A Mid-Night HYMN.
To the same Tune.
LOrd now my Sleep doth me forsake,
The sole Possession of me take:
Let no Suggestion me illude;
No one polluted Thought intrude.
Blest Angels, whilst we silent lie,
Your Hallelujahs Sing on High.
You, ever Wakeful near the Throne,
Prostrate Adore, the Three in One.
I, now Awake, with you do joyn,
To praise my God with Hymns Divine:
With you in Heaven I hope to dwell;
And bid the World and Night farewell.
When I, O Lord, shake off this Dust,
My Soul to Thee I will intrust:
Oh make me thy peculiar Care,
Some Heavenly Mansion me prepare.
Give me a Place at thy Saints Feet,
Or some Fall'n Angel's vacant Seat:
I'll strive to Sing as loud as they
Who sit Above in brighter Day.
Oh! May I allways ready stand,
My Lamp still burning in my Hand.
May I in sight of Heav'n rejoice,
When ere I hear the Bridegroom's Voice.
Glory to thee with Light array'd,
Who Light thy Dwelling Place hast made.
An Immense Orb of brightest Beams,
From thine all Glorious Godhead streams.
The Sun in its Meridian Light,
Is very Darkness in thy Sight.
My Soul Enlighten, and Inflame
With Thoughts, and Love of thy Great Name.
Oh! Jesu, thou on Heav'n intent,
Whole Nights hast in Devotion spent:
But I, frail Creature quickly tire,
And all my Zeal doth foon expire.
My Soul, why dost thou weary grow,
Of Antedating Heaven below?
Of that dear Praise, and Joy, and Love,
Which shall Eternal be Above?
New Vigour Lord to me impart;
Fresh Ardours breath into my Heart,
Wake all my Powers, wake every String,
Whilst to my God, my Lauds I Sing.
Lord, least the Tempter me surprise,
Keep over me thy Watchful Eyes:
Guard me a Sleep or Wake from Ill,
[1]And first and last my Spirit fill.
- ↑ Let my Day begin and End with Thee, who art the Begining and the End of all.