< Midsummer Night's Dream (1918) Yale


(Figures in full-faced type refer to page-numbers)

abate: 52 (III. ii. 432)

abridgment: 65 (V. i. 39)

aby: 42 (III. ii. 175)

Acheron: 49 (III. ii. 357)

act: 53 (III. ii. 464 S. d.)

adamant: 21 (II. i. 195)

address'd: 67 (V. i. 106)

admirable: 64 (V. i. 27)

Ægle: 17 (II. i. 79)

after-supper: 65 (V. i. 34)

against: 5 (I. i. 125); 40 (III. ii. 99)

alone: 41 (III. ii. 119)

amiable: 53 (IV. i. 2)

an: 11 (I. ii. 54)

an 'twere: 12 (I. ii. 87)

anon: 14 (II. i. 17)

antic: 63 (V. i. 3)

Antiopa: 17 (II. i. 80)

apprehend: 63 (V. i. 5)

approve: 26 (II. ii. 68)

argument: 45 (III. ii. 242)

artificial: 43 (III. ii. 203)

barm: 15 (II. i. 38)

barren: 37 (III. ii. 13)

bated: 7 (I. i. 190)

bay'd: 57 (IV. i. 119)

bells: 58 (IV. i. 129)

Bergomask dance: 76 (V. i. 361)

beshrew: 25 (II. ii. 54)

beteem: 5 (I. i. 131)

bill: 13 (I. ii. 109)

blows: 22 (II. i. 249)

bootless: 15 (II. i. 37)

bottle: 55 (IV. i. 38)

brakes: 22 (II. i. 227)

bully: 29 (III. i. 8)

buskin'd: 16 (II. i. 71)

canker-blossom: 46 (III. ii.

capacity: 67 (V. i. 105)

Carthage queen: 7 (I. i. 173)

cat: 24 (II. ii. 30)

Cavalery: 54 (IV. i. 25)

changeling: 14 (II. i. 23)

cheer: 40 (III. ii. 96)

chide: 19 (II. i. 145)

chiding: 58 (IV. i. 121)

childing: 18 (II. i. 112)

choughs: 37 (III. ii. 21)

clerks: 67 (V. i. 93)

close: 37 (III. ii. 7)

clowns: 29 (III. i. S. d.)

coil: 48 (III. ii. 339)

collied: 6 (I. i. 145)

compact: 64 (V. i. 8)

con: 13 (I. ii. 104)

conceits: 2 (I. i. 33)

concern: 3 (I. i. 60)

confusion: 6 (I. i. 149)

consecrate: 78 (V. i. 424)

constancy: 64 (V. i. 26)

contagious: 17 (II. i. 90)

continents: 17 (II. i. 92)

Corin: 16 (II. i. 66)

counsel: 8 (I. i. 216)

courtesy: 54 (IV. i. 21)

coy: 53 (IV. i. 2)

crab: 15 (II. i. 48)

crazed: 4 (I. i. 92)

create: 78 (V. i. 414)

critical: 65 (V. i. 54)

cry mercy: 35 (III. i. 186)

curst: 47 (III. ii. 300)

darkling: 26 (II. ii. 86)

dear: 9 (Li 249)

device: 65 (V. i. 50)

discharge: 13 (I. ii. 96)

disfigure: 3 (I. i. 51)

dispatch: 57 (IV. i. 114)

distemperature: 18 (II. i. 106)

distill'd: 3 (I. i. 76)

dowager: 1 (I. i. 5)

drawn: 50 (III. ii. 402)

eglantine: 23 (II. i. 252)

Egypt: 64 (V. i. 11)

eight and six: 30 (III. i. 25)

eke: 32 (III. i. 100)

enforced: 36 (III. i. 209)

Ercles: 11 (I. ii. 31)

estate unto: 4 (I. i. 98)

ever: 6 (I. i. 150)

extort: 42 (III. ii. 160)

eyne: 9 (I. i. 242)

faint: 8 (I. i. 215)

fair: 7 (I. i. 182)

fall (let fall): 69 (V. i. 144)

fall (happen): 70 (V. i. 189)

fancy's: 6 (I. i. 155)

fantasy: 2 (I. i. 32)

favour: 7 (I. i. 186)

favours: 14 (II. i. 12); 55 (IV. i. 55)

feigning: 2 (I. i. 31)

fell: 14 (II. i. 20)

fierce: 56 (IV. i. 75)

fire: 33 (III. i. 115)

flew'd: 58 (IV. i. 126)

flourish: 67 (V. i. 107 S. d.)

fond: 27 (II. ii. 88)

for: 72 (V. i. 255)

for that: 21 (II. i. 220)

force: 38 (III. ii. 40)

fordone: 77 (V. i. 383)

forgeries: 17 (II. i. 81)

fountain: 17 (II. i. 84)

French-crown colour: 13 (I. ii. 98)

frolic: 77 (V. i. 396)

game: 9 (I. i. 240)

gawds: 2 (I. i. 33)

glance: 16 (II. i. 75)

gleek: 34 (III. i. 154)

gossip's bowl: 15 (II. i. 47)

grace: 27 (II. ii. 89)

gracious: 61 (IV. i.

griffin: 22 (II. i. 232)

hands: 79 (V. i. 447)

haunted: 37 (III. ii. 5)

hearts: 62 (IV. ii. 27)

Helen: 64 (V. i. 11)

hempen home-spuns: 32 (III. i. 82)

henchman: 18 (II. i. 121)

Hiems': 18 (II. i. 109)

hight: 69 (V. i. 141)

his: 49 (III. ii. 368)

hold up: 45 (III. ii. 239)

horns: 72 (V. i. 246)

imbrue: 76 (V. i. 352)

immediately: 2 (I. i. 45)

impeach: 21 (II. i. 214)

increase: 18 (II. i. 114)

injurious: 43 (III. ii. 195)

injury: 19 (II. i. 147)

intelligence: 9 (I. i. 248)

intend: 48 (III. ii. 333)

jealousy: 59 (IV. i. 150)

jole: 48 (III. ii. 338)

juvenal: 32 (III. i. 100)

kind: 3 (I. i. 54)

knacks: 2 (I. i. 34)

knot-grass: 48 (III. ii. 329)

lakin: 30 (III. i. 14)

latch'd: 38 (III. ii. 36)

leave: 54 (IV. i. 21)

leviathan: 20 (II. i. 174)

Limander: 71 (V. i. 200)

lingers: 1 (I. i. 4)

lion-fell: 72 (V. i. 229)

lob: 14 (II. i. 16)

lode-stars: 7 (I. i. 183)

long: 48 (III. ii. 339)

love-in-idleness: 20 (II. i. 168)

lovely: 44 (III. ii. 211)

making: 15 (II. i. 32)

manet: 5 (I. i. 127)

margent: 17 (II. i. 85)

marry: 10 (I. ii. 11)

mazed: 18 (II. i. 113)

mechanicals: 37 (III. ii. 9)

mew'd: 3 (I. i. 71)

minimus: 48 (III. ii. 329)

misgraffed: 6 (I. i. 137)

mispris'd: 39 (III. ii. 74)

misprision: 40 (III. ii. 90)

momentany: 6 (I. i. 143)

mood: 39 (III. ii. 74)

Moth: 35 (III. i. 169)

moused: 73 (V. i. 276)

mouth: 58 (IV. i. 129)

mural: 71 (V. i. 210)

murrion: 17 (II. i. 97)

naught: 62 (IV. ii. 15)

neaf: 54 (IV. i. 20)

nearly: 5 (I. i. 126)

neeze: 16 (II. i. 56)

night-rule: 37 (III. ii. 5)

nine men's morris: 17 (II. i. 98)

nowl: 37 (III. ii. 17)

observation: 57 (IV. i. 110)

o'ercharg'd: 66 (V. i. 85)

oes: 43 (III. ii. 188)

of: 29 (II. ii. 154)

offices: 23 (II. ii. 8)

or: 20 (II. i. 171)

orbs: 14 (II. i. 9)

orient: 55 (IV. i. 60)

other: 56 (IV. i. 72)

ounce: 24 (II. ii. 30)

ousel-cock: 34 (III. i. 131)

overwatch'd: 77 (V. i. 375)

owe: 26 (II. ii. 79)

pale: 14 (II. i. 4)

palpable-gross: 77 (V. i. 376)

pard: 24 (II. ii. 31)

parlous: 30 (III. i. 14)

parted: 60 (IV. i. 195)

passing: 14 (II. i. 20)

passion: 74 (V. i. 295)

patched: 61 (IV. i. 216)

patches: 37 (III. ii. 9)

patent: 4 (I. i. 80)

paved: 17 (II. i. 84)

Peascod: 36 (III. i. 195)

pelting: 17 (II. i. 91)

pensioners: 14 (II. i. 10)

Perigenia: 17 (II. i. 78)

personage: 47 (III. ii. 292)

pert: 1 (I. i. 13)

Phibbus: 11 (I. ii. 38)

Philomel: 24 (II. ii. 13)

Phoebe: 8 (I. i. 209)

pilgrimage: 3 (I. i. 75)

plain-song: 34 (III. i. 138)

point: 28 (II. ii. 119)

points: 68 (V. i. 118)

pomp: 1 (I. i. 15)

possess'd: 4 (I. i. 100)

preferred: 63 (IV. ii. 40)

prey: 29 (II. ii. 150)

proper: 12 (I. ii. 89)

protest: 4 (I. i. 89)

purple-in-grain: 13 (I. ii. 98)

quail: 74 (V. i. 294)

quaint: 23 (II. ii. 7)

quell: 74 (V. i. 294)

quern: 15 (II. i. 36)

questions: 22 (II. i. 235)

quill: 34 (III. i. 134)

quire: 16 (II. i. 55)

recorder: 68 (V. i. 124)

rent: 44 (III. ii. 215)

repair: 56 (IV. i. 73)

rere-mice: 23 (II. ii. 4)

respect: 21 (II. i. 224)

respects: 6 (I. i. 160)

rheumatic diseases: 17 (II. i. 105)

right: 47 (III. ii. 302)

ringlets: 17 (II. i. 86)

roundel: 23 (II. ii. 1)

russet-pated: 37 (III. ii. 21)

sad: 45 (III. ii. 237)

saddest: 15 (II. i. 51)

sanded: 58 (IV. i. 126)

scrip: 10 (I. ii. 3)

self-affairs: 5 (I. i. 113)

sensible: 70 (V. i. 184)

sheen: 15 (II. i. 29)

shrewd: 15 (II. i. 33)

since: 19 (II. i. 149)

sinister: 69 (V. i. 165)

Sisters Three: 76 (V. i. 344)

snuff: 72 (V. i. 256)

soft: 58 (IV. i. 133)

something: 47 (III. ii. 304)

sort (n.): 37 (III. ii. 13)

sort (vb.): 49 (III. ii. 352)

sorting: 65 (V. i. 55)

sphery: 27 (II. ii. 99)

spite: 43 (III. ii. 194)

spleen: 6 (I. i. 146)

spring: 17 (II. i. 82)

square: 15 (II. i. 30)

Squash: 36 (III. i. 195)

stay: 22 (II. i. 235); 73 (V. i. 261)

steep: 16 (II. i. 69)

still: 8 (I. i. 212)

stop: 68 (V. i. 120)

streak: 23 (II. i. 257)

swound: 29 (II. ii. 154)

tailor: 16 (II. i. 54)

tall: 69 (V. i. 146)

Taurus': 41 (III. ii. 141)

tear: 11 (I. ii. 32)

tender: 39 (III. ii. 87)

that: 15 (II. i. 30)

Thisne: 11 (I. ii. 56)

Thracian singer: 65 (V. i. 49)

thorough: 14 (II. i. 3)

thread: 74 (V. i. 293)

thrum: 74 (V. i. 293)

'tide: 71 (V. i. 207)

tiring-house: 29 (III. i. 5)

tongs: 54 (IV. i. 33)

touch: 39 (III. ii. 70)

toward: 32 (III. i. 84)

toys: 63 (V. i. 3)

trace: 15 (II. i. 25)

translated: 7 (I. i. 191)

transported: 62 (IV. ii. 4)

trim: 42 (III. ii. 157)

triple Hecate: 77 (V. i. 393)

triumph: 1 (I. i. 19)

triumphantly: 57 (IV. i. 95)

troth: 25 (II. ii. 36)

Troyan: 7 (I. i. 174)

tuneable: 7 (I. i. 184)

unbreath'd: 66 (V. i. 74)

uncouple: 57 (IV. i. 113)

vaward: 57 (IV. i. Ill)

versing: 16 (II. i. 67)

virtuous: 49 (III. ii. 367)

votaress: 18 (II. i. 123)

wanton: 17 (II. i. 99)

warrant: 75 (V. i. 328)

waxen: 16 (II. i. 56)

weed: 23 (II. i. 256)

which: 75 (V. i. 326)

wind: 57 (IV. i. 108 S. d.)

with: 38 (III. ii. 55)

withering out: 1 (I. i. 6)

without: 59 (IV. i. 159)

witnesseth: 64 (V. i. 25)

wood: 20 (II. i. 192)

worm: 39 (III. ii. 71)

wrath: 14 (II. i. 20)

wrong: 49 (III. ii. 361)

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