< Memories of Virginia


Hear ye the century voice again,
The echo of republic song,
To guide the march of victory !
To stand for right against the wrong.
The war of eighteen hundred twelve,
A war the sons of patriots won,
The second war for liberty,
A new world war to right a wrong.
On the high seas to hold our place,
To stand with nations of the world,
Our fighting qualities to test,
Our flag of victory to unfurl.
Madison, of William and Mary,
Gave early orders "to march on."
And Pinckney sounded the key note,
"Millions for war, for tribute none."

The men of '12 won great results,
They tested strength of men born free,
England they fought instead of France,
To hold our rights on the high sea.
Our Nelson and our Wellington,
Two warrior sons of patriot sires,
Fought for our seaman's liberty,
The men of '12 to win desires.
Our seamen bold out on the lake,
In New Orleans our soldiers true,
"The enemy ours" brave Perry cried,
Jackson escaped "a Waterloo!"

In Indian wars the campus men,
Stood on the firing line as one,
True sons of fighting pioneers,
The trail of conquest led them on.
Now listen to the voice again,

The call of eighteen sixty-one,
When North and South gave the war cry
When victory of defeat was won.
Men of the South fought for a right,
Men of the North denounced a wrong,
A cry of war passed o'er our land,
To give the world an echo song.
The college sons left campus field,
To fight for home and country true,
Disciples of the patriots creed,
With liberty the point of view.
Richmond the Flanders of the war,
Where brave men died at priceless cost,
The James and York rivers of blood,
The Appomattox where southern's lost.
The college fell prey to the war,
The torch left only walls of fame,
With memories of its great past,
True phoenix like to rise again.
To voice the praise of Williamsburg,
The Mecca shrine of our nation,
The college home of triune flags,
The cradle of occupation.
Where laurel wreaths had floated down,
To crown the bold, the brave, the free,
Where records of the past had home,
From sixteen hundred ninety-three.
A college dear to memory,
The only college of the crown,
In the new world of destiny,
A monument of just renown.

The President of our own day,
True scion of a famous tree,
Tyler, son of the President,
A noble son of ancestry.

Senator George F. Hoar

Senator George F. Hoar

In 1893 the Congress of the United States, chiefly through the influence of Senator George F. Hoar, aided by the active efforts of Gen. Marcus J. Wright, Historian of War Records C. S. A., United States War Department, gave the College of William and Mary $64,000. Since that time the College has steadily improved. The State has increased its annuity to $25,000 per annum. Senator Hoar was also instrumental in securing an appropriation from Congress to build a sea-wall to protect Jamestown Island. In both actions the Senator from Massachusetts stood in evidence of a true American.

General Wright

former CSA General Marcus Joseph Wright

His aim and object to restore,
The former pride in college arch,
Make history the corner stone,
A mile-stone of the century march.
He gave a message to the world,
The founding work of old Jamestown,
The history of Williamsburg,
And wreck of the old college home.
An author to touch hearts of men,
With pen to light the sacred fires,
To turn hearts backward with new pride,
To cradle of Republic sires.
Men listened to "the Tyler's son,"
His message touched State pride again,
The call was heard, response was made,
Congress stood sponsor of war claim.
Judge Hoar, the grand old Harvard man,
Deplored the great historic loss,
For reimbursement he stood firm.
The college won a monied cost.

With General Wright of Tennessee,
Who fought under the Stars and Bars,
A Southern Son of noble sires,
Renowned before Colonial Wars,
They stood as one to claim a right.
Historians of well won fame.
Two foes in war, two friends in peace.
Both lovers of the founder's fame.

No money could archives restore,
Or reimburse the loss of flame,
But pride in early memories,
Caused Congress to accept the claim.
Virginia true to her first child,
Stands sponsor for the gift of crown,
And loyal to the founders trust,
Regards with pride the college home.

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