- (Companion Volume) Luther the Expositor. Introduction to the Reformer's Exegetical Writings. (Concordia: 1959) OCLC:222259929all editions
- Lectures on Genesis, chapters 1-5 OCLC:315481911all editions 1958
- Lectures on Genesis, chapters 6-14 OCLC:315481991all editions 1960
- Lectures on Genesis. Chapters 15-20. OCLC:1876687all editions 1961
- Lectures on Genesis. Chapters 21-25. OCLC:256450302all editions 1964
- Lectures on Genesis, chapters 26-30 OCLC:315482033all editions 1968
- Lectures on Genesis, chapters 31-37 OCLC:315482048all editions 1970
- Lectures on Genesis, chapters 38-44 OCLC:315482054all editions 1965
- Lectures on Genesis, chapters 45-50 OCLC:315482069all editions 1966
- Lectures on Deuteronomy OCLC:315482076all editions 1960
- First lectures on the Psalms. 1, Psalms 1 - 75 OCLC:315483484all editions 1974
- First lectures on the Psalms. 2, Psalms 76 - 126. OCLC:315483493all editions 1976
- Selected Psalms I. (1955)
- Selected Psalms II. (1956) OCLC:65099409all editions
- Selected Psalms III. Daniel E. Poellot (1956) OCLC:222259849all editions
- Notes on Ecclesiastes, Lectures on the Song of Solomon, Treatise on the last words of David OCLC:315483540all editions (1972)
- Lectures on Isaiah, chapters 1 - 39 Hilton C. Oswald OCLC:315483556all editions 1969
- Lectures on Isaiah, chapters 40 - 66. OCLC:315483571all editionsOCLC:222259867all editions 1972
- Lectures on the Minor Prophets. 1, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Haggai, Malachi. OCLC:315483595all editions 1975
- Lectures on the Minor Prophets. 2, Jonah, Habakkuk. OCLC:315483603all editions 1974
- Lectures on the Minor Prophets. 3, Zechariah OCLC:315483616all editions 1973
- The sermon on the mount (sermons) and the Magnificat. OCLC:315483626all editionsOCLC:39150581all editions 1955
- Sermons on the Gospel of St. John, chapters 1 - 4. OCLC:315483630all editions 1957 OCLC:256450324all editions
- Sermons on the Gospel of St. John, chapters 6 - 8. Hilton C. Oswald OCLC:315483639all editions 1959
- Sermons on the Gospel of St. John, chapters 14 - 16. OCLC:315483660all editions 1961
- Lectures on the Romans. OCLC:315483664all editions 1972 OCLC:1884976all editionsOCLC:222259894all editions
- Lectures on Galatians 1535, chapters 1 - 4. Hansen, Walter A., Eds OCLC:315483675all editions OCLC:630871all editions 1963
- Lectures on Galatians 1535, chapters 5 - 6. Lectures on Galatians (1519), chapters 1-6, tr. Richard Jungkuntz OCLC:315483706all editions 1964
- Vol. 26&27: OCLC:6131279all editions
- Commentaries on 1 Corinthians 7, 1 Corinthians 15, Lectures on 1 Timothy. OCLC:315483694all editions 1973 OCLC:222259910all editions
- Lectures on Titus, Philemon, and the Hebrews. Hilton C. Oswald OCLC:315483723all editions 1968
- The Catholic Epistles. OCLC:315483740all editions 1967
- Career of the Reformer I (1957) OCLC:256448950all editions
- Career of the Reformer II Edited By George W. Forell (1958) OCLC:1886189all editions
- Career of the Reformer III (Muhlenberg: 1960)
- Career of the Reformer IV. Edited By Lewis W. Spitz (1960: OCLC:1887264all editions; 1972)
- Word and Sacrament I Edited By E. Theodore Bachmann (1960) (Fortress Press:1970)
- The sacrament of penance (1519) / tr. by E. Theodore Bachmann
- The holy and blessed sacrament of baptism (1519) / tr. by Charles M. Jacobs, revised by E. Theodore Bachmann
- The blessed sacrament of the holy and true body of Christ, and the Brotherhoods (1519) / tr. by Jeremiah J. Schindel, revised by E. Theodore Bachmann
- A treatise on the New Testament, that is, the Holy Mass (1520) / tr. by Jeremiah J. Schindel, revised by E. Theodore Bachmann
- A brief instruction on what to look for and expect in the Gospels (1521) / tr. by E. Theodore Bachmann
- Avoiding the doctrines of men and A reply to the texts cited in defense of the doctrines of men (1522) / tr. by William A. Lambert, revised by E. Theodore Bachmann
- How Christians should regard Moses (1525) / tr. by E. Theodore Bachmann
- On translating: an open letter (1530) / tr. by Charles M. Jacobs, revised by E. Theodore Bachmann
- Defense of the translation of the Psalms (1531) / tr. by E. Theodore Bachmann
- Prefaces to the books of the Bible / tr. by Charles M. Jacobs and E. Theodore Bachmann, revised by E. Theodore Bachmann.
- Word and Sacrament II edited by Abdel Ross Wentz (1959)
- The Babylonian captivity of the Church (1520) / tr. by A.T.W. Steinhäuser and revised by Frederick C. Ahrens and Abdel Ross Wentz
- The misuse of the Mass (1521) / tr. by Frederick C. Ahrens
- Receiving both kinds in the Sacrament (1522) / tr. by Abdel Ross Wentz
- The adoration of the Sacrament (1523) / tr. by Abdel Ross Wentz -- The abomination of the Secret Mass / tr. by Abdel Ross Wentz
- The Sacrament of the body and blood of Christ, against the fanatics (1526) / tr. by Frederick C. Ahrens.
- Word and Sacrament III edited by Robert H. Fischer (1961) (Muhlenberg:1963) (Fortress Press:1970)
- That these words of Christ, "This is My body," etc., still stand firm against the fanatics (1527) / tr. by Robert H. Fischer
- Confession concerning Christ's Supper (1528) / tr. by Robert H. Fischer.
- Word and Sacrament IV edited by Martin E. Lehmann (1971) OCLC:222260211all editions
- The Marburg Colloquy and The Marburg Articles (1529) / tr. by Martin E. Lehmann
- Admonition concerning the Sacrament of the body and blood of Our Lord (1530) / tr. by Martin E. Lehmann
- The Private Mass and the consecration of priests (1533) / tr. by Martin E. Lehmann
- A letter of Dr. Martin Luther concerning his book on the Private Mass (1534) / tr. by Martin E. Lehmann
- The disputation concerning the passage: "The Word was made flesh" (John 1:14) (1539) / tr. by Martin E. Lehmann
- Brief confession concerning theHoly Sacrament (1544) / tr. by Martin E. Lehmann.
- Church and Ministry I OCLC:1887668all editions (1970)
- Church and Ministry II Edited By Conrad Bergendoff (1958) OCLC:1887718all editions
- Church and Ministry III by Eric W Gritsch, introduction by E. Gordon Rupp OCLC:1893218all editions 1966
- Devotional Writings I OCLC:1893357all editions (1969)
- Devotional Writings II OCLC:1893449all editions (1968)
- The Christian in Society. I (1966)
- A sermon on the estate of marriage (1519) / translated by James Atkinson
- Treatise on good works (1520) / translated by W.A. Lambert ; revised by James Atkinson
- To the Christian nobility of the German nation concerning the reform of the Christian estate (1520) / translated by Charles M. Jacobs ; revised by James Atkinson
- An instruction to penitents concerning the forbidden books of Dr. M. Luther (1521) / translated by James Atkinson
- A sermon on the three kinds of good life for the instruction of consciences (1521) / translated by James Atkinson
- The judgment of Martin Luther on monastic vows (1521) / translated by James Atkinson.
- The Christian in Society. II (1962)
- The persons related by consanguinity and affinity who are forbidden to marry according to the scriptures, Leviticus 18 (1522) / translated by Walther I. Brandt
- The estate of marriage (1522) / translated by Walther I. Brandt
- A sincere admonition by Martin Luther to all Christians to guard against insurrection and rebellion (1522) / translated by W.A. Lambert ; revised by Walther I. Brandt
- Temporal authority : to what extent it should be obeyed (1523) / translated by J.J. Schindel ; revised by Walther I. Brandt
- An exhortation to the Knights of the Teutonic Order that they lay aside false chastity and assume the true chastity of wedlock (1523) / translated by W.A. Lambert ; revised by Walther I. Brandt
- Ordinance of a common chest, preface (1523) / translated by Albert T.W. Steinhaeuser ; revised by Walther I. Brandt
- Fraternal agreement on the common chest of the entire assembly at Leisnig / translated by Walther I. Brandt
- That Jesus Christ was born a Jew (1523) / translated by Walther I. Brandt
- Trade and usury (1524) / translated by Charles M. Jacobs ; revised by Walther I. Brandt
- Exposition of Psalm 127, for Christians at Riga in Livonia (1524) / translated by Walther I. Brandt
- To the councilmen of all cities in Germany that they establish and maintain Christian schools (1524) / translated by Albert T.W. Steinhaeuser ; revised by Walther I. Brandt
- That parents should neither compel nor hinder the marriage of their children and that children should not become engaged without their parents' consent (1524) / translated by Walther I. Brandt.
- The Christian in Society. III Schultz, Robert (Editor) (1967) OCLC:1893097all editions
- Admonition to peace, a reply to the twelve articles of the peasants in Swabia (1525) / translated by Charles M. Jacobs ; revised by Robert C. Schultz
- Against the robbing and murdering hordes of peasants (1525) / translated by Charles M. Jacobs ; revised by Robert C. Schultz
- An open letter on the harsh book against the peasants (1525) / translated by Charles M. Jacobs ; revised by Robert C. Schultz
- Whether soldiers, too, can be saved (1526) / translated by Charles M. Jacobs ; revised by Robert C. Schultz
- An answer to several questions on monastic vows (1526) / translated by Robert C. Schultz
- On war against the Turk (1529) / translated by Charles M. Jacobs ; revised by Robert C. Schultz
- A sermon on keeping children in school (1530) / translated by Charles M. Jacobs ; revised by Robert C. Schultz
- On marriage matters (1530) / translated by Frederick C. Ahrens.
- The Christian in Society. IV (1971) OCLC:222260237all editions
- Dr. Martin Luther's warning to his dear German people (1531) / translated by Martin H. Bertram
- Against the Sabbatarians : letter to a good friend (1538) / translated by Martin H. Bertram
- Against the Antinomians (1539) / translated by Martin H. Bertram
- On the Jews and their lies (1543) / translated by Martin H. Bertram.
- Letters I Lehmann, Helmut T., Eds 1963
- Letters II 1972
- Letters III 1975 OCLC:222260244all editions
- Sermons I, Doberstein, John W., Ed. And Trans. (Lehmann, Helmut T., General Ed. ) (1959 - OCLC:1893678all editions) 1966; American edition; Fortress: 1973, 1980
- Sermons II Hildebrand, Hans J. (Editor) 1973
- Liturgy and hymns, Ulrich S. Leupold 1965
- Table talk, Theodore G. Tappert OCLC:222260257all editions (1967)
- Index.
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