< Kutenai Tales


[No. 45. Told by Pierre Andrew]

45. Rabbit, Coyote, Wolf, and Grizzly Bear

There was Coyote. All at once he saw Rabbit coming. He said to him: "Why are you running?" Rabbit said: "I am running away." He went past and went on. Coyote was sitting there. He thought: "Oh, something must have happened, and I might almost have been in trouble myself!" Coyote started to run. He went along and went along. There was a little prairie. There was Wolf. Wolf was there, and saw Coyote coming. Coyote arrived, and said to Wolf: "Why are you running? — "I am running away. Coyote went past. Wolf was sitting there. He thought: "Oh, something must have happened, and I might almost have been in trouble myself!" Wolf started to run. He went along and went along. There was a little prairie. There was Grizzly Bear. He saw Wolf coming. When he was coming along and when he arrived, he said to him: "Now, why are you running?" He was told: "I am running away." Wolf went past. Grizzly Bear staid there, and thought: "Oh, something must have happened, and I might almost have been in trouble myself!" Grizzly Bear started to run. Grizzly Bear went along and went along. There was a prairie. There he saw the three friends. He went on, and arrived there. He saw Wolf sitting there, a little farther along Coyote, a little farther along Rabbit. Grizzly Bear said to Wolf: "Now, why did you run away? There is hardly anything to run away from." Wolf said: "I was staying there, and saw Coyote coming. When he arrived, I said to him, 'Now, why are you running?' He said to me, 'I am running away.'" Coyote was told: "And why did you run away?" He said: "I was staying there, and Rabbit came. When he arrived, I said to him, 'Now, why?' He said, 'I am running away.' I thought, 'Oh, something must have happened, and I myself might almost have been in trouble!' Then I ran away." Then Rabbit was told: "Now, why did you run away?"—"I was eating branches, the wind was blowing, the snow fell from the trees, and a branch broke off the tree; it almost fell on me. Then it made me run away. That is what I meant when I said, 'I am running away.'" Then they laughed and separated. Now it is ended.

45. Rabbit, Coyote, Wolf, and Grizzly Bear

Qaw^aqa'ane* sfo'n'ku'ts. n'uk !"^iil'y'pxane* kianuqlu'mnas He staid Coyote. All at once he saw Rabbit ska'se*. qak/lne* qa'psin k^nsdtsl^'nak. qake^ne* kianuq- coming. He said to him: "Why are you running?" He said Rabbit:

lu'mna husxa"mktse*k. qayaxa'xe* nci skana':s:e*. qaanka'- "I am running away." He went past; that one went on. He was me*k sk^'n^ku'ts. qalwi'yne* a* at ktsmma'lqa tu'xwa. kul'ism- sitting Coyote. He thought: "Oh, something happened almost I might have qapw^tska'axa. sqalwutsl^^nqkupek^'mek sk^'nkuts. qa*na'?:e* been in trouble in his place!" He also started to run Coyote. He went along, qa*na'xe sk^knu^qle.itnana'n'e*. saosaqa'ane* ka'ake'n. qa- went along. There was a little prairie. There was Wolf. There osaqa'ane' ka'ake'nts n'w'pxane* ska'ase* skr'nku'ts*. wa'se'ts was Wolf he saw coming Coyote. He arrived qak^'lne* qa'psin kms^ltsl^'na'k. huxxa^'mktx̯i'k.[1] qayaqaxe* and he said to him: "Why are you running?" — "I am running away." He went past sk^'n'ku'ts. qa'nqa'mek ka'aken. qalwi'yne* at ktsmma'lqa Coyote.' He was sitting Wolf. Bethought: "Something happened, tu'xwa atuhn^^^mqapw^tska'aXane^ nutsmqkupek^'me'k almost I might be in trouble myself in his place." He started to run ka'ake'n. qa*na'xe* qa'na'xe*. skiknu^qle.itnana'se*. saosa- Wdf. He went aloaig, went along. There was a little prairie. There qa'aue* k.la'wla. n'w'pXaUe* ska'se* ka'ake'ns qa'waka'se*. was Grizzly Bear. He saw coming Wolf. He was coming. 5 ki*'wasts qak^'lne* ta'xa qa'psin kms^lts!^'na*k. qak.la'pse* When he he said to "Now, why are you nmning? " Ho was told: arrived him: husxa"mktse*k. qayaqa'xe* ka'ake'n. qaosaqa'ane* kla'wlats " I am runnfhg away." He went past Wolf. He staid Grizzly Bear, qalwi'yne* at , kts^^nmalm'ke't. tu^xwa atulm^^s^nqapw^ts- and he thought: "Something happened to him. Almost I might be in trouble myself in ka'aXaUe'. nutsmqkupek/me'k k.laVIa. qa'na'xe* kla'wla. his place." He started to run Grizzly Bear. He went along ' Grizzly Bear. qa'na'xe*. sk^knuqle.^'t.se*. n'(>'pxane* saqa'pse* alswi^'timos. He went along. There was a prairie. He saw those there friends. 10 qa'oxa'xe'ts laxa'xe*. n'y'pXane* qOu naqna'kse* ka'ake'ns a*nlo'- He went on and arrived. He saw there sitting down Wolf; a little n*o*'sts sk/nku*ts' a*nL'n'o*'sts kianuqlu'mna. k.la'wla qak/Ine* farther Coyote; a little farther Rabbit. Grizzly Bear said to ka'ake'ns ta'xa qa'psin kmsxa'mktsa'kcil ma*nqa^nekaxa"mk- Wolf: "Now, why did you rim away? There is hardly anything to run away from." tse'k. qake'iUe' ka^ake'n huqa^osaqa'ane* hun'^^'pxane' sk/n- Hesaid Wolf: " I was staying, I saw Coyote ku'ts 8ka':s:e'. ki"'wamts huqak/lne* ta^xa qa'psin kmsrlts!/na*k. ks. coming. When he I said to him: 'Now, why are you running?^ arrived,

qak.la'pne* hu:^xa"mkt5e'k. qakil^'lne* sk^'n'kutsts n^^nko* He said to me: ' I am nmning away/ " He was told Coyote: "And you, qa'psin kmsla^qakaltsl^'nak. qake'ine* huqa^osaqa'ane* ska'xe* why were you nmning? '* He said: "I was staying there; he came kianuqlu'mnats ki'wamts huq^ak^'Ine* ta^:s:a qa^psints qake'ine* Rabbit, when he I said to him: *Now, why?' and he said: arrived husxa"mktse*k. huq^alwi'yne' at kts^nma'iqa tu'xwa at hul'^^- 'I am running away.' I thought: 'Something happened almost I myself

smqapw^tsqa'aXa ta':s:a ma kuslaqakaltsl^'na'k. Qakil^'hie* 5 might be in trouble m his then, however, therefore I ran away." He was told place,* kianuqlu'mnats n^'nko ta'xa qa'psin kmsl'aqakaxa"mktse'k. Rabbit: "Now you, now, why did you run away?' qake'ine*. huq^a'akirikula't Ine* n'uk!"mlhalum^'n'e' nupuma'k- He said: "I was eating branches, at once the wind was blowing, snow fell from nets qake'ikal'yaq^tsklala'akine*, tu'xwa ma ksd'yuwitsxo'u- the trees a branch broke off a tree, almost it fell on me. and na*p. ta'xa huslhutsqankaqkupek^'me'k. ta'^a ma ku^'lki't Then towards it made me run. Then however I meant that when I said kusxa"mktse*k. ta'xas numats'na'mne'ts lapaatsqa'tsa'm'ne*. 10 'I am running away.' " Then they laughed and separated again. ta'xas qaqasane*. Then it is ended.

  1. Coyote uses (palatalized ) instead of s.

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