The Watchman's Call.
Watht aufft! rufft uns die Stimme &c.

Awake ye voice is crying
O th' Watchmen, from their towers espying
Awake O City of Jerusalem.
Tis midnight cry Surrounding
While clear and shrill ye voice is Sounding
Hast Virgin deckt wth Wisdom Sacred gem.
Now comes your Spouse & King
Love's burning lamps now bring
get ready trim'd & drest for th' Nuptial Feast
and hast to welcome down your Lordly Guest.
FAir Sions Watch are Singing.
Her Heart for Joy and Triumph springing.
She wakes, she rises streight, and hasts away.
Her Joy comes down all Glorious;
With Grace, and Truth, and Might Victorious.
Her Morning dawns, her Star proclaims the Day.
Come now Celestial Crown,
Lord Jesu, God's dear Son.
Now, now we enter all the Court Royal,
And Celebrate the Nuptial Festival.
Thy Glory ay be sounding
From Men and Angels Tongues resounding,
With Harps & Cymbals sweet harmonious Tone,
Salems twelve [1] Pearls unfolding;
We Equal Seats with Angels holding,
In Love-linkt Wreaths encircling thy bright Throne.
No Eye has ever seen,
Nor ever heard has been,
Such Light, such Joy.
For this our Praises flow, Jo! Jo!
And Loves Eternal Jubil-Trumpets blow.
- ↑ Gates of Pearl. Rev. 21. 21.