Academy, Royal Irish, 138.
Addison, Joseph, 452.
Ailesbury, Lady, 318.
Akenside, Dr., 413.
Amersham, visit to, 155.
Annotations on books, 316.
Anson, Lord, 444.
Appointment, public, expected, 272.
Astrological calculations on Shakspeare, 144.
Aubrey’s works, 221, 234, 456.
Avignon, 23, 26, 27.
Bagnell, Mr., 40.
Bagot, Sir W., 372.
Banks, Sir J., 384.
Bath, Lord, 345, 352.
Bandon, 21.
Baratasiana, 31.
Barretti, 159, 390, 391, 392, 394, 399.
Beattie, Dr., 369.
Beckford, Alderman, 444.
Blakey, the artist, 370.
Blaquiere, Colonel, 40.
Blackstone, Sir W., 413, 431.
Blount, Patty, 437.
Bolingbroke, Lord, 364, 375.
Boswell, James, 123.
Boswell, notices of Malone, 158.
Boswell, notices of Malone’s Shakspeare, 171.
Boswell, his death, 215.
Bracegirdle, Mrs., 374.
Brighton, visit to, 238.
Bulstrade, 428.
Burgh, Mr., 20.
Burke, Edmund, 65, 154, 180, 196, 368.
Burke, letter on Shakspeare, 169.
Burke, on his own conduct, 181.
Burke, letter on Irelands forgeries, 226.
Burke, grief on loss of his son, 228.
Burke, death of, 232.
Burke, Lord Charlemont’s regrets on, 233.
Burnet, Bishop, 202.
Burney, Dr., and Thrale’s house, 259.
Caldwell, Andrew, 268.
Camden, Lord, 349.
Canning, Right Hon. George, 256.
Cator, Mr., 414.
Chalmers, George, 225.
Chatham, Lord, 349.
Charlemont, Lord, 40, 46, 51, 70, 88, 90, 129, 136, 147, 165, 195, 227, 234, 242, 357.
Charlette, Dr., 409.
Chesterfield, Lord, 334, 352, 355, 416.
Chesterfield, Lord, letters, 356.
Chetwood, Rev. Mr., 13, 14, 16, 19, 21, 31, 35, 38.
Chetwynd, Lord, 365.
Cibber, Colley, 448.
Clare, Earl of, 245, 249.
Congreve, the poet, 451.
Conspiracy, a tragedy, 229.
Cooper, Gilbert, 427.
Corke, Lord, Memoirs of Earl of Monmouth, 230.
Correspondents, 282.
Courtenay, Mr., 288, 384.
Cox, Archbishop, 427.
Craggs, Secretary, 351.
Creech, Thos., 456.
Cuzzoni, Signora, 390.
Daly, Mr. Denis, 35, 60, 61.
Dalrymple, D., 439.
Darius, Tibertus, 354.
Davenport, Rev. Dr., 140, 205, 283.
Davy, Sergeant, 407.
Dinner associates, 145, 278.
Dinner with Prince of Wales, 239.
Donne, D., 396.
Douglas, Bishop, 202, 436, 440.
Dowdeswell, Mr., 443.
Dryden’s life and works, 250, 260, 265, 436, 438, 447, 448, 451, 452.
Drumgoold, Mr., 381.
Dublin, 98; ancient theatre, 137.
Dunbar, Lord, 25.
Dyer, Mr., 419, 425.
Earthquake at Lisbon, 409.
Elizabethan poetry, 177, 283.
Epitaph by Parr on Johnson, 216.
Erskine, Hon. Thos., 372.
Falconberg, Lady, 403.
Farmer, Dr., 185, 459.
Fitzgerald, Lord Edward, 198.
Flood, Henry, 39, 102, 361, 454.
Flood, Henry, letters to and from, 108.
Foote, Samuel, 369.
Forgeries of the Irelands, 222.
Fox, Chas. James, 342.
Gainsborough, the painter, 393.
Gardiner, Mr., 85.
Garrick, David, 376, 416.
Germain, Sir J., 442
Gibbon, Edward, 382.
Gifford, William, 274, 281, 308.
Glover, Mr., 346.
Goldsmith, edition of, 43.
Goldsmith, life of, 119.
Gregories, visit to, 154, 180.
Green’s play, 52.
Grecian coffee-house, 21.
Grinville, Sir R., Tragedie of, 179.
Hailes, Lord, 252.
Halifax, Marguis of, 230, 442.
Hamilton, W. Gerrard, 294, 341, 343.
Hamilton, Captain, 405, 407.
Harris, of Salisbury, 350.
Harward, Mr., 383.
Harvey, Lord’s, Memoirs, 230.
Hawkins, Sir J., 393, 425.
Hawkesworth, Dr., 441.
Hayley, the poet, and Anna Seward, 373.
Hayman, the artist, 405.
Health, failure of, 311.
Henry VI, plays of, 130.
Hill, Aaron, 451.
Hogarth, Artist, 71.
Hume, David, 368, 369, 374.
Humphrey, Ozias, 243, 457.
Hussey, Mr., 20, 22, 38.
Illness of Malone, 272, 278, 311.
Ireland, state of, 59, 244.
Ireland, visit to, 168, 175, 267.
Irelands, the, forgeries, 222
Jephson, Rev. W., 35.
Jephson, Robert, 77, 198, 199, 229, 354.
Jephson, Mr. R. M., 197, 280, 292.
Jephson, Rev. J., visits to Malone, 279, 286.
Jenyns, Soame, 375.
Jesuit’s Perspective, 389.
Johnson, Dr., 18, 89, 174, 291, 355, 359, 341, 360, 364.
Johnson, Dr., original anecdote of, 337.
Jordan, John, 142, 257.
Julia, tragedy of, and prologue, 133, 135.
Junius, authorship of, 39, 418.
Kearney, Dr., 273, 291.
Kelley, Lord, 369.
Kemble, J. P., 125, 145.
Kemble, J. P., letters from, 145, 164.
King William III., 360, 439.
King George II., 369.
Kilkenny theatricals, 301.
Kippis, Dr., 115.
Kneller, Sir G., 429.
Langbaine’s Dramatic Poets, 45.
Law studies, 37.
Lexiphanes, 363.
Literary Club, 87, 392.
Lisbon, earthquake at, 409.
Lock, Mr., 371.
Love stories, 32, 212.
London dinner-tables, 333.
London residence of Malone, 46.
Lord Chancellor West, 451.
Luttrell, Mr., 279.
Luttrell, Narcissus, 446.
Malone, family of, 1.
Malone, Rt. Hon. Anthony, 3, 384, 461.
Malone, death and will of, 43.
Malone, promotion to the bench, 25.
Malone, Edmond, sen., 3, 4.
Malone, death of his wife, 10.
Malone, letter to his son, 8.
Malone, death of the father, 42.
Malone, Richard, letter to Edmond, 55.
Malone, Richard, created Lord Sunderlin, 122.
Malone, Edmond, jun., at school and college, 6.
Malone, Edmond, jun., ode on the marriage of Geo. III, 463.
Malone, Edmond, entered of the Inner Temple, 9.
Malone, Edmond, letters to his father, 11, 24, 26, 27.
Malone, Edmond, introduction to Dr. Johnson, 18.
Malone, Edmond, called to the bar, 3.
Malone, Edmond, in love, 32.
Malone, Edmond, at Spa, 33, 37.
Malone, Edmond, visits England, 38.
Malone, Edmond, candidate as member for Trinity College, 42, 467.
Malone, Edmond, literary studies in London, 45.
Malone, Edmond, essay on the order of Shakspeare’s plays, 58.
Malone, Edmond, supplement to Johnson and Steevens’ edition of that poet, 67.
Malone, Edmond, lines on Shakspeare’s garden, 141.
Malone, Edmond, his edition of Shakspeare, 166.
Malone, Edmond, letter to Dr. Parr, 217.
Malone, Edmond, dines with Prince of Wales, 239.
Malone, Edmond, his book-sale, 276.
Malone, Edmond, visits Cambridge, 277.
Malone, Edmond, character by Boswell, jun., 309.
Malone, Edmond, anonymous, 318.
Malone, Edmond, person and manners, 319, 321.
Malone, Edmond, his studies, 323.
Malone, Edmond, History of the Stage, 325,
Malone, Edmond, dispersion of his papers, 327.
Malone, Edmond, collection of tracts, 327.
Malone, Edmond, disposal of his rare library, 329.
Malone, Edmond, as a scholar, 331.
Maloniana, 333.
Mansfield, Lord, 346, 348, 381.
Marlborough, Duke of, 139, 406, 440.
Marlay, Bishop, 53.
Mason, proposed life of, 307.
Mason, letter from, 193.
Melancholy, praise of, 455.
Melmoth, Mr., 358.
Mendez, the poet, 406.
Middleton, Dr., 340, 438.
Montague, Lady Wortley, 149, 437, 455, 456.
Narbonne, Count of, tragedy, 79.
Narbonne, Count of, epilogue to, 80.
Neve, Mr. P. H., 395.
New Place, lines on, 141.
, 129.Nichols, Mr., 456.
, Duchess of, 416.
O’Beirne, Bishop, 300.
Office, prospect of, 272.
Onslow, Lord, and Bishop Burnet’s history, 203.
Order of Shakspeare’s plays, 58.
Orford, Lord, 211, 221, 229,
Otway, the poet, 450.
Oxford, visit to, 195.
Pamela, notice of, 198.
Parr, Dr., epitaph on Dr. Johnson, 217.
Parsons, the artist, 397, 400.
Payne, Admiral, 241.
Percy, Bishop, 117, 182, 284.
Petrarch, 409.
Pindar, Peter, 364.
Pitt and Fox’s Oratory, 361.
Piozzi, Mrs., 175, 412.
Plumptre, Rev. J., 302, 457.
Poet, a wild, 237.
Pope, Alexander, 252, 346, 358, 369, 385, 397, 428, 448, 455.
Pope, Alexander, unfinished satire of, 365.
Pope, Alexander, and Bishop Warburton, 149.
Pope, Alexander, Lady Wortley Montague, 149.
Popiana, 265.
Portsmouth, Duchess of, 449.
Portraits of public men, 383.
Pretender, the, 24.
Pritchard, Mrs., 402.
Quin, the actor, 353, 354, 389, 417.
Quaker, the, and Dr, Johnson, 368.
Radnor, Lord, 437.
Raftor, Mr., 383.
Raynal, Abbé, 179.
Rebellion, domestic, 245.
Reed, Isaac, 293, 460.
Reynolds, Sir J., 65, 187, 190, 231, 394, 404, 432.
Reynolds, Sir J., letter from, 174.
Richardson, the novelist, 439.
Richardson, the artist, 399, 403.
Ritson’s pamphlet, 185.
Rogers and Malone, 204.
Roman portraits, 199, 209.
Roscommon, Lord, 404.
Rousseau and Hume, 127.
Rowley’s poems, 75.
Sacharissa, portrait of, 402.
Secker, Bishop, 383.
Selden John, 424.
Selwyn, George, 388.
Settle, Elkanah, 447.
Shakspeare, 46, 98, 186, 207.
Shakspeare, astrological calculations upon, 144.
Shakspeare, Malone’s edition of, 166.
Shakspeare, pictures of, 380.
Shaftesbury, Lord, 449.
Smith, Mrs., letter to, from Malone, 314.
Society and characters of London, 333.
Southerne, the dramatist, 255.
Southwell, Mr., 18, 20, 22, 24, 33.
Southwell, Lord, 20, 25, 26, 253.
Southampton, Wriothesley, Earl of, 179, 457.
Spencer, Miss, 289, 290.
Spence, Rev. J., 184, 429, 430.
Spenser, Edmund, 394, 402, 446, 447.
Steevens, George, 48, 68, 100, 121, 206.
Steevens, letters to Malone, 54.
Sterne, Lawrence, 373.
Stratford correspondence, 140.
Sunderlin, Lord, 122, 129.
Sunderlin, Lady, letter to, from Malone, 316.
Supplement to Shakspeare’s Plays, 67.
Supplement to Shakspeare’s appendix to, 101, 112.
Swift, Dean, 118, 378, 381, 440, 446, 456.
Taylor, Dr., 377.
Taylor, Mr. J., 305.
Tempest, tracts on, 293.
Tempest, Nare’s Review of, 294.
Thomson, the poet, 415.
Thomond, Lord and Lady, 292.
Thrale, Mrs., 364, 398.
Townshend, Charles, 348, 350.
Townshend, Charles, Lady, 371.
Townshend, Charles, family of, 444.
Tucker, Dean, 361.
Tracts, collection of, 470.
Twisden, Bishop, 396.
Venison, sale of, 385.
Venus and Adonis, rare edition of, 179.
Verse, Elizabethan, volume of, 177, 283.
Waller’s house, visits to, 155, 161.
Walsh, the poet, 388.
Walpole, Horace, 83, 113, 120, 126, 139, 149.
Walpole, Sir Robert, 379, 386.
Warburton, Bishop, 254, 344, 345, 370, 385, 430, 445.
Warfare, among the peers, 40.
Warfare, among Shakspearians, 186.
Wartons, the, 122.
Wartons, the, Dr. Joseph, 149, 184, 340.
West, Mr., 139.
Whalley, Rev. Mr., 101.
Whitaker, Serjeant, 408.
Whitworth, Lord, and Mr. Wraxall, 270.
Wilkes, John, 361, 363.
Wilson, Dr., of Dublin, 266.
Windham, Rt. Hon. W., 277, 292, 303.
Windham, Rt. Hon. W., opinions on his Memoir, 471.
Windham, and Sheridan’s portraits, 388.
Wycherley, the dramatist, 452.
Young, Dr., 374.