(Figures in full-faced type refer to page-numbers)
abjure: 70 (IV. iii. 123)
Acheron: 52 (III. v. 15)
adage: 19 (I. vii. 45)
addition: 8 (I. iii. 106)
adhere: 20 (I. vii. 52)
admir'd: 50 (III. iv. 110)
advantage to be given: 83 (V. iv. 12)
affection: 68 (IV. iii. 77)
affeer'd: 67 (IV. iii. 34)
against the use: 10 (I. iii. 137)
alarum: 1 (I. ii. S. d.)
alarum'd: 23 (II. i. 53)
Aleppo: 5 (I. iii. 7)
an: 54 (III. vi. 19)
annoyance: 78 (V. i. 83)
anon: 1 (I. i. 8)
antic: 60 (IV. i. 130)
approve: 16 (I. vi. 4)
argument: 32 (II. iii. 127)
aroint thee: 5 (I. iii. 6)
artificial: 53 (III. v. 27)
assay of art: 71 (IV. iii. 143)
at first and last: 45 (III. iv. 1)
augures: 51 (III. iv. 124)
authoriz'd by: 48 (III. iv. 66)
avouch it: 41 (III. i. 120)
baby of a girl: 50 (III. iv. 106)
badg'd: 32 (II. iii. 109)
baited: 89 (V. vii. 58)
battle: 86 (V. vi. 4)
beldams: 52 (III. v. 2)
bellman: 24 (II. ii. 3)
Bellona: 4 (I. ii. 55)
benison: 36 (II. iv. 40)
bestow'd: 37 (III. i. 30)
better part of man: 89 (V. vii. 47)
birthdom: 65 (IV. iii. 4)
bladed corn: 57 (IV. i. 55)
blood-bolter'd: 60 (IV. i. 123)
bodements: 59 (IV. i. 96)
bond: 44 (III. ii. 49)
borne: 53 (III. vi. 3)
borne in hand: 39 (III. i. 81)
bosom interest: 4 (I. ii. 66)
break: 20 (I. vii. 48)
breech'd: 32 (II. iii. 123)
brinded cat: 55 (IV. i. 1)
broad words, from: 54 (III. vi. 21)
bruited: 87 (V. vii. 22)
card: 5 (I. iii. 17)
casing: 46 (III. iv. 23)
cast: 29 (II. iii. 47)
cast . . . water: 82 (V. iii. 50, 51)
censures: 83 (V. iv. 15)
champion: 39 (III. i. 72)
charge, imperial: 66 (IV. iii. 20)
charnel-houses: 48 (III. iv. 71)
chaudron: 56 (IV. i. 33)
cherubin: 18 (I. vii. 22)
choppy: 6 (I. iii. 44)
chops: 2 (I. ii. 22)
choughs: 51 (III. iv. 125)
clear (adj.): 18 (I. vii. 18)
clear (adv.): 16 (I. v. 72)
clearness: 41 (III. i. 133}
clept: 40 (III. i. 94)
cling: 85 (V. v. 40)
close: 52 (III. v. 7)
coign of vantage: 16 (I. vi. 7)
combustion: 30 (II. iii. 64)
come in time: 27 (II. iii. 6)
compassed: 90 (V. vii. 85)
composition: 4 (I. ii. 61)
compunctious visitings: 15 (I. v. 46)
confounds: 24 (II. ii. 12)
confusion: 53 (III. v. 29)
consent: 22 (II. i. 25)
consequences, mortal: 80 (V. iii. 5)
consort: 33 (II. iii. 142)
continent: 68 (IV. iii. 64)
convert: 74 (IV. iii. 228)
convey: 68 (IV. iii. 71)
convince: 20 (I. vii. 64)
copy: 43 (III. ii. 38)
corporal: 7 (I. iii. 81)
corporal agent: 21 (I. vii. 80)
countenance: 31 (II. iii. 87)
cours'd: 17 (I. vi. 21)
course: 86 (V. vii. 2)
coz: 62 (IV. ii. 14)
crack of doom: 60 (IV. i. 117)
cracks: 3 (I. ii. 37)
Cumberland, Prince of: 12 (I. iv. 39)
dainty: 34 (II. iii. 151)
dam: 74 (IV. iii. 218)
dear causes: 78 (V. ii. 3)
decrees: 45 (III. iv. 1)
delivers: 44 (III. iii. 2)
discovery: 83 (V. iv. 7)
disease: 80 (V. iii. 21)
distance: 40 (III. i. 116)
ditch-deliver'd: 56 (IV. i. 31)
division: 69 (IV. iii. 96)
doff: 73 (IV. iii. 188)
dolour: 66 (IV. iii. 8)
doom, crack of: 60 (IV. i. 117)
doom's image: 30 (II. iii. 85)
drab: 56 (IV. i. 31)
dudgeon: 23 (II. i. 46)
dues of rejoicing: 13 (I. v. 13)
dunnest: 15 (I. v. 52)
earnest: 8 (I. iii. 104)
ecstasy: 42 (III. ii. 22)
effect: 15 (I. v. 48)
effects of watching: 75 (V. i. 12)
eminence: 43 (III. ii. 31)
enow: 27 (II. iii. 7)
equivocator: 28 (II. iii. 10)
event: 83 (V. iv. 16)
except: 3 (I. ii. 40)
expedition: 32 (II. iii. 117)
'eyld: 17 (I. vi. 13)
fact: 53 (III. vi. 10)
faculties: 18 (I. vii. 17)
fantastical: 6 (I. iii. 53)
farrow: 57 (IV. i. 65)
favour (expression): 16 (I. v. 73)
favour (pardon): 10 (I. iii. 149)
fee-grief: 73 (IV. iii. 196)
fell (n.): 84 (V. v. 11)
fell (adj.): 15 (I. v. 47)
fellow: 30 (II. iii. 69)
fenny: 55 (IV. i. 12)
fil'd: 38 (III. i. 65)
file: 40 (III. i. 95)
fillet: 55 (IV. i. 12)
firstlings: 61 (IV. i. 147)
fits: 62 (IV. ii. 17)
flaws: 48 (III. iv. 63)
flourish: 11 (I. iv. S. d.)
flout: 3 (I. ii. 50)
foisons: 69 (IV. iii. 88)
forbid: 5 (I. iii. 21)
forc'd: 84 (V. v. 5)
fork: 56 (IV. i. 16)
frame . . . disjoint: 42 (III. ii. 16)
franchis'd: 22 (II. i. 28)
free: 54 (III. vi. 35)
friend, to: 66 (IV. iii. 10)
frieze: 16 (I. vi. 6)
fruitless: 38 (III. i. 61)
fry: 65 (IV. ii. 82)
function: 10 (I. iii. 140)
gallowglasses : 2 (I. ii. 13)
genius: 38 (III. i. 56)
germens, Nature's: 57 (IV. i. 59)
get: 7 (I. iii. 67)
gin: 63 (IV. ii. 35)
gives out: 73 (IV. iii. 192)
go off: 89 (V. vii. 65)
go to: 77 (V. i. 50)
go with: 44 (III. ii. 56)
God be with you: 38 (III. i. 44)
goose: 28 (II. iii. 17)
Gorgon: 30 (II. iii. 79)
gospell'd: 39 (III. i. 88)
gouts: 23 (II. i. 46)
Graymalkin: 1 (I. i. 8)
gulf: 56 (IV. i. 23)
harbinger: 12 (I. iv. 45)
Harpier: 55 (IV. i. 3)
hautboys: 16 (I. vi. S. d.)
Hecate's offerings: 23 (II. i. 52)
his: 18 (I. vii. 4)
hold: 62 (IV. ii. 19)
home: 9 (I. iii. 120)
howlet's: 56 (IV. i. 17)
human statute: 49 (III. iv. 76)
hurlyburly: 1 (I. i. 3)
husbandry: 21 (II. i. 4)
Hyrcan: 50 (III. iv. 101)
images of death: 8 (I. iii. 97)
impostors to: 48 (III. iv. 64)
impress: 59 (IV. i. 95)
in deepest consequence: 9 (I. iii. 126)
incarnadine: 27 (II. ii. 62)
informs: 23 (II. i. 48)
inhabit: 50 (III. iv. 105)
initiate: 51 (III. iv. 143)
insane root: 8 (I. iii. 84)
intelligence: 7 (I. iii. 76)
interdiction: 69 (IV. iii. 107)
intermission: 74 (IV. iii. 231)
intrenchant: 88 (V. vii. 38)
invest: 12 (I. iv. 40)
invested: 35 (II. iv. 32)
jealousies: 66 (IV. iii. 29)
jump: 18 (I. vii. 7)
jutty: 16 (I. vi. 6)
kerns: 2 (I. ii. 13)
lamp, travelling: 34 (II. iv. 7)
lapp'd in proof: 4 (I. ii. 55)
largess: 22 (II. i. 14)
latch: 73 (IV. iii. 195)
lavish: 4 (I. ii. 58)
lees: 31 (II. iii. 102)
limbeck: 20 (I. vii. 67)
lime: 63 (IV. ii. 34)
limited: 29 (II. iii. 58)
line: 9 (I. iii. 112)
list: 38 (III. i. 71)
lodg'd: 57 (IV. i. 55)
luxurious: 68 (IV. iii. 58)
maggot-pies: 51 (III. iv. 125)
malice: 42 (III. ii. 14)
mansionry: 16 (I. vi. 5)
martlet: 16 (I. vi. 4)
mated: 78 (V. i. 85)
maws: 48 (III. iv. 73)
medicine: 79 (V. ii. 27)
metaphysical: 14 (I. v. 30)
milk of human kindness: 14 (I. v. 18)
minion: 2 (I. ii. 19)
minutely: 79 (V. ii. 18)
missives: 13 (I. v. 7)
modern: 72 (IV. iii. 170)
moe: 81 (V. iii. 35)
mortal: 15 (I. v. 42)
mortality: 31 (II. iii. 100)
mortified: 78 (V. ii. 5)
mummy: 56 (IV. i. 23)
muse: 49 (III. iv. 85)
napkins: 27 (II. iii. 7)
natural touch: 62 (IV. ii. 9)
nature: 32 (II. iii. 120)
naught: 74 (IV. iii. 224)
nave: 2 (I. ii. 22)
near: 33 (II. iii. 147)
nice: 72 (IV. iii. 174)
night-gown: 27 (II. ii. 70)
nonpareil: 46 (III. iv. 19)
Norway: 3 (I. ii. 51)
note of expectation: 44 (III. iii. 10)
nothing: 79 (V. ii. 20)
notion: 39 (III. i. 83)
oblivious antidote: 81 (V. iii. 43)
obscure bird: 30 (II. iii. 65)
o'er-fraught: 74 (IV. iii. 210)
offices (duties): 44 (III. iii. 3)
offices (quarters): 22 (II. i. 14)
old: 27 (II. iii. 2)
or ere: 72 (IV. iii. 173)
ourselves: 47 (III. iv. 32)
out: 72 (IV. iii. 183)
owe: 7 (I. iii. 76)
Paddock: 1 (I. i. 8)
pall: 15 (I. v. 52)
palter: 89 (V. vii. 49)
parricide: 37 (III. i. 32)
patch: 80 (V. iii. 15)
peace, keep . . . between: 15 (I. v. 47)
peak: 5 (I. iii. 23)
pearl: 90 (V. vii. 85)
pendent: 17 (I. vi. 8)
pent-house lid: 5 (I. iii. 20)
physics: 29 (II. iii. 56)
point, at a: 70 (IV. iii. 135)
portable: 69 (IV. iii. 89)
ports: 5 (I. iii. 15)
possets: 24 (II. ii. 6)
post: 8 (I. iii. 98)
posters: 6 (I. iii. 33)
predominance: 34 (II. iv. 8)
present: 4 (I. ii. 66)
present fears: 10 (I. iii. 137)
pretence: 33 (II. iii. 138)
pretend: 35 (II. iv. 24)
pride of place: 34 (II. iv. 12)
pristine: 82 (V. iii. 52)
probation, pass'd in: 39 (III. i. 80)
procreant: 17 (I. vi. 8)
profound: 52 (III. v. 24)
proportion: 12 (I. iv. 19)
pull in: 85 (V. v. 42)
purge, country's: 79 (V. ii. 28)
purveyor: 17 (I. vi. 22)
put on: 75 (IV. iii. 238)
quarry: 73 (IV. iii. 206)
quell: 20 (I. vii. 72)
question: 50 (III. iv. 118)
rancours: 38 (III. i. 67)
rapt: 7 (I. iii. 57)
ravell'd: 26 (II. ii. 37)
ravin'd: 56 (IV. i. 24)
ravin up: 35 (II. iv. 28)
rawness: 66 (IV. iii. 26)
rebuk'd: 38 (III. i. 56)
receipt: 20 (I. vii. 66)
recoil: 66 (IV. iii. 19)
reeking: 3 (I. ii. 40)
reflection: 2 (I. ii. 25)
remorse: 15 (I. v. 45)
render'd: 87 (V. vii. 24)
rent: 72 (IV. iii. 168)
retreat: 89 (V. vii. 63 S. d.)
Roman fool: 88 (V. vii. 30)
roof'd: 47 (III. iv. 40)
rooky: 44 (III. ii. 51)
round: 14 (I. v. 29)
rubs: 41 (III. i. 134)
rump-fed ronyon: 5 (I. iii. 6)
safe toward: 12 (I. iv. 27)
Saint Colme's Inch: 4 (I. ii. 63)
saucy: 46 (III. iv. 25)
scape: 75 (IV. iii. 233)
score: 90 (V. vii. 81)
scotch'd: 42 (III. ii. 13)
seated: 10 (I. iii. 136)
second course: 26 (II. ii. 39)
security: 53 (III. v. 32)
seeling: 43 (III. ii. 46)
self-abuse: 51 (III. iv. 142)
self and violent: 91 (V. vii. 99)
sennet: 36 (III. i. 10 S. d.)
sensible: 23 (II. i. 36)
setting down before: 83 (V. iv. 11)
sewer: 18 (I. vii. S. d.)
shag-ear'd: 65 (IV. ii. 81)
shard-borne: 43 (III. ii. 42)
shift: 34 (II. iii. 152)
shine: 36 (III. i. 7)
shoughs: 40 (III. i. 94)
should have died: 84 (V. v. 17)
shut up: 22 (II. i. 16)
sightless: 15 (I. v. 50)
Sinel: 7 (I. iii. 71)
single: 10 (I. iii. 140)
skirr: 81 (V. iii. 35)
slab: 56 (IV. i. 32)
sleeve: 26 (II. ii. 37)
sleights: 52 (III. v. 26)
smack: 3 (I. ii. 45)
something from: 41 (III. i. 132)
sometime: 17 (I. vi. 11)
sooth: 3 (I. ii. 36)
speculation: 49 (III. iv. 95)
speed of, had the: 14 (I. v. 36)
sprites: 31 (II. iii. 86)
spy o' the time: 41 (III. i. 130)
stamp: 71 (IV. iii. 153)
stand close: 76 (V. i. 23)
start: 84 (V. v. 15)
state: 45 (III. iv. 5)
state, cause of: 37 (III. i. 34)
state of man: 10 (I. iii. 140)
station, unshrinking: 90 (V. vii. 71)
statute, human: 49 (III. iv. 76)
stay his cure: 71 (IV. iii. 142)
sticking-place: 20 (I. vii. 60)
still: 17 (I. vi. 28)
strangely-visited: 71 (IV. iii. 150)
studied: 11 (I. iv. 9)
stuff, proper: 48 (III. iv. 60)
suborn'd: 35 (II. iv. 24)
suggestion: 10 (I. iii. 134)
summer-seeming: 69 (IV. iii. 86)
surcease: 18 (I. vii. 4)
surfeited: 24 (II. ii. 5)
surveying vantage: 3 (I. ii. 31)
sway by: 80 (V. iii. 9)
swelter'd: 55 (IV. i. 8)
take . . . for: 15 (I. v. 49)
Tarquin: 23 (II. i. 55)
teems: 72 (IV. iii. 176)
Thane: 3 (I. ii. 46)
thee without: 46 (III. iv. 14)
therewithal: 37 (III. i. 34)
thick as tale: 8 (I. iii. 97)
thirst: 49 (III. iv. 91)
thought, upon a: 48 (III. iv. 55)
thralls: 53 (III. vi. 13)
Tiger: 5 (I. iii. 7)
time: 16 (I. v. 64)
time and the hour: 10 (I. iii. 147)
titles: 62 (IV. ii. 7)
top: 67 (IV. iii. 57)
torture, on the: 42 (III. ii. 21)
touch, natural: 62 (IV. ii. 9)
towering: 34 (II. iv. 12)
toys: 31 (II. iii. 101)
trace: 61 (IV. i. 153)
trains: 70 (IV. iii. 118)
trammel up: 18 (I. vii. 3)
treasure . . . germens: 57 (IV. i. 59)
trenched: 46 (III. iv. 27)
trifled: 34 (II. iv. 4)
understood relations: 51 (III. iv. 124)
unrough: 79 (V. ii. 10)
utterance: 39 (III. i. 72)
vault: 31 (II. iii. 103)
vizards: 43 (III. ii. 34)
wanton: 12 (I. iv. 34)
wassail: 20 (I. vii. 64)
watching, effects of: 75 (V. i. 12)
water-rugs: 40 (III. i. 94)
weal: 49 (III. iv. 76)
weird sisters: 5 (I. iii. 32)
while then: 38 (III. i. 44)
withal (adv.): 7 (I. iii. 57)
withal (prep.): 14 (I. v. 31)
witness'd: 72 (IV. iii. 184)
wrack: 9 (I. iii. 114)
wrought: 10 (I. iii. 149)
yesty: 57 (IV. i. 53)