< Littell's Living Age

No. 2232. April 2, 1887.


  1. Naucratis and the Greeks in Ancient Egypt, Quarterly Review
  2. A Secret Inheritance - Part VI., by B. L. Farjeon, English Illustrated Magazine
  3. The Military Frontier of France, by A. Hilliard Atteridge, National Review
  4. Richard Cable, the Lightshipman - Part VI., by Sabine Baring-Gould, the author of "Mehalah," "John Herring," "Court Royal," etc., Chambers' Journal
  5. Valentine Visconti - Part I., by A. Mary F. Robinson, Fortnightly Review
  6. Perugia, by Arthur Galton, Macmillan's Magazine
  7. A Brush with Chinese Pirates, All The Year Round
  8. An Unintentional Trip to North Bemini, Chambers' Journal
  9. An Old French House - Part I., by E., Spectator
  10. Snowstorms on the Hills, St. James's Gazette
  11. The Burial of the Jews of Spitalfields, Pall Mall Gazette
  12. Sudden Changes of Temperature, Medical Press
  13. The Fawcett Memorial, Saturday Review


Two Days, by D. J. Robertson, Chambers' Journal
By the River, by Arthur L. Salmon, Chambers' Journal
Philip Bourke Marston, by Theodore Watts, Athenæum
Down by the Shore, by J. M. Dunmore, Sunday Magazine


The Fortifications of Paris, United Service Gazette

No. 2233. April 9, 1887.


  1. The Present Position of European Politics - Part III., Fortnightly Review
  2. Richard Cable, the Lightshipman - Part VII., by Sabine Baring-Gould, the author of "Mehalah," "John Herring," "Court Royal," etc., Chambers' Journal
  3. The Trials of a Country Parson, by Augustus Jessopp, Nineteenth Century
  4. A Terrible Night, by Andree Hope, Murray's Magazine
  5. An Old French House - Part II., by E., Spectator
  6. Incidents of the Earthquake, Saturday Review
  7. Jubilee Years, Chambers' Journal
  8. The Sufferings of the Clergy, Spectator


Jack Frost, by Walton Hook, Temple Bar
To Philip Bourke Marston, by D. G. Rossetti
A Nocturne, by Robert Reinick, translated by A. L. Mackechnie, Cassell's Magazine
March Meadows, by M., Academy
Only a Week, All The Year Round


A Japanese Volcano, Nature

No. 2234. April 16, 1887.


  1. Transylvanian Peoples, by E. Gerard, Contemporary Review
  2. The Shepherd of the Salt Lake, All The Year Round
  3. Lord George Gordon and the Riots of 1780, Temple Bar
  4. Mr. Gladstone on "The Irish Demand", by Bradbourne, Nineteenth Century
  5. Richard Cable, the Lightshipman - Part VIII., by Sabine Baring-Gould, the author of "Mehalah," "John Herring," "Court Royal," etc., Chambers' Journal
  6. The Oven Islands, by J. Theodore Bent, Longman's Magazine
  7. The Fight at Trinkatat, Chambers' Journal
  8. Novel Announcements, Chambers' Journal


A Psalm of Life, Macmillan's Magazine
We Two, All The Year Round
In the Spring, Cornhill Magazine


Entire Armor Plating

No. 2235. April 23, 1887.


  1. The Decline and Fall of Dr. Faustus, by Elizabeth Robins Pennell, Contemporary Review
  2. Major Lawrence, F.L.S - Part I., by the Hon. Emily Lawless, the author of "Hurrish, a Study," etc., Murray's Magazine
  3. Contemporary Life and Thought in France, by G. Monod, Contemporary Review
  4. Richard Cable, the Lightshipman - Part IX., by Sabine Baring-Gould, Chambers' Journal
  5. French Aggression in Madagascar, by Digby Willoughby, Fortnightly Review
  6. Revelations from Patmos, by J. Theodore Bent, Blackwood's Magazine
  7. Mr. Ruskin's Publishers, Pall Mall Gazette


To-morrow, by Brown Robin, Chambers' Journal
On the Belfry Tower, by Austin Dobson, Longman's Magazine
March Blossoms, by Sidney A. Alexander, Time


How Thackerey Struck for Higher Pay
Afloat in a Crater, Science
Coal, Industries

No. 2236. April 30, 1887.


  1. India and Thibet, National Review
  2. Major Lawrence, F.L.S - Part II., by the Hon. Emily Lawless, the author of "Hurrish, a Study," etc., Murray's Magazine
  3. History in Punch - Part III., by F. C. Burnand and Arthur A. Beckett, Fortnightly Review
  4. Major and Minor - Part IV., by W. E. Norris, Good Words
  5. The Day after To-morrow, by Robert Louis Stevenson, Contemporary Review
  6. The Moated Grange, by W. W. H., Spectator
  7. Planetary Influences, Evening Standard
  8. The Sign-Language of Eastern Traders, St. James's Gazette
  9. The German Emperor, Spectator
  10. The Passover at Jerusalem, Cruise of H.M.S. Bacchante


April, by Alex. Falconer, Good Words
The Pick of the Whelps, by Albert Francis Cross, Chambers' Journal
Peace, by A. G. B., Spectator


The Grain Trade, Scientific American

No. 2237. May 7, 1887.


  1. The Present Position of European Politics - Part IV., Fortnightly Review
  2. A Secret Inheritance - Part VII., by B. L. Farjeon, English Illustrated Magazine
  3. Valentine Visconti - Part II., by A. Mary F. Robinson, Fortnightly Review
  4. Richard Cable, the Lightshipman - Part X., by Sabine Baring-Gould, Chambers' Journal
  5. The Maid of Norway, by Alex. Charles Ewald, Gentleman's Magazine
  6. Personification of the Mysterious amongst the Modern Greeks, by J. Theodore Bent, National Review
  7. A Book about Dickens, Spectator
  8. Recollections of the Princess Victoria, Leisure Hour
  9. Word-Twisting versus Nonsense, Spectator
  10. An Evening with Carlyle, by Thos. S. Baynes, Athenæum


My Chaffinch, by Richard Jefferies, Pall Mall Gazette
At Sunset, by D. J. Robertson, Longman's Magazine


De Senectute, British Medical Journal

No. 2238. May 14, 1887.


  1. England and Europe, by Edward Dicey, Nineteenth Century
  2. Major Lawrence, F.L.S - Part III., by the Hon. Emily Lawless, the author of "Hurrish, a Study," etc., Murray's Magazine
  3. Madame de Maintenon, by H. N. Oxenham, National Review
  4. Persia, by J. D. Rees, Macmillan's Magazine
  5. Richard Cable, the Lightshipman - Part XI., by Sabine Baring-Gould, Chambers' Journal
  6. The Call of Savonarola, by Emilio Castelar, Contemporary Review
  7. Pastoral, by Robert Louis Stevenson, Longman's Magazine
  8. My Niece, St. James's Gazette
  9. Educational Nurseries, by Bobby T., St. James's Gazette


The Old Politician, by Robert Buchanan, Standard


Solomon's Judgment in Chinese, Academy

No. 2239. May 21, 1887.


  1. The Empress Eudocia, Church Quarterly Review
  2. Major Lawrence, F.L.S - Part IV., by the Hon. Emily Lawless, the author of "Hurrish, a Study," etc., Murray's Magazine
  3. William Hazlitt, by George Saintsbury, Macmillan's Magazine
  4. Richard Cable, the Lightshipman - Part XII., by Sabine Baring-Gould, Chambers' Journal
  5. The Imaginative Art of the Renaissance, by Vernon Lee, Contemporary Review
  6. Homeric Astronomy - Part I., by A. M. Clerke, Nature
  7. Jewish Pauperism, Spectator
  8. A Pauper Training-Ship, St. James's Gazette
  9. The Permanence of National Character, Spectator
  10. Spring, Spectator


To a Hyacinth in an April Storm, by J. B. S., Academy
In April, by John Dennis, Spectator
Forth, All The Year Round
In Memoriam W. E. Forster, by H. T. Mackenzie Bell, Academy


Some of our Immigrants, Lloyd's Newspaper

No. 2240. May 28, 1887.


  1. St. Francis of Assisi, London Quarterly Review
  2. A Secret Inheritance - Part VIII., by B. L. Farjeon, English Illustrated Magazine
  3. The Ruin of Aurangzeb; or the History of a Reaction, by W. W. Hunter, Nineteenth Century
  4. Major and Minor - Part V., by W. E. Norris, Good Words
  5. The Earthquake in London, by George Robinson, Macmillan's Magazine
  6. Homeric Astronomy - Part II., by A. M. Clerke, Nature
  7. Lord Derby on the Blind, Spectator
  8. Greek and Turk in Asia Minor, St. James's Gazette
  9. Mr. Rider Haggard and his Critics, Times


Saturday Songs, by Frederick Langbridge, Leisure Hour
In Memoriam Puellulæ Dulcissimæ. - D. P. W., by A. J. Church, Spectator
"The Other Side", by George Holmes, Belgravia


Electric Lighting at Windsor Castle, Electrical Review

No. 2241. June 4, 1887.


  1. On the Direct Influence over Style in Poetry Exercised by the other Fine Arts, Sculpture and Painting Especially; with Illustrations Ancient and Modern, by F. T. Palgrave, National Review
  2. Major Lawrence, F.L.S - Part V., by the Hon. Emily Lawless, the author of "Hurrish, a Study," etc., Murray's Magazine
  3. Memories of Undergraduate Life at Trinity Forty Years Ago, by J. S. P., Temple Bar
  4. Richard Cable, the Lightshipman - Part XIII., by Sabine Baring-Gould, Chambers' Journal
  5. A Visit to Japan, by V. Brinkley, Fortnightly Review
  6. The Queen's Coronation, Chambers' Journal
  7. The Wealth of the London Jews, Spectator
  8. Christmas Island, by J. P. Maclear, Nature
  9. The Colonial Policy of Italy, Spectator
  10. Literature and Action, Spectator
  11. Central-Asian Asparagus, Saturday Review


Spring and the Heart, by Sarah Doudney, Sunday Magazine
A Wood in Spring, by V. M. K., Cassell's Magazine
A Rainless April, by H. D. R., Spectator
In the Baptistery, Westminster Abbey, by W. H. Savile, Spectator

No. 2242. June 11, 1887.


  1. The Present Position of European Politics - Part V., Fortnightly Review
  2. The Pilgrims, by Leo Tolstoi, Temple Bar
  3. German Life in London, by Leopold Katscher, Nineteenth Century
  4. Het; a Romance of the Bush, Macmillan's Magazine
  5. Peacock, Temple Bar
  6. At Bosig, by James Baker, Gentleman's Magazine
  7. May Day as it is and was, Standard
  8. A Result of Education in India, Morning Post
  9. "Off with his Head", Pall Mall Gazette


Two Poets, Cornhill Magazine
Our Canary Bird, by Robert Leighton
April with Rain. - A Sequel, by H. D. R., Spectator
Emily Bronte, by H. C. Irwin, Spectator
Song, by Pakenham Beatty, Spectator

No. 2243. June 18, 1887.


  1. Some Notes on Colonial Zoology, by St. George Mivart, Contemporary Review
  2. Brother Peter, by W. Hubbart, Murray's Magazine
  3. Nature and Books, by Richard Jefferies, Fortnightly Review
  4. Richard Cable, the Lightshipman - Part XIV., by Sabine Baring-Gould, Chambers' Journal
  5. Benaboo, by J. H. Drummond Hay, Murray's Magazine
  6. Duke Carl of Rosenmold, by Walter Pater, Macmillan's Magazine
  7. Recollections of Kaiser Wilhelm, Blackwood 's Magazine
  8. Burma's Ruby Mines, by G. Skelton Streeter, Murray's Magazine
  9. Our Last Royal Jubilee, Cornhill Magazine
  10. The Gwalior "Find", Spectator
  11. The Egyptian Oil-Wells, St. James's Gazette
  12. A Day's Boar-hunting in Bengal, Field


Boast Not of To-morrow, Chambers' Journal
With Struggle, Strength, Toronto Week
A Journey, by Evelyn Pyne, Academy
Naturæ Penetralia, by H. C. Irwin, Spectator
"Would thy warm heart human, too!", by F. W. B., Spectator


Moradabad and the Jubilee, Allahabad Pioneer

No. 2244. June 25, 1887.


  1. The Nonjurors, Quarterly Review
  2. Major and Minor - Part VI., by W. E. Norris, Good Words
  3. Victorian Literature - Part I., Contemporary Review
  4. A Secret Inheritance - Part IX., by B. L. Farjeon, English Illustrated Magazine
  5. The Foreigners in London, Spectator


To Alfred J. Church, by F. P., author of "The Legend of St. Vitalis," and other poems, Spectator
Moon-Thirst, by H. D. Rawnsley, Spectator
The Ebb of Love, by A. J. Church, Spectator
Plymouth Harbor - Sunday, by H. D. Rawnsley, Spectator
Echoes, by F. W. B., Spectator


The New Marriage Bill, Law Times
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