Triumphant Harmony. byFH
![<< \new Staff \relative d' { \time 2/2 \key c \major \autoBeamOff \override = #'classical
\partial 2 s2 | f2 e4 d | c2 c'2 | b4 a g2 | r4 g a \stemUp b \stemNeutral | c2 r4 c, | d e f2 |
r4 c d e | f g a \stemUp b \stemNeutral | c c b a | g f e2 | d c | c1 |
c'2 b4 a g2. g4 | a \stemUp b \stemNeutral c2 | r4 f, e d | c2. c4 | d e f2 |
r4 c d e | f g a \stemUp b \stemNeutral | c c b a | g f e2 | d c \bar "|." }
\addlyrics { That Glo -- ry may dwell in our Land Let Con -- cord have sov' -- raign com -- mand And dis -- cord all the World a -- round \markup{\concat{W\super{th}}} Har -- mo -- ny Di -- vine be Crown'd. _ That Li -- ber -- ty and Mer -- cy may, For e -- ver reign O God We pray Strike up strike up har -- mon -- ious Powr's The day & Tri -- umph now is yours. }
\new Staff \relative d, { \clef bass \key c \major \autoBeamOff \omit Staff.TimeSignature \partial 2 \override = #'classical
c2 | f g | c a | d e | g f | e a, | bes4 c f,2 |
r2 r4 c' | d e f g | a e f8 [g] a [f] | g [a] b [g] c2 | g c, | c c, |
a' d | e e | f4 g c,2 | d g | a a | g4 g f2 |
r2 r4 c | d e f g | a e f8 [g] a [f] | g [a] b [g] c2 | g c, \bar "|." } >>](../../I/69f691e1f87e0d209a1cacbc9f8c14ad.png.webp)
That Glory may dwell in our Land
Let Concord have sov'raign command
And discord all the World around
Wth Harmony Divine be Crown'd.
That Liberty and Mercy may,
For ever reign O God We pray
Strike up strike up harmonious Powr's
The day & Triumph now is yours.
OUR Senses all enjoy your sounds,
Thro' Christ the Lord's most glorious Wounds
Their Number's Five, and Musick's Five
Love's most harmonious Concord give.
No Notes so clear, nor Voice so sweet
As grateful Praise at Jesus Feet.
Strike up again, charm Ears and Hearts;
The Spheres and Heav'ns will bear their Parts.
Ye Heav'nly Hosts, that Sung on High
When Jesus did in th' Marger lie,
Descend and with us joyn, let's all
Together down before him fall.
Then Rise and Sing, to God on high,
Be Glory, Peace on Earth; and cry,
Good VVill to th'Male and Female Train.
Then Sing united, Christ does Reign.
All Glory be to God on high,
On Earth, Peace and Prosperity.
Be those that bear his Image Blest.
To all Inferior Creatures Rest.
Hallelujah! The Lord does Reign;
All things are now Retor'd again.
The Son Resign the Kingdom shall:
And God be Father All in All.