A Midnight Hymn.
To the Tune of, Awake my Soul.
THY Servants Lord did not of Old
Their Hands within their Bosom fold.
One did all Night with thee Contend;
Nor would his happy Wrestling end;
Till he Omnipotence had Orecome,
And brought from Heav'n a Blessing down.
Th' Heroic Strength his God did raise;
Yet for the Vict'ry gave him praise.
And tho' opprest with Cares of State,
Cares which on Courts and Camps do wait
King David would at Midnight rise
To pay his grateful Sacrifice.
When e'er he wak'd in dead of Night
His thoughts of God made Noon-Day-Light.
I'th' Night he made his Turtle-moans;
I'th' Night he sent his Cries and Groans.
A strict Account with God he kept,
And for his Sins at Midnight wept.
Reflecting on his Youthful ways,
Whole Nights he wept and weary Days.
Whole Nights his Bed did swim in Tears,
His Soul perplext with restless Fears;
Till Pard'ning Grace those Fears adjourn'd;
Those Tears to sprightly Glances turn'd.
Till God his Heart from Sions Hill
With Joy, his Mouth with Praise did fill.
His Pains and Grief now dormant found;
His Rest with sweet Enjoyment crown'd.
Silas and Paul Imprison'd were,
Condemn'd a triple Bond to wear
In the Jayls Dungeon they were laid;
Fast in the Stocks their Feet were made.
With stripes their Limbs ran down in Gore:
With matchless Patience all they bore.
Such Holy Inmates making there
A Den of Thieves a House of Pray'r.
Their Souls could not be Pris'ners made;
The Iron there no entrance had.
In that Confinement they did Sing
Praises to the Immortal King.
Then did the Pris'n's Foundation shake;
The Jaylor too with fear did quake.
The Chains were broke, the Doors unbarr'd,
When God's true Israels Voice was heard.
The Christian's Zeal here did not end,
To After-Times it did descend.
At Midnight they would wake from sleep;
Christ's Spirit with them the Watch did keep.
The Throne of Grace they did Besiege,
By th' Eucharist themselves oblige
Their Word to keep, the Truth to speak,
And ne'er their Masters Laws to break.
Nay some so Bold and Fervent were,
They with Solemnity did Swear,
They would not from their Knees arise,
Till God had heard their Pray'rs and Cries.
Their Zeal so glowing and devout
Like th' Altar Fire it ne'er went out.
But O my Coldness and my Sloth
To God's pure Worship and his Truth!
I might with Canaans Grapes be fed,
With Heav'nly Manna for my Bread:
Yet Husks I feed on Day by Day;
And seldom is God's Word my Stay.
How shall I, Lord, thy Pardon crave,
Who on my Self no Mercy have?
How shall I taste of Heav'ns Delight
Who with the Swine have Appetite?
O may I know and ne'er forget,
While here I'm by the World beset,
Earths Comforts will, like Haman's Feast,
Attended be by Death at last.
Unless God's Laws a Relish give,
While in Peace and Plenty Live,
More true and lasting to my Mind,
Than Worldlings in their Mammon find.
Since then so much is past oth' Night,
And Day approaches with its Light;
May I the Deeds of Darkness shun;
The Armature of Light put on.
The Breast-plate firm of Faith and Love;
And Hope, the Helmet from above.
Teach me thy Spirits Sword to wield;
And Shod with Peace to keep the Field.
Lord strengthen me, that so I may
Walk honestly as in the Day:
Not in Strife, Envy, or Excess,
In Clambering or Wantonness.
But with the Day-spring from on High,
In Gracious Visits Lord, draw nigh.
Thou who thy Flocks from Nightly Stray
Preserv'd by Fiery Pillar's Ray,
Replenish me with Wisdoms Light,
Clear shining thro' Afflictions Night.
Thy Presence is Eternal Day:
To th' Heav'nly Canaan guide my Way.