Twiss, Sir Travers, Q.C., D.C.L. Oxon 1841, knighted 4 Nov., 1867, vicar-general province of Canterbury 1852-72 (commissary-general 1849-52), chancellor diocese of London 1858-72, advocate-general admiralty 1862-71, Queen's advocate-general 1867-72, professor political economy Oxon 1842-9, regius professor civil law 1855-70, professor international law King's Coll., London, 1852-5, B.A., Univ. Coll., Oxon, 1830 (fellow and tutor), M.A. 1832, D.C.L. 1841, public examiner in classics and mathematics 1835-9, editor of Bracton de Legibus Angliæ, author of A Treatise on the Law of Nations in Time of Peace and also in Time of War, etc., a student of Lincoln's Inn 19 Feb., 1835 (then aged 25), called to the bar 28 Jan., 1840, an advocate of Doctors' Commons 2 Nov., 1841, Q.C. 16 Jan., 1858, bencher of Lincoln's Inn 19 Jan., 1858 (eldest son of Rev. Robert Twiss, late of Hoseley, Flints, LL.D., dec.); born , 1810; married 29 Aug., 1862, Marie Pharialde Rosalind Lynseele, of Poland (see Foster's Baronetage).
- 71, Hamilton Terrace, N.W. 3, Paper Buildings, Temple, E.C.; Travellers' and Athenæum Clubs.