Sursum Corda.
An Aspiration.
![<< \new Staff \relative d'' { \time 2/2 \key bes \major
\partial 8 g8 | g4 fis g fis | ees4. d8 ees4 f8 ([ees]) | d2 d8 ([ees]) c4 | d bes8. c16
a4 bes | bes4. a8 bes4. d8 | ees4 d d4. a'8 | bes4 a8 g fis4. g8 | a4.
a8 bes4 f | g d f ees8 ([d]) | c4. bes8 bes4. d8 | d4 e f c |
ees4. d8 ees4 d8 ([c]) | d4. d8 ees4 d8 ([c]) | d4. bes8 c4 bes8 ([a]) a4. g8 g4. \bar "||" }
\addlyrics {
Rise O my Soul with thy de -- sires to heaven And \markup{\concat{w\super{th}}} Di -- vi -- nest
Con -- temp -- la -- tions use Thy time where time's E -- ter -- ni -- ty _ is given
And let Vain thoughts no more thy Soul a -- muse. But down in Si -- lent
dark -- ness let them lye So live thy bet -- ter let thy worse thoughts dye. }
\new Staff \relative d { \clef bass \key bes \major \autoBeamOff \omit Staff.TimeSignature
r8 | g4 a bes b | c b c4. c,8 | s4 bes ees2 | d4 g
f8. [ees16 d8 bes] | f'4 f, bes bes'8 [fis] | g2 g4 fis | g f8 [ees] d4 c8 [bes] | a4
g8 [fis] g4 a | bes g a8 [bes] ees4 | ees, f bes f' | bes bes, a a' |
g f ees2 | d4 c8 [bes] c4 bes8 [a] | bes [c] d4 ees c | d d, g4. \bar "||" } >>](../../I/8f28ab8ab1b8d37cd250b91dd0a87d73.png.webp)
Rise O my Soul with thy desires to heaven
And wth Divinest Contemplations use
Thy time where time's Eternity is given
And let Vain thoughts no more thy Soul amuse.
But down in Silent darkness let them lye
So live thy better let thy worse thoughts dye.
AND thou, my Soul, inspir'd with Holy Flame,
View and Review with most regardful Eye
That Holy Cross, whence thy Salvation came;
On which thy Saviour and thy Sin did Die:
For in that Sacred Object is much Pleasure;
And in that Saviour is my Joy, my Treasure.
To thee, O Jesu, I direct mine Eyes,
To thee my Hands, to thee my humble Knees;
To thee my Heart shall offer Sacrifice;
To thee my Thoughts, who all their Motions sees.
To thee my Life, my Self and all I give;
To Sin I Die, to Thee alone I Live.
O Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord most High,
Coequal, Coeternal Deity,
Who Mad'st us, did'st Redeem, and dost Inspire
Our tepid Souls with new Celestial Fire;
We Bless, thee now, and shall Eternally,
O Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord most High.