With reference to the Circular Notice dated Colonial Office July 20th 1830 on the subject of Land in this Settlement, the Lieutenant Governor directs that the 2nd Article contained therein be considered as explained by the article which follows it, as to the descriptions of property which will be admitted as the foundation of claims for land—
As it is possible that misconception may arise as to the Conditions which must be fulfilled before a Title in Fee Simple be granted, the Lieutenant Governor further gives notice that no application for such full Title will be considered admissable unless the Land allotted shall have been brought into cultivation, or otherwise improved to the extent agreed upon on the permission to occupy being given—
The former Land Regulations will be in force with reference to Persons arriving after the close of 1830, with the exception of the extent of improvement pointed out in the Circular aforesaid—
Given under my hand at Perth
in Western Australia
This fourteenth day of April 1830
James Stirling
Lieutenant Governor
This work is in the public domain in Australia because it was created in Australia and the term of copyright has expired.
See Australian Copyright Council - Duration of Copyright (January 2019).
This work is also in the public domain in the United States because it was in the public domain in Australia in 1996, and no copyright was registered in the U.S. (This is the combined effect of Australia having joined the Berne Convention in 1928, and of 17 USC 104A with its critical date of January 1, 1996.)