Page, Arthur, 1810-17, b. 1801. Clare Hall, Cam. deceased.
Page, Charles Russell, 1806-12, b. 1796. Merchant.
Page, Edward, 1804-12, b. 1791. Clare Hall, Cam. deceased.
Page, Harry Marmaduke, 1872, b. 1860.
Page, John, 1812, b. 1803.
Page, William, 1806-12, b. 1797. Merchant.
Page,* William Robert, 1869. Son of T. E. Page, of Winchfield, b. 1858.
Paget, Arthur Coyte, 1822. Son of the late Samuel Paget, of Great Yarmouth, b. 1808. Caius Coll. Cam. Barrister; died 1833.
Paget* (Sir) Augustus Berkeley (K.C.B.), 1834-39. Son of Rt. Hon. Sir Arthur Paget, G.C.B. b. 1823. Foreign Office. Ambassador at Rome since 1876.
Paget, Charles Edward, 1874. Son of Dr. George Edward Paget (below), b. 1858.
Paget, Frederick, 1819. Brother of Arthur Coyte Paget (above), b. 1805; died 1866.
Paget, George Edward, 1824. Brother of the above, b. 1809. Fellow of Caius Coll. Cam. 8th Wrangler. M.D. Regius Professor of Physic. F.R.S. President of the Medical Council of the United Kingdom.
Palgrave, Francis Turner, 1838-43. Son of the late Sir Francis Palgrave. b. 1824. Scholar of Ball. Coll. and Fellow of Ex. Coll. Oxf. 1st Class Lit. Hum. Assist. Secretary Education Department, Privy Council Office.
Palgrave, Reginald Francis Douce, 1841-45. Brother of the above, b. 1829. Clerk in the House of Commons.
Palgrave, Robert Harry Inglis, 1838-43. Brother of the above, b. 1827. Banker at Gt. Yarmouth. Editor of The Economist.
Palgrave, William Gifford, 1838-44. Brother of the above. b. 1826. Gold Medal. Scholar of Trin. Coll. Oxf. 1st Class Lit. Hum. 2nd Class Math. Bombay Army. Consul-General for Siam.
Palliser, Henry St. Leger, 1849-50, b. 1839. Royal Navy.
Palliser, John Augustin, 1849-50, b. 1834. 76th Regt.; deceased.
Palmer, Archdale Stuart, 1873. Son of Richard Stuart Palmer, of Calcutta, b. 1860. Scholar of King's Coll. Cambridge.
Palmer, Archdale Villiers, 1847-50. Son of Col. George Palmer, of Nazing Park, Essex, b. 1832. India Civil Service.
Palmer,* Charles Frederick, 1840-42, b. 1828. Royal Navy.
Palmer, Charles James, 1817, b. 1807.
Palmer, Edward Howley, 1823. Son of John Horsley Palmer, Merchant, of London, b. 1811. Of Canon Hill, Maidenhead. Governor of the Bank of England 1877-79.
Palmer, Francis, 1822, b. 1810. Ch. Ch. Oxf. Barrister. 8, Old Burlington Street.
Palmer, George, 1843-45. Son of Col. Palmer, of Nazing Park. b. 1828. India Civil Service. Received a Medal and Clasp and the thanks of Her Majesty for distinguished Service in the Indian Mutiny.
Palmer, George Horsley, 1837-38. Brother of Edwin Palmer (above), b. 1822. Ex. Coll. Oxf. Rector of Mixbury, Oxon.
Palmer, George Thomas, 1815, b. 1802. B.N.C. Oxf. Barrister. Afterwards in Holy Orders.
Palmer, Herbert, 1867. Left the same year. b. 1853.
Palmer, William Henry, 1815-16, b. 1800; deceased.
Paris,* John R., 1834-42. Son of the late Dr. Paris, M.D. b. 1824. Caius Coll. Cam. Admiralty.
Parish,* Charles Wellesley, 1869. Son of Capt. Alfred Parish, of the Peninsular and Oriental Co's. Service. b. 1857. Royal Marines.
Parish, William Douglas, 1848-53. Son of Sir Woodbine Parish, K.C.H. b. 1833. Trin. Coll. Oxf. Vicar of Selmeston, Sussex. Chancellor of Chichester.
Park, Lionel Chester, 1871. Son of Alexr. Atherton Park, Senior Master in the Court of Common Pleas, b. 1857. Emigrated to Colorado.
Parke, Samuel, 1807-8, b. 1791.
Parker, Charles Lewes, 1823. Son of the late Joseph Parker. b. 1810. Wadh. Coll. Oxf.; deceased.
Parker, Charles Lewes Edward, 1875.
Parker, Charles Oxley, 1825. Son of late Charles George Parker, of Springfield, Essex, b. 1815. Student of Law. Died of cholera in London 1833.
Parker, Edward, 1820, b. 1808.
Parker, George, 1818, b. 1804.
Parker, George Hargreave, 1823, b. 1813. Holy Orders.
Parker, John Robert Theophilus Hastings, 1835-39. Son of Capt. Parker, R.N. and grandson of the Earl of Huntingdon, b. 1823. Trin. Coll. Dublin. J.P. for Norfolk. Swannington Hall, Norwich.
Parker, Joseph, 1827, b. 1812.
Parker, Lewis Charles, 1820, b. 1810.
Parker, William George, 1823, b. 1810. Scholar of St. John's Coll. Cam. Vicar of Bulkington, Warwick.
Parker, Wilmot, 1818, b. 1804.
Parkes, Francis, 1878. Son of William Parkes, of 8, Grove Road, Surbiton. b. 1864.
Parkes, William Jardine, 1875. Brother of the above. Clerk in the British India Steamship Office.
Parminter, William George, 1824, b. 1809. Chaplain at Stuttgardt.
Parnell, Charles, 1843-47, b. 1828. St. John's Coll. Cam. Incumbent of St. Margaret's, Liverpool.
Parnell, Charles Jocelyn, 1851-55. Son of Charles Octavius Parnell, Architect, b. 1839. Architect; deceased.
Parnell,* Frank, 1849-56. Brother of the above, b. 1838. Student of Ch. Ch. 3rd Class Lit. Hum. Rector of Oxted, Surrey.
Parnell, Gerald Crecy, 1862. Brother of the above, b. 1849. Surgeon. Forest Hill.
Parnell, Walter George, 1857-61. Brother of the above. b. 1846. Banker in Australia; died at Sydney.
Parr, John Hamilton, 1802-4. Son of Edward Parr, of Liverpool.
Parrott, Richard, 1841-48. Son of John Parrott, of Clapham Common, b. 1830. Wadh. Coll. Oxf. Vicar of Gt. Amwell, Herts.
Parrott, Septimus, 1841-45. Brother of the above, b. 1829. Of the Stock Exchange.
Parry, Arthur Jephson Collis, 1872. Son of Rev. E. St. John Parry, of Stoke, Bucks, and grandson of late Bp. Parry, of Barbados, b. 1859.
Parry,* Edward Hagarty, 1868. Brother of the above, b. 1855. Ex. Coll. Oxf. 2nd Class Mods. Master at Felstead School.
Parry, George William, 1826, b. 1811.
Parry, James Bacchus, 1878. Brother of Edward Hagarty Parry (above), b. 1865.
Parry, Reginald St. John, 1870. Brother of the above. b. 1858. Schol. of Trin. Coll. Cam.
Parsons, Daniel, 1825, b. 1810. Oriel Coll. Oxf.
Partridge, Charles Francis, 1826. Son of Henry Samuel Partridge, of Hockham Hall, Norfolk, b. 1811. Trin. Coll. Cam. Holy Orders; died 1860.
Partridge, Frederick Robert, 1828. Brother of the above. b. 1815. Solicitor at Lynn, Norfolk; died 1878.
Passley, , 1804-5.
Passley, John, 1804-6.
Paternoster,* John, 1807-12, b. 1797. India Civil Service.
Paterson, Arthur Bourne, 1874.
Paterson, Francis, 1841-49, b. 1830. Trin. Coll. Oxf. Holy Orders; died 1854.
Paterson, James Clement, 1837-42, b. 1826. 2nd European Regiment, Bengal.
Paterson, William Vautier, 1874.
Patteson, John Henry, 1876. Son of John Henry Patteson, of Coln St. Aldwyn, Fairford, Gloucestershire.
Patmore, William Smith, 1816, b. 1802.
Pattison, Josiah, 1830, b. 1817.
Paul, Charles, 1815-18, b. 1802. Cauis Coll. Cam. Vicar of Willow, Somerset.
Paulson,* Frederick George, 1860, b. 1850. Prize Scholar 1864.
Paulson,* William Henry, 1860, b. 1847. Gold Medal 1865.
Payne (Sir) Charles Gillies (Bart.), 1806-9. Son of the late Sir Peter Payne, Bart. b. 1793. Of Burnham House, Beds.; died 1870.
Payne, Charles Herbert, 1870. Son of Wyndham Payne, of Highbury House, Wandsworth. b. 1858. Lieut. 75th Regt.
Payne (Sir) Coventry (Bart.), 1806-11, b. 1794. Trin. Hall, Cam. LL.B. Vicar of Hatfield Peverel, Essex; deceased.
Payne, David Richard, 1830, b. 1816; deceased.
Payne, Henry Towndrow, 1826, b. 1810.
Payne, Percy Wyndham, 1870. Brother of Charles Herbert Payne (above), b. 1857.
Paynter, Camborne Haweis, 1877. Son of Reginald H. Paynter, of Boskenna, Penzance. b. 1864.
Paynter, John, 1824, b. 1812.
Peake, Malcolm, 1877. Son of Frederick Peake, of 6, Bedford Row. b. 1865.
Peake, Ronald, 1874. Brother of the above, b. 1861. Articled to a Solicitor.
Pearce, Alfred, 1878. Son of John Swayne Pearce, 13, Craven Hill, Bayswater. b. 1865. Studying in Germany
Pearce, Edward Charles, 1875. Brother of the above, b. 1862.
Pearce, Stephen Spencer, 1874. Son of Stephen Pearce, 54, Queen Anne Street.
Pearse, David William, 1846. Left the same year. b. 1831.
Pearson,* Charles, 1841-50. Son of Rev. George Pearson (below), b. 1831. Orator. Scholar of St. John's Coll. Cam. 2nd Class Classical Tripos. Assistant Master 1855. Government Inspector of Education in Punjaub.
Pearson, Edward Lynch, 1857-64. Brother of Charles Pearson (above), b. 1845. Talbot Scholar. St. John's Coll. Cam. 2nd Class Classics. Rector cf Castle Camps, Cambridgeshire.
Pearson,* George, 1801-10, b. 1791. Orator. Fellow of St. John's Coll. Cam. Senior Op. Christian Advocate 1834. Rector of Castle Camps; died 1860.
Pearson, George Charles, 1826. Son of the late William Pearson, of Hopebourne House, Canterbury, b. 1814. Ch. Ch. Oxf. A 2nd Class Lit. Hum. Rector of St. Margaret's, and Hon. Canon of Canterbury.
Pearson, George Falconer, 1841-45. Son of George Pearson (above). b. 1826. 23rd Madras N. Infantry. Colonel. Conservator of Forests in India 1860-70.
Pearson,* James Falconer, 1847. Brother of the above. b. 1836. Drowned 1854.
Pearson,* John Batteridge, 1842-51. Brother of the above. b. 1832. St. John's Coll. and Fellow and Tutor of Emman. Coll. Cam. 4th Classic. Bell Scholar.
Pearson, Philip Pennant, 1845-53. (See P. P. Pennant). Brother of the above, b. 1834. St. John's Coll. Cam. Senior Cpt. and 1st Class Nat. Science. Changed his name to Pennant 1860. J.P. and D.L. of Flintshire.
Pearson, Thomas Hall, 1852. Brother of the above, d. 1853.
Pearson, William, 1828. Brother of George Charles Pearson (above), b. 1816. Ex. Coll. Oxf. Vicar of Granborough, Warwickshire; died 1866.
Pease, Frederick, 1821, b. 1807.
Peck, Kenrick, 1852-53. Son of Rev. Jasper Peck, of Bath. b. 1836. Solicitor, 56, Lincoln's Inn Fields.
Pedder, John Lewis, 1802-10, b. 1793. Trin Hall, Cam. LL.B. A Judge in N. S. Wales.
Pedder, William, 1803-11, b. 1796. Army.
Peel, Alfred Henry, 1878. Son of the Rev. Fredk. Peel, of Malvern. b. 1864.
Peel, Spencer, 1836. Brother of the above. Left the same year. b. 1820. Capt. 1st Foot.
Peete, William Willox, 1812-16. Son of William Peete, of Dartford. b. 1798. Wadh. Coll. Oxf. Holy Orders.
Peile, Horatio Renaud, 1851-56, b. 1839.
Peile,* Percival Bringhurst Babington, 1849-56. Brother of the above, b. 1838. Science and Art Department, South Kensington.
Pelly, Justinian, 1878. Son of Justinian Pelly, of Elmsley, Yoxford. b. 1864.
Pember, Edward Henry, 1847-50. Son of R. Pember, of Streatham. b. 1832. Ch. Ch. Oxf. 1st Class Lit. Hum. Barrister. Q.C.
Pember, Frederick, 1850-55. Brother of the above, b. 1837. Ch. Ch. Oxf.
Pemberton, Joseph, 1803.
Pemberton,* Stanley, 1822-30. Son of Christopher Robert Pemberton, M.D, b. 1811. Ch. Ch. Oxf. Rector of Little Hallingbury, Essex.
Penkivil, John, 1816, b. 1803.
Penleaze, Robert, 1805. Left the same year. b. 1792. Magd. Coll. Oxf.
Pennant, Philip Pennant, 1845. (See P. P. Pearson).
Pennell,* John Croker, 1835-43. Son of William Pennell, late of East Molesey, Surrey, b. 1825. Queens Coll. Cam. Foreign Office; died 1865.
Pennington, John, 1806-7. Of Liverpool; deceased.
Pennington, Sparrow Thomas, 1826, b. 1817. Trin. Coll. Oxf.
Penny, Arthur Edmund, 1832-38. Son of the following. b. 1823; deceased.
Penny,* Edmund Henry, 1807-15, b. 1797. B.N.C. Oxf. Reader and Assist. Master. Rector of Great Stambridge, Essex; died 1879.
Pepper, John, 1802. Left the same year. Vicar of Alfreton.
Perceval, Augustus George, 1844-47. Son of Hon. and Rev. A. P. Perceval, Rector of E. Horsley. b. 1829. Oriel Coll. Oxf. New Zealand.
Perceval, Charles John, 1844-47. Brother of the above. b. 1831. 27th Regt. New Zealand.
Perceval, Henry Legge, 1845-47. Brother of the above. b. 1836. Commander R.N.; deceased.
Perceval, Spencer Arthur, 1844-47. Brother of the above. b. 1832. Emigrated to New Zealand.
Percival,* Thomas Cozens, 1808-15 b. 1797. Student of Ch. Ch. Oxf. Rector of Horseheath, Cambs.
Percy, Edmund, 1824, b. 1810. Of Beeston, Notts.
Perkin, Charles Thornton, 1874. Son of Robert Blakemore Perkin, of Ditton Hill, Surrey, b. 1860. Solicitor.
Perkin, John Arthur, 1876. Brother of the above, b. 1862.
Perkin, Robert Knowles, 1873. Brother of the above. b. 1859. Merchant.
Perkins, Augustus Samuel, 1823. b. 1809. Brewer.
Perks, James, 1873. Son of John B. Perks, of Staneway House, Ewell, Surrey.
Perrins, Charles William Dyson, 1878. Son of James Dyson Perrins, of Davenham Bank, Malvern. b. 1864.
Perry, Alfred, 1837-40, b. 1824.
Perry, Alfred William, 1877. Son of William J. Perry, J.P. of Ardlin, Blackrock, Dublin, b. 1862. Entered Trin. Coll. Dublin.
Perry, Richard George Davis, 1857-61, b. 1844.
Perry* (Sir) Thomas Erskine, 1816. Son of James Perry, Proprietor of The Morning Chronicle, b. 1806. Trin. Coll. Cam. Barrister. Chief Justice of Bombay. Member of the India Council. M.P. for Devonport 1854-9.
Perry (Sir) William, 1811-18, b. 1801. Caius Coll. Cam. Consul General at Venice; died 1874.
Petley, Charles Robert Carter, 1822. Son of Charles Carter Petley, of Riverhead, Kent. b. 1807. St. John's Coll. Oxf. J.P. for Kent. Riverhead, Sevenoaks.
Petley,* Henry, 1825. Brother of the above, b. 1815. Wadh. Coll. Oxf. Formerly Missionary in Newfoundland, and Curate of Glynde, Sussex. Now Curate of Gislingham, Suffolk.
Petley, John A. Carter, 1833. Brother of the above. Late 58th Regt. Of Auckland, New Zealand; d. 1871.
Phelps,* Lancelot Ridley, 1866-72. Son of Rev. Thomas P. Phelps, Rector of Ridley, Kent. b. 1853. Prize Scholar. Scholar and Fellow of Oriel Coll. Oxf. 2nd Class Lit. Hum. and Math. Holy Orders.
Philetas, Christopher, 1820. A native of Joannina in Epirus.
Phillimore, Greville, 1832-38. Son of the late Joseph Phillimore, D.C.L. b. 1821. Student of Ch. Ch. Oxf. Vicar of Henley-on-Thames.
Phillimore, William Thornton, 1836-38. [Son of William Phillimore, of Deacons Hill, Herts.] Capt. 10th Bengal Native Infantry. Killed in the Mutiny 1857.
Phillipps, Henry Cranmer, 1805-6. b. 1793. Royal Navy.
Phillipps, William March, 1803-7. Son of Thomas March Phillipps, of Garendon Park, Leicestershire, b. 1790. St. John's Coll. Cam. Holy Orders; d. 1818.
Phillips, Arthur Lowndes, 1866-70. Son of Charles Palmer Phillips, of Aldenham, Herts, b. 1853; d. 1879.
Phillips, Elwin George Wilson, 1876. Son of John South Phillips, of Barton Lodge, Bury St. Edmunds, b. 1862.
Phillips, George Richard Turner, 1850-54. Son of Richard Phillips, F.R.C.S. b. 1841. King's Coll. London. Surgeon, Leinster Square, Bayswater.
Phillips,* Henry George, 1803-10. Son of John Phillips, Surgeon to the Royal Household, b. 1791. Scholar of Emm. Coll. Cam. Rector of Gt. Weltham, Suffolk; died 1874.
Phillips, Mandeville Blackwood, 1857-64, b. 1848.
Phillott,* Henry Wright, 1827-33. Son of Johnson Phillott, of Bath. b. 1816. Orator. Student of Ch. Ch. 2nd Class Lit. Hum. Formerly Assist. Master. Rector of Staunton on the Wye.
Phillpotts,* John Scott, 1832-38. Son of the Bishop of Exeter, b. 1820. Ex. Coll. Oxf. Indian Army.
Phillpotts, William, 1819, b. 1807.
Pickthall, Arthur Christie, 1874. Son of Rev. Charles Grayson Pickthall, Rector of Chillesford, Suffolk.
Pickthorn, Russell Hay, 1876. Son of Thomas Russell Pickthorn, R.N., late Inspector of Hospitals. b. 1862.
Pierson, Alfred Graeme, 1875. Son of Rev. William Frederic Pierson, Vicar of Settle, Yorks. b. 1862.
Piggot, , 1805-7.
Pigot, George, 1820, b. 1805. Chaplain in Bombay; deceased.
Pike, Arthur Leonard, 1875. Son of John Bilton Pike, of Sydenham. b. 1861. Entered at New Coll. Oxf.
Pilkington, Henry, 1800-5, b. 1787. Went to Bury St. Edmunds School. Oriel Coll. Oxf.
Pilkington (Sir) Lionel M. Swinnerton (Bart.), 1849. Second son of Sir William Pilkington, 8th Bart. b. 1835. Of Chevet Hall, Wakefield.
Pilkington, Redmond William, 1800-5, b. 1789.
Pilkington (Sir) Thomas Edward (Bart.), 1844-47. Eldest son of Sir Wm. Pilkington, 8th Bart. b. 1830. Univ. Coll. Oxf.; died 1854.
Pinching, Archibald Edward, 1862. Son of Charles John Pinching, of Gravesend, M.R.C.S. Left the same year. b. 1853. Mining Engineer.
Pinching, Charles John William, 1862-63. Brother of the above, b. 1849. Surgeon at Gravesend.
Pinching, William Wyatt, 1862-63. Brother of the above. b. 1851. Surgeon. Lost at sea 16 Aug., 1878.
Pinckney, Herbert, 1878. Son of William Pinckney, of Milford Hill, Salisbury. b. 1864.
Pinder, Francis Ford, 1818. Son of Francis Ford Pinder, of Barbados, b. 1803. Trin. Coll. Cam. Rector of Gosforth; deceased.
Pinder, George, 1818. Brother of the above, b. 1809. 15th Regt. Lieut.-Colonel, retired.
Pinder, Humphrey Senhouse, 1819. Brother of the above. b. 1805. Fellow of Caius Coll. Cam. 18th Wrangler. Formerly Rector of Bratton-Fleming, Devon.
Pinder, John Hethersall, 1807-12. Brother of the above. b. 1794. Caius Coll. Cam. Canon of Wells. Principal of the Theological College, Wells; deceased.
Pinder, William Maynard, 1807-11. Brother of the above. b. 1792. Pemb. Coll. Cam. Barrister; d. 1869.
Pinhey, Arthur Francis, 1877. Son of the Hon. Mr. Justice Pinhey, of Bombay, b. 1863.
Pinniger, Henry Herbert, 1854-56. Son of Rev. R. b. Pinniger, Rector of Whichford. b. 1841. Pemb. Coll. Oxf. Curate of S. Hincksey; d. 1878.
Pipon, James Kennard, 1820, b. 1807. 85th Regt.
Pipon, Nathaniel Hodges, 1820, b. 1808.
Plues,* Mark, 1827, b. 1816.
Plues,* Samuel Swire., 1826, b. 1815.
Plumer, Thomas Hall, 1874. [Son of C. Hall Plumer, E. I. C. S.]. R.M. Coll. Sandhurst.
Plummer, John, 1809-12, b. 1797.
Plummer, Stephen, 1806-8, b. 1793.
Plunkett,* George, 1853-58, b. 1842. Capt. Royal Artillery. Adjutant Shropshire Militia.
Plunkett, John, 1829, b. 1816.
Pocklington, Harry Evelyn Stracey, 1872. Son of Lieut.-Col. George Henry Pocklington. b. 1858. Lieut. 15th Hussars.
Pocock, Charles Ashwell Bowler, 1841-43, b. 1829. Commander Royal Navy. Retired.
Polehampton, John, 1874. Son of Rev. J. Polehampton, Rector of Ightham, Kent. b. 1860.
Pollard, Henry Smith, 1824, b. 1810. Linc. Coll. Oxf. Rector of Everdon, Northants; deceased.
Pollard, Nathaniel Weeks, 1826, b. 1814.
Pollard, Thomas Sydney, 1873. Son of William Pollard, F.R.C.S. Southlands, Torquay, b. 1859. Student of Civil Engineering.
Pollock,* Arthur Julius, 1876. Son of Arthur Julius Pollock, M.D. b. 1863.
Pollock,* Bertram, 1876. Son of George Frederick Pollock, of Hanworth, Middlesex, b. 1861.
Pollock, Charles Stewart, 1877. Son of Sir Charles Edward Pollock, Baron of the Court of Exchequer, b. 1864.
Pollock,* Ernest Murray, 1875. Brother of Bertram Pollock (above), b. 1861.
Pollock, Frank, 1872. Son of J. E. Pollock, M.D.
Pollock,* Henry Edward, 1878. Son of Arthur Julius Pollock, M.D. b. 1864.
Pollock, Henry William, 1872. Brother of Frank Pollock (above).
Pollock, John George Napier, b. 1874. Son of John Osborne G. Pollock, of Mountainstown, Co. Meath. b. 1861 . Trin. Coll. Dublin.
Ponsonby, Hon. John George Brabazon (Earl of Bessborough), 1822. Son of the 4th Earl. b. 1809. Formerly M.P. for Derby and Master of H.M Staghounds.
Ponsonby, Sydney Alexander, 1875. Brother of the above. b. 1863.
Ponsonby, Walter Gerald, 1872. Son of Hon. and Rev. Walter Ponsonby, Rector of Marston Bigot, Somerset. b. 1859.
Poore, Herbert, 1875. Son of Sir Edward Poore, Bart. b. 1863.
Popham, Hugh Francis Arthur Leyborne, 1878. Son of Francis Leyborne Popham, of 23, Park Lane. b. 1864.
Popham, Strachan Irving, 1821, b. 1809. J.P. and D.L. for Co. Argyle; died 1861.
Porch, Thomas Porch, 1820. (See Reeves).
Porter, Robert Tindal, 1819, b. 1805. E. I. Civil Service. Retired.
Porteus,* Beilby, 1816-27. Son of the Bishop of London. b. 1807. Ch. Coll. Cam. Formerly Vicar of Edenhall, and Hon. Canon of Carlisle.
Portman,* Henry Fitzhardinge Berkeley, 1851. Son of the Hon. H. W. B. Portman and nephew of Visct. Portman. b. 1838. Magd. Coll. Oxf. Rector of Pylle, Somerset.
Postle, Edward, 1824, b. 1810. Trin. Coll. Cam. Rector of Colney, Norwich; deceased.
Pounsett, William Felix, 1837-38. Army. 13th Regt. Infantry.
Povah,* Francis Kohler, 1859. Son of Rev. J. V. Povah, Minor Canon of St. Paul's, b. 1849. Ch. Ch. Oxf. Curate of Alton, Hants.
Povah,* John Richard, 1857-66. Brother of the above. b. 1847. Lieut, 1st (Royal) Infantry.
Powell, Ernest Ormsby, 1875. Son of Rev. Isaac Ormsby Powell, Vicar of Whaddon, Herts, b. 1861.
Powell, John James, 1821, b. 1809.
Powell, Stratford Harley La Barte, 1864, b. 1849.
Power, Edward Henry, 1842-43, b. 1827. Lieut.-Col. Madras Staff Corps. Barrister-at-Law. Deputy Judge Advocate, Hyderabad district.
Power,* Robert George, 1836-40, b. 1826, Tasmania.
Powles, John Richard, 1826. Son of the late J. D. Powles, w:Governor of the Bank of England, b. 1812. Merchant in London; deceased.
Powys,* Thomas Arthur, 1812. Son of Rev. Thomas Powys, Rector of Fawley. b. 1801. St. John's Coll. Oxf. Vicar of Medmenham, Bucks; deceased.
Poynder, Charles Eliot, 1870. Son of Rev. Leopold Poynder, of Southsea. b. 1856. Adjutant 5th Madras Native Infantry.
Poynder, Edmund Samuel, 1829. Son of Thomas Poynder, of Christ's Hospital, b. 1817. B.N.C. Oxf. Resided at Trench, near Tunbridge; died 1877.
Poynder, Frederick, 1828. Son of John Poynder, of South Lambeth. b. 1816. Wadh. Coll. Oxf, Denyer Theol. Prizeman. Holy Orders. Master in the School 1838-72. Resides at Cheltenham.
Poynder, George Frederick, 1863-70. Brother of Charles Eliot Poynder (above), b. 1851. Surgeon.
Poynder, Thomas Henry Allen, 1825. Brother of Edmund Samuel Poynder (above), b. 1814. B.N.C. Oxf. Barrister. Resided at Hartham Park, Wilts; died 1873.
Poynder, William, 1800-7. Son of Thomas Poynder, of Clapham Common, b. 1789. Trin. Coll. Oxf. Incumbent of Horne, Surrey; deceased.
Prance, William Connell, 1873. [Son of Courtenay Prance, of The Elms, Evesham]. St. John's Coll. Cam.
Prendergast, William Grant, 1828, b. 1815. Trin. Coll. Cam. Lieut.-Col. 8th Bengal Cavalry. Died of cholera 1858.
PrescottPrescott, Charles, 1813. Son of William Willoughby Prescott, Banker, of London, b. 1803. Died in India 1839.
Prescott, Richard, 1819. Brother of the above. b. 1807; died in India.
Prescott, Thomas William Tottenham, 1815-18, b. 1805.
Pressick, John Robert Eden, 1823, b. 1812.
Preston, Henry Edmund, 1818, b. 1804. Queens Coll. Cam. Rector of Tasburgh, Norfolk.
Preston, James, 1817, b. 1804.
Preston, James Simons, 1814-16, b. 1800. Solicitor.
Pretyman, Henry George Middleton, 1828-35, b. 1817. Oriel Coll. Oxf. Holy Orders.
Pretyman, John Radcliife, 1825, b. 1815. Trin. Coll. Cam. Vicar of Aylesbury.
Prevost, William, 1807-13, b. 1796.
Price, John, 1809-11.
Price, John, 1821, b. 1808. Went to India.
Price, Stafford, 1817, b. 1805.
Price, William, 1808-9, b. 1797. Navy.
Prichard, Albert Hermann, 1846-49, b. 1831. Merton Coll. Oxf. Curate of Sevenoaks 1875-78.
Priestley, John Richard, 1811. Left the same year. b. 1801.
Prinsep, Douglas Gordon, 1874. [Son of C. C. Prinsep, Assistant Secretary India Council]. R.M. Academy, Woolwich.
Prinsep, Henry Stewart, 1877. Son of the late Lieut.-Col. Henry Auriol Prinsep, Bengal Staff Corps, b. 1863.
Prinsep, James Frederick McLeod, 1874. Brother of the above. b. 1861.
Prinsep, Reginald Seymour, 1875. Brother of the above.
Prior, Richard Chandler Alexander, 1822. (See Alexander).
Pritchard, Edward William, 1847-49, b. 1833.
Pritchard, Frederick, 1826, b. 1814; died 1837.
Pritchard, William Amon Gee, 1826. Son of the late Rev. William Pritchard. b. 1812. St. John's Coll. Cam. Senr. Opt. Rector of Brignall, Yorks.
Pritchett, Charles, 1821. Son of Rev. Charles Richard Pritchett, formerly Reader at Charterhouse, b. 1811; died 1827.
Pritchett, George Edward, 1834-35. Brother of the above. b. 1824. Architect. F.S.A. Oak Hall, Bishop's Stortford.
Pritchett, Richard, 1824. Brother of the above, b. 1815; died 1831.
Pritchett, William Delabere, 1834. Brother of the above. b. 1822. Cath. Hall, Cam. Missionary in Syria.
Pritt,* Lonsdale, 1832-40, b. 1812. Trin. Coll. Cam. Archdeacon of Waikato, New Zealand.
Proby, Charles, 1811-17, b. 1801.
Probyn, Leslie, 1876. Son of Edmund Probyn, of Huntley Manor, Gloucester, b. 1862.
Procter, Robert, 1834-35.
Prothero, Thomas, 1823. Son of Thomas Prothero, Malpas Court, Monmouthsh. b. 1811. B.N.C. Oxf. Domestic Chaplain to the Prince Consort. Of Malpas Court. J.P. and D.L.; died 1870.
Protheroe, Mark Davis, 1827, b. 1813.
Prower, John Elton Mervin, 1823-30. Son of Rev. J. M. Prower, Vicar of Purton. b. 1811. Wadh. Coll. Oxf. 67th Regt. Major Wilts Militia. Purton House, Wooton Bassett.
Puget,* Peter, 1810-16, b. 1798. Pemb. Coll. Oxf.
Pugh, Brathwaite Sackville, 1866-69, b. 1850. St. John's Coll. Cam.
Purnell, John James, 1829, b. 1815. Senior Surgeon of the Royal General Dispensary.
Purvis, Arthur, 1826. Son of Col. Charles Purvis, of Darsham Hall, Suffolk, b. 1813. India Civil Service. Late of Darsham; died 1877.
Purvis, George John, 1830-37. Brother of the above. b. 1816. Indian Army. Lieut. 39th Regt. Madras Native Infantry; deceased.
Pye,* Henry Anthony, 1810-17. Son of Rev. H. A. Pye, Vicar of Cirencester. b. 1799. Fellow of Magd. Coll. Oxf.; deceased.
Pym, Charles, 1809-11. Son of Francis Pym, M.P., of The Hasells, Beds. b. 1797. Trin. Coll. Cam. Of Hove, Sussex. Assumed the name of Reading; d. 1836.
Pym, Francis, 1802-6. Brother of the above, b. 1790. Trin. Coll. Cam. Of The Hasells, Beds. J.P. Killed in a railway accident 1860.
Pym, Robert, 1805-9. Brother of the above, b. 1793. Rector of Elmley, Yorks. ; died 1861.
Pym, William Wollaston, 1804. Brother of the above, b. 1792. St. John's Coll. Cam. Vicar of Willian, Herts.
Pyman, Arthur George, 1864. Left the same year. b. 1850; deceased.
Pyman, Henry Samuel, 1864, b. 1848. Solicitor in London.