< The Army and Navy Hymnal < Hymns
For other versions of this work, see Webb.

235 Let Freemen's Hearts Grow Bolder
(WEBB. 7,6,7,6,D.)
Louis F. Benson, 1917 George J. Webb, 1837

1.Let free- men's hearts grow bold - er;
Let free-dom's ban-ner fiy
Where God's four winds en - fold her
To God's un - chart - ed sky.
His Word and not an - oth er's
Is pledged to lib - er - ty;
His hand hath made men broth - ers,
His truth shall make men free.
2.Where free- dom's flag is fly - ing
In lands a - cross the sea,
On thee we are re - ly - ing,
Great God, we count on thee!
For right is right for ev -er,
Tho' men have crowned the wrong,
And truth shall per - ish nev - er
Great God, how long ? how long ?
3.When our brave lads are dy ing
In lands a - cross the sea,
On thee we are re - ly - ing,
Great God, they die for thee!
And if we lay them sleep - ing
In lands be - yond the sea,
God have them in thy keep - ing
We leave them there with thee.

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