< McClure's Magazine
May 1905
- Number 1
- (p. 2): Illustration by W. J. Aylward for The Second Mate
- (p.3): William James - A Knight-Errant of the Intellectual Life
- (p.12): Will Payne - We're All So Much Alike
- (p.23): Perceval Gibbon - The Second Mate
- (p.31): May Kelsey Champion - Charles Stuart and the Burglar
- (p.41): Lincoln Steffens - New Jersey (Part II)
- (p.56): V. R. - The First One
- (p.57): P. T. McGrath - The Terror of the Sea
- (p.66): John Mcauley Palmer - How Westport Got Three-Cent Fares
- (p.74): Willa Sibert Cather - Paul's Case
- (p.84): Edward C. Heyn - Hans, the Wonderful Horse of Berlin
- (p.92): Rex E. Beach - Pardners
- (p.103): Claude C. Washburn - A Morning in May
- (p.112): Ethel Turner - The Marriage Morn
- (p.112): Rose Trumbull - Credentials
June 1905
- Number 2
- (p.114): Portrait of Helen Keller for An Apology for Going to College
- (p.115): Henry Beach Needham - The College Athlete, Part I: - Recruiting and Subsidizing
- (p.129): George Randolph Chester - Bargain Day at Tuft House
- (p.145): Samuel Hopkins Adams - Typhoid: an Unnecessary Evil
- (p.157): W. A. Fraser - The Treble-Cross
- (p.165): George Edwards Woodberry - Great Masters of Literature, II - Scott
- (p.177): Eugene Wood - The Revolving Year
- (p.184): Harvey J. O'Higgins - In Lovers' Meeting
- (p.190): Helen Keller - An Apology for Going to College
- (p.197): Mrs. Wilson Woodrow - The Soul Problem of Marthy Thomas
- (p. 107): Rose Trumbull - Mary
- (p.208): Arthur Train - The Jailbird
- (p.214): Inez Haynes Gillmore - The Story That Took
July 1905
- Number 3
- (p.228): Ida M. Tarbell - John D. Rockfeller, a Character Study, Part I
- (p.250): Sewell Ford - How The Barlows Took It
- (p.260): Henry Beach Needham - The College Athlete, Part II - "Summer Ball," etc.
- (p.273): Frederick K. Burton - His Second Love Affair
- (p.276): Richard Washburn Child - Tommy Cutts
- (p. 284): The President's Family. (Photographic Portraits in Tint)
- (p.293): Lincoln Steffens - Ohio. A Tale of Two Cities
- (p.312): Henry C. Rowland - The Shears of Atropos
- (p.323): Lilian True Bryant - City Physicianship
- (p.326): Gelett Burgess - For Me, a Romance!
- (p.327): James Howard Graves - A Clear Case of Science
Aug 1905
- Number 4
- (p.336): Illustration for Beneath the "Bulldog's" Bilge by H. Reuterdahl
- (p.337): James Hopper - The Judgment of Man
- (p.347): Robert Gilbert Welsh - The Vision in the City
- (p.348): T. Jenkins Hains - Beneath the "Bulldog's" Bilge
- (p.354): George Randolph Chester - Skeezicks
- (p.365): Anita Fitch - The Little Soul
- (p.366): Myra Kelly - In Loco Parentis
- (p.376): Arthur Train. - Catherwood's Data Of Ethics
- (p.386): Ida M. Tarbell - John D. Rockfeller, a Character Study, Part II
- (p.398): John Ruskin - Ruskin on Judas Iscariot
- (p.399): Harvey J. O'Higgins - The Steady
- (p.406): John McAuley Palmer - Finances of the Shark System
- (p.412): Booth Tarkington - The Property-Man
- (p.422): O. Henry - An Unfinished Story
- (p.426): Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews - A Political Tip
- (p.439): A. S. Hoffman - Patsy Moran and the Lunatics
September 1905
- Number 5
- (p.450): Jay Hambidge for The Strike Breaker
- (p.451): George Randolph Chester - The Strike Breaker
- (p.469): Ida M. Tarbell - Kansas and the Standard Oil Company, Part 1
- (p.481): William Butler Yeats - Queen Edaine
- (p.482): Norvell Harrison - A Scarlet Fever Letter
- (p.493): Mrs. Wilson Woodrow - The Botanist and the Machine
- (p.501): Charles McIlvaine - Coom Lassie, Be Good to Me
- (p.502): William Allen White - On Bright Angel Trail
- (p.516): Arthur Train - In the Course of Justice
- (p.525): Witter Bynner - The Chaplet
- (p.526): Eugene Wood - Circus Day
- (p.541): Arthur E. Mcfarlane - Prolonging the Prime of Life
- (p.552): Jean Webster - "Gervie Zame, Gervie Door"
October 1905
- Number 6
- (p.): Illustration by Howard Chandler Christy for Old Dog Tray
- (p.561): Charles F. Lummis - Pioneer Transportation in America
- (p.573): Guy Wetmore Carryl - A Brand from the Burning
- (p.582): F. H. Lancaster - The Snubbing of Adnast
- (p.585): Mary Stewart Cutting - The Hinge
- (p.595): Eugene Wood - The County Fair
- (p.608): Ida M. Tarbell - Kansas and the Standard Oil Company, Part 2
- (p.623): Lloyd Osbourne - Old Dog Tray
- (p.631): Albert Kinross - America: A Story
- (p.641): Charles Wagner - A Visit at the White House
- (p.649): Henry C. Rowland - Oil and Water
- (p.661): Jean Webster - Miss Ethel's Dress
- (p.669): Editorial: The New Declaration of Independence
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