< The Army and Navy Hymnal < Hymns
\version "2.16.2" 
\header { tagline = ##f title = \markup { "Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart" "          " "29" } subsubtitle = "(MORECAMBE. 10,10,10,10)" composer = "Frederick C. Atkinson" poet = "Rev. George Crowly, 1854" }
\score { << << \new Staff { \key c \major \time 4/4 \relative e' {
  <e c>2 q4 q | <f d>2 <e c> |
  <a c,>4 <g c,> <f c> <f b,> | <e c>1 | % end of line 1
  <c' e,>2 <b dis,>4 <a fis> | << { g2 a } \\ { e4( g) g2 } >> |
  <b g>4 <g d> <a e> <a fis> | << { g1 } \\ { g } >> | %end of 2
  <g d>2 q4 q | <b f>2 <a f> |
  <g f>4 <a f> <b f> <c f,> | <d f,>1 | % end of line 3
  <e e,>2 <d f,>4 <c g> | <b g> <a f> <g e> <c f,> |
  <g e>2 <g f> | <g e>1 \bar "|."
  <c f,>2 <c e,> \bar ".." } }
\new Staff { \clef bass \key c \major \relative c {
  <c g'>2 q4 q | <b g'>2 <c g'> |
  << { f4 } \\ { f } >> <e g> <d a'> <g, g'> | <c g'>1 %end of 1
  << { a'4( g) } \\ { a,2 } >> <b fis'>4 <dis b'> |
  <e b'>2 <e cis'> |
  <d d'>4 <d b'> <d c'> q | <g b>1 | % end of line 2
  q2 q4 q | <g d'>2 <g c> |
  <g b>4 <g c> <g d'> <g a> | <g b>1 % end of line 3
  << { c4( a) } \\ { c,2 } >> <d b'>4 <e c'> |
  <f c'> q <g c> <a c> | <g c>2 <g b> | <c, c'>1 |
  <f, a'>2 <c' g'> } } >> >>
\layout { indent = #0 }
\midi { \tempo 4 = 112 } }

1. Spir-it of God, de-scend up-on my heart;
Wean it from earth; through all its puls-es move;
Stoop to my weak-ness, might-y as thou art,
And make me love thee as I ought to love.

2. I ask no dream, no proph-et ec-sta-sies,
No sud-den rend-ing of the veil of clay,
No an-gel vis-i-tant no open-ing skies;
But take the dim-ness of my soul a-way.

3. Hast thou not bid us love thee, God and King?
All, all thine own, soul, heartm and strength, and mind;
I see thy cross: there teach my heart to cling;
O let me seek thee, and O let me find!

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