< Lyra Davidica
For other English-language translations of this work, see Surrexit Christus hodie.
For other versions of this translation, see Jesus Christ Is Risen Today.
For other versions of this hymn tune, see Easter Hymn (tune).

The Resurrection.

<< \new Staff \relative d' { \time 4/4 \key d \major %although there are three ♯ in the key signature, two are an octave apart
  \autoBeamOff \omit Staff.TimeSignature \stemUp
  d8 fis a d, g b a4 | fis16[( g]) a[( d,]) fis8. g16 e4 d |
  g8 a b a g16([ a)] fis[( g]) e4 |
  fis16[( g]) a[( d,]) fis8. g16 e4 d |
  \stemDown cis'8 d e16[( d]) cis[( b]) cis[( d]) e8 fis4 |
  cis16[( d]) e([ \stemUp a,)] \stemNeutral cis8. d16 b4 a |
  a16[( b]) cis8 d8. fis,16 g[( a]) b[( g]) a4 |
  fis16[( g)] a[( d,)] fis8. g16 e4 d \bar "|." }
\addlyrics { Je -- sus Christ is Risen to day Hal -- le -- Hal -- le -- lu -- iah Our tri -- um -- phant Ho -- ly -- day Hal -- le -- Hal -- le -- lu -- iah Who so late -- ly on the Cross Hal -- le -- Hal -- le -- lu -- iah Suf -- fer'd to re -- deem our loss Hal -- le -- Hal -- le -- lu -- iah. }
\new Staff \relative d { \clef bass \key d \major \autoBeamOff \omit Staff.TimeSignature
  d8 d fis a b g fis4 | d8 d b g a4 d |
  b8 a g fis e d a'4 | d8 d b g a4 d |
  a'8 a gis gis a16[( b]) a[( gis]) fis4 | a8 a fis d e4 a, |
  a'8 g fis8. fis16 e8 e d4 | d8 d b g a4 d } >>

Transcribed lyrics (not listed in original)

Jesus Christ is Risen to day Halle-Halleluiah
Our triumphant Holyday Halle-Halleluiah
Who so lately on the Cross Halle-Halleluiah
Suffer'd to redeem our loss Halle Halleluiah.

FH Sculpsit


HAst ye Females from your Fright, Hall. &c.
Take to Galile your Flight: Hall.
To his sad Disciples say, Hall.
Jesus Christ is Risen to Day. Hall.


In our Paschal Joy and Feast. Hall.
Let the Lord of Life be blest, Hall.
Let the Holy Trine be prais'd, Hall.
And thankful Hearts to Heaven be rais'd. Hall.

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