An Evening HYMN.
To the same Tune
ALL Praise to thee (my God) this Night,
For all the Blessings of the Light.
Keep me, Oh keep me, King of Kings,
Under thine own Almighty Wings.
Forgive me Lord for thy dear Son,
The Ill that I this day have done,
That with the World, my self, and thee
I e're I Sleep at Peace may be.
Teach me to Live, that I may dread,
The Grave as little as my Bed.
Teach me to Die, that so I may,
Triumphing Rise at the last Day.
Oh let my Soul in thee repose,
And with sweet Sleep mine Eye-Lids člofe
Such Sleep as may more Vigorous make,
To Praise my God when I awake.<
When on my Bed I Senseless lie,
My Soul with Heavenly thoughts supply.
Let no Ill Dreams disturb my Rest;
No Powers of Darkness me molest.
Dull Sleep does me of Life deprive;
I am but half my days alive.
Oh my dear Lord, how am I griev'd,
To lie so long of thee bereav'd
But though Sleep, o'er my Frailty Reigns,
Let it not hold me long in Chains;
But now and then let loose my Heart,
Till it an Hallelujah Dart.
The faster Sleep the Sence does bind,
The more unfetter'd is the Mind:
Oh! May my Soul from matter free,
Thy unvail'd Goodness Waking see.
O when shall I in Endless Day,
For ever chase dark Sleep away?
And endless Praise, with Heavenly Choir,
Incessant Sing and never tire.
Oh! May my Guardian whilst I sleep,
Close by my Bed his Vigils keep;
And in my stead all the Night long,
Pay to my God a grateful Song.