< Lyra Davidica

A hymn to Jesus.
Salve Cordis gaudium.

<< \new Staff \relative c'' { \time 4/4 \key c \major \omit Staff.TimeSignature \override Staff.Rest.style = #'classical 
  c4. d8 e4 c | c8 b a4 b2 | e4. f8 d2 | c2 
  b4. c8 | d4 b a g | a2 b4. c8 | a2 g |
  e'4. f8 g4 e | d c e (d) | e4. f8 d2 | c1 |
  f2. g4 | e2. f4 | d1 | c1 \bar "||" }
\addlyrics { 
  Hail my soul's true Com -- _ for -- ter hail my Ie -- su 
  hail my heart's In -- fla -- mer dear hail my Ie -- su 
  still my life's de -- fen -- der near hail my Ie -- su 
  hail my sweet -- est Ie -- su. }
\new Staff \relative f' { \clef bass \key c \major \omit Staff.TimeSignature \override Staff.Rest.style = #'classical
  c4. b8 c4 e, | f f g2 | c,4 c g'2 | c,2
  e4. c8 | \stemUp b4 c d e | d2 \stemNeutral g,4. g8 | d'2 g, |
  c4. \stemUp d8 \stemNeutral e4 c | a' f g2 | c4 f, g2 | c,1 |
  d'1 | c1 | g2 g,2 | c1 \bar "||" } >>

Transcribed lyrics (not listed in original)

Hail my soul's true Comforter
hail my Iesu
hail my heart's Inflamer dear
hail my Iesu
still my life's defender near
hail my Iesu
hail my sweetest Iesu.


A Thousand times I think on thee.
Come sweet Spouse to me.
A Thousand times I wish for thee:
Come sweet Spouse to me.
A Thousand times I cry to thee;
Come sweet Spouse to me.
Come my sweetest Spouse to me.


Heavenly Pastures me afford;
I new Life shall gain:
Drop the Milk of thy puré Word,
My Lips shall then be [1] fain.
Immerse me in thy Bowels Lord,
Hope shall spring again:
Life of Love shall bloom amain.


No sweet Taste can Vie with thee,
Sweet delicious Love.
No sweet Smell comes near to thee,
Sweet Perfume of Love.
None for Mildness like to thee
Lov's sweet Lamb and Dove.
Jesu sweetest, sweet of Love.


I am Cold, Inflame thou me
Heavenly Lover.
I am Sick, oh! Comfort me
My Creator.
Ah! I Die, give Life to me,
O my Saviour,
Jesu, O my Saviour.

  1. Joyful. Psal. 71. 21.
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