A Pentecostal Hymn.
Kom Heiliger Geist Herre Gott.
Come holy holy Ghost Lord our God
& wth thy gifts of Pentecost
the faithfull hearts of Sions Waiters fill
thy burning love in them instill
thou hast by thy love lightning glance
the Nations calld in Faiths Accord
all Tribes to thine Inheritance
for this praise We Sing to our great King
halleluiah halleluiah.
HAil Holy, Holy Light! Diamond Rock,
Of sparkling Truths, shine on thy Flock.
Thou, God in [1] Love to know the Grace imparts:
To call Him Abba in our Hearts.
From Dotrines Strange, O keep us clear:
Let us our own true Master hear:
Ev'n Jesus Christ with Faith sincere.
Ever Confiding, in Him our King
Hallelujah, Hallelujah.
Come Holy Flame of Love, our Dove-Mate,
Let us, with Joy and Courage great,
Constant for thee in Holy Warfare stand;
Let no Temptation Countermand;
And still with Power inspir'd from Thee,
Like Champions Fight for Liberty,
Till Sabbatizing with Christ our King,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah.
- ↑ In the Adopted State of Sons, and not of Servants Rom. 8 14, &c.