Literary Gazette, 15th May, 1824, Page 316
The thick curls cluster round thy graceful head,
And over thy pale forehead, where the mind
Her visible temple hath; upon thy lip
Is throned a rich yet melancholy smile—
So sad, it seems prophetic of the doom
That hangs on thy young life; and thine eye wears
An inward look, where outward things but pass
Unnoticed—thou dost hold communion with
Thoughts dark and terrible. A blight hangs o'er
The spring flowers of thy morn, the seeds of death
Are sown within thy bosom, and there is
Upon thee consciousness of fate. The light
That lingers on thy face is as a star—
The last remaining one—a shadowy beam
Of those which have been. Ardent hopes were thine,
And dreams of victories and high renown,
Ere health departed; and on thy wan lip
And hope-forsaken cheek a spirit burns,
Which will not wholly pass till in the grave.
I looked upon thee, young Antinous! thou
Wert like the lovely presence of a dream,
Such shapes as come, when o'er the sleeper's brain
The memory floats of some wild maddening tale,
And he has slept, his inmost spirit filled
With sorrow's beautiful imaginings.
How often have I gazed on thee, and felt
An interest almost like to life in thee!
Thine influence is upon the heart! around
Are many glorious forms—kings, heroes, gods,
Bright queens and nymphs radiant in loveliness—
Yet the eye turns to thee; for thou hast power
To awaken such sweet sympathies. We think
Of youth and beauty, gathered like the rose
On the first blushing of its purple morn;
We look on those with wonder and delight—
We look on thee, and weep! L. E. L.