir Road
- By Herbert Corey
- Niagara at the Battle Front
- By William Joseph Showalter
The Red Cross | ||
Probably every member of the National Geographic Society, if not already in service, has at least one near relative or dear friend preparing cheerfully and unselfishly for the battle lines on sea and land. Those who cannot go are searching for means to help their loved ones and our beloved country. In order to assist, in their patriotic ambition to be of service, those who must stay at home, the National Geographic Magazine, by courtesy of the American Red Cross, publishes herewith the principal addresses at one of the most awakening meetings that has ever assembled in America—that of the American Red Cross War Council, held in Washington on May 24 and 25. The meeting had been called by the President of the United States to plan means for raising immediately an immense Red Cross war fund. Every one who reads the addresses by General Pershing, Henry P. Davison, Ian Malcolm, John H. Gade, Herbert C. Hoover, Frederick Walcott, Secretary Baker, Eliot Wadsworth, and ex-President Taft will appreciate the imperative necessities of our Department of Mercy. —Gilbert H. Grosvenor, Director and Editor. | ||
June, 1917
- Wikimedia Commons has a list of illustrations for this issue.
- Reviving a Lost Art
- Photographs by Charles Martin and David Fairchild
- Our State Flowers: The Floral Emblems Chosen by the Commonwealths
- By the Editor — Paintings by Mary E. Eaton
- Our First Alliance
- By J. J. Jusserand
- Madonnas of Many Lands
- A duotone insert with 16 illustrations.
- Our Second Alliance
- By J. J. Jusserand
- The Conversion of Old Newspapers and Candle Ends Into Fuel
- Photographs by Charles Martin and Ethel M. Bagg