< Lyra Davidica
For works with similar titles, see Jubilate.


<< \new Staff \relative d' { \time 2/2  \key f \major \partial 4
  f4 | a c8 ([b]) c4 b8 ([a]) | bes4 c d e | f4. f8 
  e4 d | f4. c8 d4 g, | b4. c8 c4. c8 | 
  bes ([a]) d4 c4. bes8 | a4 bes c f,8. [a16] | g2. g4 |
  c4 bes8 ([a]) \stemUp bes8. ([c16]) \stemNeutral d4 | c f f4. e8 | f2. \bar "||" }
\addlyrics { 
  Sing to the Lord for He a -- lone is Good His Mer -- cies sure for e -- ver -- more have stood give Thanks un -- to our God and let your _ Verse his Won -- drous Ac -- tions and his Praise re -- hearse.}
\new Staff \relative d { \clef bass \key f \major \autoBeamOff \omit Staff.TimeSignature
  f4 | f g a f | g a bes g | f4. f8 
  ces'4 bes | a4. a8 bes4 c | g g, c4. e8 |
  f4 bes, c e | f g a4. bes8 | c2. c,4 |
  e f d bes | a' bes c4. c,8 | f2. \bar "||" } >>

Transcribed lyrics (not listed in original)

Sing to the Lord for He alone is Good
His Mercies sure for evermore have stood
give Thanks unto our God and let your Verse
his Wondrous Actions and his Praise rehearse.


LET them give Life and Numbers to your Song,
And count the Glories, which to him belong.
But who their Verse can to his Glory raise,
Or, as his Acts deserve, shew forth his Praise?


All ye who fear his Name, in That rejoyce,
And shew your Heart is cheerful by your Voice.
Seek ye the Lord, and seek his mighty Power;
And never till you see his Face give o'er.


Remember all the Wonders he hath done,
The Words he spake, the Signs his Hand has shewn.
Thrice happy they, who his Commandments love,
And by their Constancy their Service prove.


On me, unworthy Wretch, O God, look down,
And grant those Favours which thou shew'st thine Own;
That I may tast how good 'tis to be Thine,
And with the Heav'nly Quire to bless thee joyn.


All Glory to the Majesty on high,
The ever Blessed Trine in Unity.
As i'th' Beginning was, is now, shall be
When Time shall pass into Eternity.

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